Providence Life

Addie Williams

Reagan Ramsey

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Direct and lead E.B. in relevant school events.

  • Leads and explains the "Big Thank You" project for the SCA.

  • Generally provide positive events for the student experience. (Mental Health Week, Pantherfest)

Important Documents

Mental Health Week Brainstorming

This is a collection of all of our final brainstorming ideas regarding mental health week! This document was a good layout of what we wanted to accomplish for the week and what we needed to prepare for.

Mental Health Week 11/3 Brainstorming

Mental Health Week Layout/Calendar

This was the official document that we utilized throughout the actual week. We edited it throughout to help us figure out what we needed to accomplish each day, as well as keep our thoughts organized.

Mental Health Week Overall Layout

Big Thank You Presentation/Directions

This presentation provides a thorough explanation of what students must complete for the Big Thank You project. A rubric and John's example is included.

Big Thank You Presentation