My Global Porfolio

“Beloved community is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation, by each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the world.”

-bell hooks

The Global Pathways Program

The Andover High School Global Pathways Program is a series of experiences for students and faculty to thrive as global citizen-scholars, in our complex, dynamic, and diverse global society. Students are guided by faculty advisors as they travel their global path through world language study, immersive travel, service learning, a Global Research Project, global course work, and other experiences that lead toward the Endorsement for Global Engagement. 

My Global Path

For the past 4 years, my global path has been centered around civic engagement, culturally immersive experiences, and building leadership qualities all to become a well-rounded global citizen. After the summer of 2020 and the rapid escalation of the BLM movement, I also began to think more critically about social injustice in the United States. As a country devoted to individual freedom and opportunity regardless of race, class, gender, ethnicity, nationality, etc, I found it concerning how many of our systems tend to marginalize and work against certain communities. With that in mind, I've also included a social/political justice component to my global path that has mainly focused on the education system. Below are some different activities and extracurriculars I've participated in that align with my global path. Enjoy!

About Me

My name is William Tutwiler (he/him/his) and I attend Andover High School graduating in the class of 2024. Being raised in a multicultural community has allowed me to grow my knowledge of people from many different walks of life which in turn has helped me to form diverse and well-rounded perspectives. I believe it's important we both preserve and spread culture around the world as it's something that creates a sense of human individuality while also having the ability to bring millions of people together. The Global Pathways Program has served as an essential piece in helping me grow as a global citizen and understand the experiences of others. I look forward to using the skills and knowledge I've developed over these last three years in the future!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Advisory Committee (DEISAC)

The DEI Student Advisory Committee is an affinity group that works with the faculty, administration, and student body to address and solve issues involving equity at AHS. This year the committee focused its efforts on bridging the gap between teachers and students, implementing a more diverse and representative curriculum, and connecting with middle schoolers across the district to spark the conversation around prevalent issues. As one of the co-presidents of this committee, I've had the privilege of listening and learning about the experiences of others while also taking on a lot of responsibility as it pertains to facilitating group conversations and events. I look forward to continuing this vital work in the future. 

State Student Advisory Council (SSAC)

The state student advisory council is made up of about 40 students across the commonwealth of Massachusetts all of whom were elected by their peers. This council directly advises the Massachusetts Board of Education as well as the Department of Early and Secondary Education (DESE) on issues that pertain to education. Additionally, each member of the council belongs to a workgroup that focuses on a specific issue or initiative. I'm currently the head of the Career Education and Preparation Workgroup (CEP) where we're working on advocating for the Financial Literacy course to be a requirement across the state. Right now we're drafting a report that will eventually be presented to the board of education. It includes research outlining the vast benefits of a course like financial literacy. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time as a member of the SSAC because of the free range we're given when choosing which issues we want to explore. I've also really valued some of the conversations I've had with students from all over the state as they often share different viewpoints and experiences that I hadn't thought of before. 

CEP Workgroup Framework

CEP Workgroup Framework - Financial Lit

AHS Basketball

Believe it or not, basketball has been a huge part of my global path. Over the past 4 years, I've had the privilege of playing and practicing with some outstanding role models. This year I've had the responsibility of actually being a role model as one of the captains of the team. Although this was no easy task, it was honestly one of the most rewarding parts of my time at AHS. Basketball in general is a sport that relies heavily on teamwork and team chemistry and it takes all five players on the court to be successful. The Andover basketball program for the last 35 years has been entirely centered on that concept. Every lesson I've learned while a part of this group applies to life off the court. Whether it is teamwork, perseverance, passion, or character, I've aimed to practice these same qualities while on my global path. 

U.S. Representative Seth Moulton's Congressional Youth Advisory Council (CYAC)

The CYAC is a group of about 20 students all from Massachusetts 6th district. During our monthly meetings, we discuss ongoing national and international issues and how we think they should be adressed. Additionally, we've had the opportunity to converse with Congressman Moulton about his role in the US House of Reps and the inner workings of our government. It's been a remarkable experience and opportunity that has only ehnaced my passion for public policy and social justice.