Mental Health Services

Lauren Nelson
School Psychologist

DoDEA school psychologists provide a range of services designed to support students’ learning, growth, and development. They are experts in student mental health and learning/behavior, and they partner with various stakeholders throughout the school and community to support students’ academic and emotional needs.


Additional Mental Health Resources at WHS


Brian Buckley
ASCS Counselor

Adolescent Support and Counseling Service, or ASACS, provides confidential counseling for adolescents and families for a variety of concerns. Their services are available for free to any military-ID card-holding middle or high school age student and their families.


Grant Luton
Military Family Life Counselor

MFLC (pronounced "em-flaks") are trained to support military families who face unique challenges, especially during this time of war, the Department of Defense provides professional, licensed consultants who offer non-medical behavioral consultation to Service members and their families, children, and staff members.

Joy Center Germany is an American Owned clinic that supports American Military and Civilian families living overseas.  

Youth Friendly Mental Health Online Resources

Center for Young Women’s Health and Young Men’s Health: These websites provides a series of guides on emotional health, including on test anxiety, depression, bullying, and eating disorders. and

Go Ask Alice!: Geared at young adults, this question and answer website contains a large database of questions about a variety of concerns surrounding emotional health.

Jed Foundation: Promoting emotional health and prevent suicide among college students, this website provides an online resource center, ULifeline, a public dialogue forum, Half of Us, and Transition Year, resources and tools to help students transition to college.

Kelty Mental Health Resource Center: Reference sheets are provided that list top websites, books, videos, toolkits and support for mental health disorders.

Reach Out: This website provides information on specific mental health disorders, as well as resources to help teens make safe plans when feeling suicidal, and helpful tips on how to relax.

Teens Health: Providing a safe place for teens who need honest and accurate information, this website provides resources on mental health issues.

Teen Mental Health: Geared towards teenagers, this website provides learning tools on a variety of mental illnesses, videos, and resources for friends.