3D Models

This was our first 3D model. We had to make four different squares and with the "Pull Tool" pulled the squares to give them the 3D look and they could be cubes instead of squares. All four squares had different sizes, their sizes were 5',10',15',20'. When all four cubes were done we put them on top of each other following the axis.

This is our Second 3D model. This is the unpainted version of my Simple House. To make thishouse we had to follow lots of steps to get the results we got, we had to make a rectangle and a squared to make the base of the house.For the roof we had to make to use the "Line tool" and make three different lines at the top of the roof ,then click on all of the lines , and pull them with the "Pull tool" to get the roof to get higher. For both the circular and rectangulr window we had o follow the same steps but with different shape, we had to make a rectangle/circle that will be the glass of the windows, We used the "Offset Tool" to make the frames of the windows, and the "Pull Tool" to pull the frames and make them look 3D. The door had the same steps as the windows.

This is the final results of my Simple House.  I used some inspiration from my house in real life. I painted the house with different colors and added textures to parts of the house, like the roof, walls, door, windows, and more! For the roof I used the texture " Roofing Shingles Asphalt",  for the walls and chimeny I used "Cladding Siding White" and "Cladding Stucco White" for another part of the roof,  the door had different colors like "Color  A06" or just a red color, " Color M06" or a grey color in a simple name,  For the windows I used " Wood Veneer 01", Wood Veneer 02", "Color D01".

This is a vidio of my "Simple House" with an Animation,  We used "Screencast-O-Matic" to record our house with an Animation. But before that we had to add scenes in "Sketchup For Schools" so that the house could have an animation and we could record it with "Screencast-O-Matic". When the recording was done we edited  it and cutted some parts of the video and published the video, and publish it to YouTube.

This is our blender house, we had to make our house a collada for it to work in Blender. When our house was a collada we had to transfer it to blender. In blener we will animate our house make a better Animation with it, it will also give our house a more 3D look.

This is the the final vidio of my "Simple House". We used blender to make our house spin. To make that happen we had to add 3 key frames, The first keyframe was at the biginning (1st Frame) of your video for that keyframe the both the "Location" and "Rotation" have to be at 0°. For the second keyframe it will be located at "Frame 90" and the "Location" has to be at 0° and the " "Rotation" has to be at 360° on the "Z" axis. And finally for the third keyfame (last frame) of the video both the "Location" and "Rotation" have to be at 0°.


This is the Link to my Sketchup "Simple House" to acces it you have to open it with "Sketchup For Schools" for my "Simple House to open. 

This is the SketchUp picture of my "Abstract Art" model. To make this model I had to use the "Polygon Tool" and inseted the sides I wanted my model have and With the "Pull Tool" i pulled the suface to 3" ( 3 inches). Then With the "Line Tool" I just made a bunch of lines in the surface. And pulled them with the "Pull Tool" to a size of my choice then I just made a bunch of shapes with the "Offset Tool" and pulled them with the "Pull Tool" for it to look like shapes on top of each other and inside of each other. An d finally I made copy of my model for me to be able and paint it. I painted my model with colors of my choice, but for each section I made it a different color so the layers could outstand aswell, aswell as so the other shapes can also be seen.

230222 Abstract Art 10 second Spin 100 percent0001-0300.mp4

This is the results of the video. For this animation we had to keyframe the camera instead of the model which is different to how we made the animation of the "Simple House". But before we had to keyframe the camera we had to keyframe the model to do a 360° spin in the "Frame 90" so the "Rotation" had to be 360°. We went and keyframed the camera and add keyframes in the middle of "Frame 90