Providence SCA

As a body founded on democratic principles, we represent the Providence High School community. We serve others by seeking to understand and acknowledge the needs of the student body. We work collaboratively to improve the student experience while aspiring to be focused, united, and innovative no matter the circumstance.

2022-2023 Executive Board


President: Taylor Wojnowich 

Secretary: Mason Kinnavy 

Vice President: Hazel Silverstein 

Treasurer: Bee Jeffries 

Executive Board Chairs 

Spirit: Lilliane Davis, Billy Wilkes 

Video: Emma Grace Purcell, McGuire Walsh 

SE-Info: Colin Dixon, Peyton Purvis 

SE-Social: Lindsay Pfeffer, Isabel Silverstein 

Publicity: Clay Patton, Shailey Vardineni 

Prov Life: Eleena Chacko, Paige Fitton 

Student Hunger: Natalie Kim, Emily Pizarro 

Meet Your 2022-2023 Executive Board!

2022-2023 SCA Officers

President- Taylor Wojnowich 

Vice President- Hazel Silverstein 

Secretary- Mason Kinnavy

Treasurer- Bee Jeffries 

Upcoming Events at Providence