ALPHA: A lot of people hoping for an alternative

ALPHA II Alternative School

Alpha II is a consensus based free school in the TDSB that caters to grade 7-12 Senior Elementary and Secondary School students. The foundational pillars of the school are self-directed learning and a community based on consensus, which combine to form our open learning environment.

SELF DIRECTION: As a self-directed free school, Mentees (students) decide what they do each day, and the responsibility for their learning rests with them. Mentors (the adults) are there to support mentees and guide them when they need it, but as a student here you are ultimately responsible for choosing: what you learn, when you learn, and how you learn. 

There are no tests or grades at Alpha II, as both go against the philosophy of learning that we practice here. Further, because we are self-directed, we technically do not follow the Ontario Curriculum. As a result, students do not earn credits or work toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). 

Instead, in consultation with teachers and other community members, students define their personal goals for education and track their learning by creating a portfolio of work. These portfolios document the goals, process, and tell the story of each student's learning and growth. Our graduates use their portfolios to pursue their choice of career or post-secondary education.

CONSENSUS COMMUNITY: Alpha II is a consensus based democracy; all decisions that affect the group are made by the community as a whole. Every member of the community (adults and youth) has a responsibility to participate in meetings and to help make the decisions that affect all of us. Community members are accountable to themselves, their family, and the community for what they do. Every member of the community must also the live by the decisions that the community has made.

If you are committed to directing your own learning and participating actively in a community based on consensus, consider applying to our school. Our aim is to support you to be successful in your areas of passion while at school, and give you the tools, both personal and academic, to succeed in life.