About Us

What do we believe in?

As a team, we strive to satisfy the student body and the Providence community. We use our best traits and skills to help others lead by example and follow the action that we take. We go outside of our comfort zone to do whatever we can in order to help our peers while serving behind the scenes. 

We spread hope to students and let them know that we are all in this together. We show everyone that they matter by connecting, communicating with them and giving them a voice. We help others explore their individual selves through learning about our strengths and weaknesses. We have a clear mind, clear goals, and make sure we stay connected throughout the year. As leaders we want to make sure every student has a place and reaches their full potential while at Providence. 

Why should you take Leadership?

No other class offers what Leadership at Providence has, making it one of the most highly sought-after classes in the school. There's a level of responsibility, creativity, control, and fun while planning dances, competitions, and many other events for the student body. With day to day class discussions, decision making, and self leadership studies that make the class truly unique

How does Leadership work at Providence? 

The leadership system at Providence, also known as the Student Council Association, is comprised of two main parts. Firstly, the four class councils are composed of 3 elected officers, and 12 to 15 selected board members. There is one class council per  grade level. Separate from the class councils is the leadership class. Within the leadership class are 18 Executive Board members. 14 of these E.B. members are event chairs who help lead and plan various events around Prov. The remaining 4 members are the E.B. officers, including the president and vice president, who work together to lead both the class councils and the leadership class.

What is Executive Board?

Executive Board is made up of 18 members, including 14 chairs and 4 officers. When election time occurs, any student who attended officer prep can run for E.B., and 9 are elected. These nine elected members then confer with the class advisor and select 9 other E.B. members for adoption. After the 18 members have been chosen, President/VP elections occur. Any senior E.B. member can run, and the student body votes for whichever candidate they see as best. After these elections, the leadership class will elect the other two officers, a secretary and a treasurer.

What do we do in Leadership?

Majority of class time in leadership is spent planning and running large school events such as Officer Prep and Homecoming. We also plan and assist different service events both throughout the school and as a class. We also participate in team bonding activities as an entire class and learn lessons about different leadership traits. 

How can I join Leadership?

There are multiple opportunities for you to get involved in the Student Council Association at Providence. The simplest way to join the SCA is to run for your respective class board. Elections are typically held in April the year before service, with Freshman board elections being held in September. If you are looking to join the leadership class, attend officer prep in December, then go through the application process outlined there, which includes a written application as well as an interview. 

Where can I learn more?

If you have any questions about any facet of leadership, ask any member of the leadership class, read our constitution below, or contact our class advisor, Ms. Bauer at lauram.bauer@cms.k12.nc.us.

SCA Constitution

2021-22 SCA Constitution FALL21.pdf