My Robot


To create my robot I had to create a 8.5 inch x 11 inch artborat then with I used the Shape Buider tool to conect and cut shapes in order to create all of the pieces of my robot.


To create the logo for my robot I had to create a 8.5 inch x 11 inch artboar. Then I created a curved line and added the text on top to create my catch phrase. Then I created my robot name and with the "Direct Selection Tool" I moved my letter around and changed the colors. With the brush tool I also created a wiggly line. I also had to put a copyright simble so I typed Alt+0169.

The Pitch

I created a 8.5 inch x 11 inch artboad. The I copy and pasted my robot 3 times in artboard 3 and copied and pasted my logo 1 time in artboart 3 I resized  both 3 robots and logo. Then I putted the price of my robot and designed the things my robot does using shapes and the "Shape tool buider" add or crop shapes to create a certain thing. Then I added the description for evering that my robot does.