Building a Science Community

Week 0  (Fall 2023)

Building a Science Community

Building a science community is critical for a successful year of science instruction (in-person, synchronous and asynchronous learning) . You should begin by laying the foundational skills students need to engage in active science investigations such as the use of science notebooks and sense-making discussions. These routines and procedures should be introduced within the context of simple, yet engaging activities as you start to build your classroom science community.  

Science Teacher Resource Binders (Grades 3-5)

Science Leader, Jamie Espinosa, created Science Teacher Resource Binders for her teachers at RIS. Do you think something like this would be helpful for teachers at your school? Something to think about.

Sense-Making Discussions

Classroom conversation is essential, it addresses important academic content and is a critical component of the lesson, including whole class, small group, and pair or partner discussions.  Through discussions, teachers and students explore ideas and use evidence to build and critique academic arguments.  There is solid research evidence and wide-spread agreement that academically productive discussion is critical for learning in science.       

            The Regents of the University of California Berkeley, 2019

Updated (May, 2023)

Europe East K-5 Scheduling Guidelines

20-60-20 Instructional Components

Promoting Discourse in Science Class

"...Students cannot fully understand scientific and engineering ideas without engaging in the practices of inquiry and the discourses by which such ideas are developed and refined."  

National Research Council, 2029

Imagine a classroom where students have just completed a science investigation and a whole class discussion is underway. Students put forth competing ideas in their clearest and strongest form, even though some ideas may turn out to be more correct than others. Students explain their ideas in detail with evidence. They listen carefully to each other with respect. Students take seriously and evaluate their own and others’ competing ideas. In other words, they are intellectually engaged. 

Women in Science

Card Game

When Thinking about Online Science Instruction

While the time and delivery of science instruction is impacted by the current conditions, continuing to engage students in meaningful learning experiences remains essential. FOSS and DoDEA have provided recommendations and support resources for in-person, synchronous and asynchronous learning. 

Building a Science Community

COVID-19  K-2 and 3-5 lessons to start this unique school year.


HPCON Protocols and Delivery of the Organisms for Life Science

2020 Pandemic Closures

If the HPCON level requires closures during life science, it will be important for your school to have an appropriate action plan regarding the live organisms.