Staff & Student Spotlights

Caleb's Yapping Session

Watch the first episode of our new talk show hosted by Caleb Cunningham.  Listen to our host interview Lucas Zeckner about competing in track and field and about running in general.

Student Spotlight: Jamir

7th grader Jamir interviewed here by Brook Report team member William Owens

Student Spotlight: Moroni

6th grader Moroni interviewed here by Brook Report team member Roseanna Gisewite.

Student Spotlight: Makayla 

7th grader Makayla Clark interviewed here by Brook Report team member  Roseanna Gisewite.

Staff Spotlight:  Mr. Kelly

Enjoy getting to know one of our physical education teachers, Mr. Kelly, who is interviewed here by Brook Report team members Stella Rising and William Owens.  

Student Spotlight:  Davina 

The first of our video Student Spotlights features 8th grader Davina Buie interviewed here by Brook Report team members Jacob Canales and Jayla Donald.    

Staff Spotlight:  Mr. Roback

Now take some time getting to know another physical education teacher here at Springbrook, Mr. Roback, who also teaches a section of science.  He is interviewed here by Brook Report team members Aidan Leake and Alexandra Perez-Yepez.    

Staff Spotlight:  Mr. Brink

1. What do you love most about your job and why?

I love variety and the ability to be creative, and then sharing that with others.  There’s never a dull moment working with middle school artists!  

2. When did you decide to teach art?

Deciding to become an art teacher came from a variety of factors.  I grew up around creative people who produced different types of things.  My grandfather and uncle worked with wood.  My dad worked on leather belts and did a lot of welding.  My mom and aunts were always creating things, using chalk, paint, natural items, fibers, and sewing.  My grandmothers were always crocheting, but I never figured out how to do that.  

In school I always looked forward to art class.  In middle and high school I also enjoyed woodworking class.  I loved the smell of wood and there was something about finishing a project that was always satisfying.  It’s the same feeling I get when I complete any piece of art to this day.  

3. What was your first job?

My first job was mowing lawns.  Later, I worked as a cook at a local ice cream and burger shop.  When that business was sold, I moved on to work at a soft serve frozen yogurt store.  One of the things I enjoyed while working there was decorating cakes.   During college I worked at a daycare with the preschool and after school age kids.  The other teachers used to joke about the snack trays when I made them, because I always set them up with cool patterns.  That was part of the fun of preparing it.  Presentation is important even for the youngest consumer.  Art has been important in all of these jobs, from creating a neat and pleasing landscape, plating food in an aesthetically pleasing way, creating a brochure or flier for events, to decorating desserts for special people and occasions.  

4. What are three words that describe you?

Perceptive, Determined, Creative

5. If you could be anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

I am not much of a traveler, but I think Hawaii would be a cool place to visit.

6. What inspires you the most and why?

My students inspire me.  It’s hard to describe, but when I see students understand something for the first time or get excited about something we’re doing in class it motivates me and even more ideas pop into my head.  I spend a lot of hours outside of school preparing things for class, because I want students to have the best experience they can.  

7. What do you like best about this school and why?

The students and the staff are what I like best about our school.  It’s the people who make it a special place where we can all work and learn.  All the different people and personalities keep things interesting, so it’s never boring.

submitted by Eva Reynolds

Staff Spotlight:  Mr. Lopez

Mr. Lopez is interviewed here by Roseanna Gisewite and Joseph Washburn.  Take a few minutes to watch what he has to say about education and social studies, what he means by learning how to "strive" and not just "survive" and what super power he wishes he could have.