The Arts

Band, Choir, Orchestra, Art and Theater

Music at The Capital

7th grade band students performed, toured the state capital in Lansing, and were recognized on the Senate floor. The students represented Adrian with Maple Pride all day. Thank you to the The Adrian Schools Educational Foundation for the grant to make this opportunity possible! 

6th Grade Monsters

(their ART - not THEM!)

Mrs. Beagle's 6th grade art students worked on sculpting clay into monsters - take a look at their creative process.

State Festival

We want to congratulate the Springbrook 8th grade band. They traveled to Manchester HS to perform at State festival! It was an achievement to earn the opportunity to perform at State and the group gave a wonderful performance and participated in a clinic immediately following the performance. They have so much to be proud of! The Three adjudicators gave them ratings of 1-2-2 for an overall “Excellent” or Division 2 rating. Great job to our 8th grade band! 

Trip to the Detroit Sympony Orchestera

8th grade music student had the wonderful opportunity to take a field trip to see the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, thanks to the generosity of the Adrian Schools Educational Foundation.  It was wonderful hearing these professionals perform.

Choir District Solo & Ensemble

Springbrook MS choir students participated in MSVMA District Solo & Ensemble contest in Eaton Rapids. Congratulations to Selena Solis, Danielle Duncan, Charlie Page, Anna Salenbien, and Abigail Meyers on your wonderful performances! 

The Amazing Bird

This beautiful painting is a Spix's Macaw holding a basketball on its head in a forest- like background by one of our talented art students Alecia Martin.

More Art from our Creative Students

Art on Display

Go visit downtown Adrian and see some of our students' great art work! Great job Juliana and Jayden! 

Performing With The DSO

Congratulations to Springbrook 

students Ian Kesterke and Lucas Zeckner who were selected to participate in the Detroit Symphony Orchestra Honor Days performance with the Sousa Band. They spent a full day with the DSO, including several hours of rehearsal and learning with professional DSO musicians. 

Honors Band

Springbrook Students participated in honors band and did a phenomenal job representing Springbrook and Adrian Public Schools.  Congratulations on earning this honor!

Suessical the Musical

...a review

by Kash Norden

Suessical the Musical was a show about a kid named Jojo that is different from the rest. He stops being quiet and lets out his voice to show the small existence. When I went to see it, I took a liking to the autotoon of the vulture that dropped the pink dandelion. One part that I think everyone likes or even loves was the half elephant-bird baby. That part got everyone's attention the most when I was watching and was the loudest part when the elephant-bird baby was born. The musical was overall very good, had nice music and had beautiful props that were colorful to show detail that glowed and made some sense to the musical. 

Mackenna Streeter loved the show as much as me, “It was really good, I really enjoyed it.” Her favorite part was when Ashlynn came out from the floor trap door.

Leland McPherson said “I thought it was pretty good and had a hard working cast that gave us an exciting show.” His favorite part was when Ian / Horton was kidnapped to the circus.

Congratulations to the cast and crew!

Creative and Practical Skill Building

Middle schoolers learning the art of sewing machines while crafting rooster rice bags 

Crafting Unique Creations

Mr. Brink's Art Exploration class has been learning some new skills while working on soft sculptures. Students had to design their own pattern, then cut out the pieces to assemble them using thread and a needle to sew by hand. The students stepped up to the challenge and ended up with some cool designs. 

Songwriting and Producing

Thank you to Mr. Jamil House, songwriter and music producer, for guest speaking in 8th Grade Choir! We learned about songwriting, recording, producing, R&B music, and enjoyed hearing a song written and recorded by Springbrook 8th grader Nyla House. 

Some of Our Talented

Orchestra Students

Springbrook Students

Auditioning for Scholarships to Blue Lakes Fine Arts Camp

Some of Our Talented

Band Students