
John Schubert

Hello! I'm thrilled to be serving as the Student Body President at Providence this year. I've been involved in student government since sixth grade and it's been an integral part of my high school experience. I served in the Student Hunger Drive chair last year and was in Leadership my sophomore year as well.

Outside of Leadership, I enjoy reading fiction, playing my bagpipes, writing poetry or short prose, and you can find me pretty regularly on the Whitewater Center trails on Saturday mornings. Here at Providence, I love being involved with German Club and am a proud member of Chamber Choir. If you happen to see a kid reading the newspaper in class, it's probably me. Read local!

I was born in Chicago but have lived in Charlotte most of my life, and it's a little bittersweet to say I'll be headed to Brunswick, Maine in the fall to attend Bowdoin College. GO U Bears!

I strongly believe that striving for an always-better student experience is the core of Leadership's mission. If you ever have something to say or want your voice heard, please don't hesitate to email me.

Duties and Responsibilities of the President

  • Presides over all Leadership class meetings and meetings of the SCA

  • Serves as the spokesperson of the Providence Student Body and represents the school

  • Coordinates Executive Board to plan events and delegate work

Important Information

Email John:

Yearlong Schedule Overview.pdf