Admissions Process 

The philosophy of Alpha II is very different from that of other publicly funded schools. As a result, we have developed our admissions process to give you and us a chance to see if coming to Alpha II will really be a good choice for you.  As you participate in the process, you, our mentors or our Principal may consider that Alpha II is not the right fit for you.  For this reason, before registering at Alpha II, students and at least one of their parents or guardians, are expected to be part of the following process: 

Step 1: Come in for a tour. Tours happen on the first Monday of the month at 1 pm, RSVP to our next one here.

Step 2: Complete an Application Package. 

Step 3: Have a meeting with the mentors

Step 4: Come for a trial week (minimum 5 consecutive days)

Step 5: Meet with the principal

Step 6: Register to start school at Alpha II

If you have any questions about applying to ALPHA II, please email