Springbrook Sports

Softball Icecream Social

Our Blue and White softball teams enjoyed an ice cream party together after their last practice. Thanks Coach Wilson and Coach Baughey for a fun season. 

Softball Coach Interview

Listen here to one of our softball coaches, Mr. Wilson, interviewed by Laynee Honeywell.


with Roseanna and Laynee

 Watch to hear the results of our weekly athletic events - Go Maples!

 Weekly Sports With Roseanna and Laynee #3

 Weekly Sports With Roseanna and Laynee #2

 Weekly Sports With Roseanna and Laynee #1


by Kash Norden

Track and Field is a sport that has a variety of events like relay or the miles. It has field events and that includes long jump, high jump, pole vault, and shot put. These are the events as if you didn't want to do an event on field then you can do one on the track. The track events include sprints: 70 dash, 100m dash, 200m dash, 400m dash; Middle distances: 800m, 1500m; and Long distances: a mile or two miles. The hurdles and last, the relays that go between any distances. All of these options are what people can pick from to participate in.  You can even compete in two, but at least one person has to have 3 events. Meets are usually every Thursday (or at least once a week), and there's also practice everyday.  On rainy days sometimes it’s difficult to practice on the track, so on bad weather days depending how bad the weather, practice will be altered. Speaking about practice, it is like your regular gym but you add lots of running and a little more than your normal day stretches. Practices are after school until 4:25.  Coaches instruct track and field athletes to take a cold shower and relax someplace warm after that. Then you can repeat the same thing the next day, like a routine, as a great way to move around. The last thing to know about this sport is that the people there are nice, kind, and are there to win, also to have fun and speak to their teammates as well to cheer you on and help you with your ups and downs in track. Track and field is full of fun even though it may look like you're just there for competition.  It is also a good way to know other people and boost your confidence for future events. So if you ever do decide to join track and field, then this is what you may find when you do join.  Why not give it a try?  


Any interested swimmers?

Join the

Bohn Pool Swim Team





Take advantage of this great deal and get your sports physical done for next school year.  Only $15!

Unusual Sports

Non Traditional Sports That People Enjoy 

by Myles Powell

Do you like to play any non-traditional sports? There are many non-traditional sports that are fun and even some you don't know, but play often. So I'm going to tell you about non-traditional sports that students enjoy. 

Non-traditional sports are sports that usually aren't mainstream or have teams. Here are some examples of non-traditional sports: caving or spelunking, dodgeball, tag, wall climbing, ultimate frisbee, trampolining and many more!

Non-traditional sports are good for kids who don't like many traditional sports because it gives them so many more opportunities to try something they might like, and some are not as physical or lower paced like table tennis, Esports, geocaching, yoga there's even drone racing! So, like I said, there are many physical and non physical non traditional sports that you don't even need any equipment for.

If you find a non-traditional sport that you find interesting, there's probably a team somewhere or you could even just do it at home for certain sports. What do you think your favorite non-traditional sport is?

There's even many in the Olympics, which if you found one non-traditional sport really interesting and practiced it maybe you could even make it to the Olympics if you tried hard enough.

Non-traditional sports are going on all the time and I bet you do some of them all the time without even realizing that you're playing or doing them, there are so many opportunities and if you see one that looks fun you should try it.

Springbrook's Powerlifting Team

Flexing their Strength!

8th Grade Girls Basketball

in Action!

Thanks to Ms. Clymer for the pictures!