
Capstone IRT Project

IRT 911 Presentation

Our capstone IRT project began with the question, "What if 911 never existed?". We then continued to elaborate on the history of 911 and the reason for its implementation, along with its negative and positive impacts on American society today. We concluded that while 9-1-1 was an innovative and effective addition to our society, we're still seeing a lot of inequity when it comes to things like response times and when emergencies are taken seriously. 

My Failure Resumé

Will's Failure Resumé

Throughout the resumé sharing process, I noticed that I was actually very comfortable sharing most of my failures, and I actually found myself elaborating further and further on as I went. I think this is because I’ve accepted a lot of these failures and begun to move on, but also because I knew that my group mates were participating with me in this same activity and there was really no need to be afraid. In terms of the overall group, I noticed that a lot of us had similar failures whether that be in school, in our outside activities, or in our social life. I think we all acknowledged this and because of that felt much more comfortable sharing with each other. Another thing I noticed was that none of our failures were still lingering over our heads. There was a collective agreement that these were things of the past, and they did not define us at all. I think the undeniable inevitability of failure can be important in terms of the mindset we put forth when conducting research for a project. Viewing failure as a negative when in reality it’s an opportunity to learn may be a crucial mistake. I believe that although failure in the moment may not be enjoyable, it's actually an essential ingredient in the formula for success.

Module 4 Abstract


Moth IRA Story


For my Moth story, I chose to tell a story about my small business doing landscaping work for my neighbors. About three years ago, one of my neighbors, Joe, passed down some of his customers to me before he left for college. This started as a small, transactional way to make money for myself. I didn't have a deeper understanding of the importance or impact of the simple yard work I was doing. That changed when I started working for a neighbor named Amy Cook. Amy was and still is the picture-perfect neighbor. She was a ray of light wherever she went and always found a way to be kind and good-hearted. One time during the winter, because of her gratitude for the yard work I was doing for her, Amy showed up to one of my basketball games on a Friday night. After the game, she approached me with a very sad look on her face. To my utter surprise, she told me that I was wearing the same number that her son had worn when he played basketball at Andover High School and that he had just recently passed away. She hadn't been able to attend a game because of how it made her feel, but seeing me on the court brought back good memories.  This made me realize the importance of my simple yard work as it had garnered so much appreciation from Amy that she was able to do something she hadn't done in several years. Furthermore, I knew this work was no longer transactional and that it meant something significantly more than just money.


Will Tutwiler - Caps Full Paper