Staff Profiles

Roseanna Gisewite

Meet Roseanna Gisewite. She is the Copy Editor of The Brook Report. Roseanna is in seventh grade, and a student here at Springbrook Middle School. She is good at spelling and punctuation and tries her hardest to get things done on time. That is why she is the perfect Copy Editor for The Brook Report. She loves to spend time with her dog Diamond, who is a Pomchi, which is a Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix. Roseanna enjoys playing volleyball, hiking, spending time outside and enjoys cooking with her mom. She also loves to go to beaches to swim and take her dog on walks along the shoreline. Roseanna’s favorite fruit is sweet watermelon and her favorite food is spaghetti with tomato sauce. She enjoys listening to music in her free time.

Laynee Honeywell

Introducing Laynee Honeywell. She is the Collaborative Editor of The Brook Report. Laynee has seven siblings, two of which also go to Springbrook Middle School. She is a seventh-grader, and is 12 years old. Her birthday is November 20, 2010. Laynee also has a handful of pets including four bunnies, eight chickens, two axolotls, three cats, and one dog. Some of her  hobbies are softball, sleeping, and watching TV shows. She spends a lot of her time cooking and spending time with her family. Laynee lives in a household with her older sister Haylee, older brother Seth, younger brother Silas, younger sisters Ashlynn and Layla, Stepmom Amber, and Dad Lance. Her family also includes two more brothers Wayne and Carter.  Laynee’s favorite TV show is “Jane The Virgin.” This is her favorite because of the twist and turns in the plot. Laynee is not the biggest movie fan, but, if she had to choose one it would be “Holes.”

Alexandra Perez-Yepez

Meet  Alexandra Perez-Yepez. She is one of the news reporters here on The Brook Report.  She has two kittens named Luna and Star who sleep a lot during the day.  Alexander is also an animal lover (but, definitely does not even like bugs or spiders!). During her free time she likes to play video games with her older brother and sometimes play soccer with her younger brother outside. She was born in June 2010, her siblings (from youngest to oldest) are: Leon is two years old, Miguel is four years old, Sebastian is 13 years old.  Alexandra doesn't use social media much, so if you want to talk to her - go find her!  

Jacob Canales

Hi, I’m Jacob, the Video Editor here at The Brook Report.  What I do is manage video equipment and edit videos.  It may seem easy, but I bet you it isn’t!  I feel like it might be a nice challenge for me.  A little bit about myself is that I play Roblox 24/7.  When I mean 24/7 I mean it!  I’m pretty decent with computers if you ask me.  Sometimes, I think.  Sometimes I sit on my PC for hours on end thinking about what to do.  My memory isn't the sharpest either.  Plus, I’m really basic, like very basic.  A few words to describe me are kind, idiot, NPC and smart.  That's really all about me. Anyways, adios! 

Brayden Flora

Meet Brayden Flora, he is one of the Interactive Feature Specialists for The Brook Report. An Interactive Feature Specialist inserts things into the paper like crossword puzzles, surveys and contests. Brayden is currently 13 and in 8th grade. He enjoys sleeping, playing games, drawing, and doing things outside like walking his dog and playing basketball. Brayden is very happy to be part of The Brook Report this year and is looking forward to making the school newspaper more fun. His favorite movies consist of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and Ratatouille because Ratatouille has been his favorite movie since childhood and Star Wars is just pretty awesome. Brayden’s favorite time of the year is fall because there is so much to do and it is just the right temperature.

Eva Reynolds

Meet Eva Reynolds. Eva is an eighth grader here at Springbrook Middle School and is currently 13 years old. Eva loves to swim, watch movies and go on hikes.  Her favorite foods and desserts are tacos, any kind of Chinese food and ice cream. One of her favorite movies is The Parent Trap (1998) because it brings back a lot of memories from when she was younger. Though she hasn’t done many sports, Eva is currently trying to learn how to play volleyball and hopes by next year she can join the ninth grade team.  Eva is the Assistant Editor in Chief for The Brook Report; that means that she has to maintain a calendar of events that go on at school and help get a list of ideas and topics for the future articles for students to choose from.

KashMariah Norden

This student, Kash Norden is 13 and an Interactive Features Specialists / News Reporter in Mrs Ford's journalism class. She likes dinosaurs of all kinds, other mammals and birds too. She likes to play with dinosaur toys that go “Roar!” and play video games with her friends. Kash has an imaginative mind that goes very wild, like in circles when she's in art class or dazing off into another world. She might not be the best at picking up a book and reading it, but somehow she makes it work.

Jayla Donald

Meet Jayla Donald!! She is currently 14 years old and is an eighth grader here at Springbrook Middle School. She is one of the layout specialists and reporters on The Brook Report staff. Jayla was born on March 20, 2010 in Tecumseh, Michigan. Jayla is involved in sports such as: volleyball and track and field. She loves to bake cookies and cakes with her mom and watch movies and shows on Netflix like On My Block and many others in her free time. She is so excited to be on The Brook Report staff!!

William Owens

William Owens is a news reporter at Springbrook Middle School.  His favorite subjects in school are English, science and social studies and P.E.because he’s pretty good at them.  He also plays sports including baseball, basketball and football. He is in 7th grade. William is in Journalism class because he thinks it's interesting to do. He has one brother named Tim who is 23 and stationed in Germany as a Sergeant in the Army working in field artillery.  William also has two German Shepherds, one is named Baby Pepper and one is named Sergeant. His hobbies are playing video games and watching T.V. shows, his favorite is “Breaking Bad.”

Joseph Washburn

Introducing a student from the Brook Report, Joseph Washburn. Joseph is the Jokes and Puzzle editor and a Web Designer. He is a 13 year old male. He is in his second year of middle school, Joseph was born in North Carolina but was raised in Michigan. He has two sisters and he is the middle child. His hobbies are playing any types of video games and watching any kind of tv and he doesn’t have a favorite. Joseph also likes to go to the movies with friends and family. His favorite class is math class and he is hoping to keep a good grade in school. He also has three dogs and two cats at his house named Leo, Liz, Cammy, Nicky, and Hailey. Joseph Washburn is happy to be on the Brook Report Team. Go Maples!

Myles Powell

Meet Myles the Arts and Entertainment Reporter for The Brook Report, his job is he will write about upcoming plays or musicals. But he doesn't just do that, he can write an article about almost anything. He loves writing and has many other hobbies that include riding a bike, basketball, and hanging out with friends. Myles loves sports. He does many sports including football, swimming and diving, wrestling, and track and field. 

Aidan Leake

Meet Aidan Leake, he is the main camera man for The Brook Report. He’s also a reporter and interviewer. What he does includes doing tasks for Mrs. Ford, taking pictures, helping other students handle the cameras, writing articles, interviewing teachers and students alike, making cool edits for his videos, and more! He tries to be as friendly as possible with everyone he comes across and usually keeps to himself to avoid trouble. But once you get to know him, he’s a really swell guy! He enjoys his work at The Brook Report and enjoys taking pictures and interviewing new teachers. 

Caleb Cunningham

Caleb Cunningham is a journalist for The Brook Report. He loves animals and dinosaurs and is very knowledgeable about the subject. He loves to write, play video games, research anything and everything and make music via FL Studio. Caleb loves to talk to people about his interests and could talk about it for hours if you let him. He also is always available to listen to yours! So if you ever see him in class, just talk to him.