Data Classes

In DATA we have other classes were we dont work with tech, these classes are like the ones you have at normal school that are not magnet programs. Which are Math, ELAR, Science, Worlds Cultures(Social Studies). But these classes are different form non-magnet program schools because they are a little more advanced than other schools.

World Cultures (Social Studies)

In these class we have a major project that we've been working since the school year started. It is called Create Your World which is a praject were we have to create a world with various continets and 


230525 MAYTTE MEZAACEVEDO - Hatchet Mini-essay

This is a mini essay baout a book we read over the summer before coming to data it is callled "Hatchet Mini-Essay (SAR)

MAYTTE MEZAACEVEDO - Narrative Retelling 2023

This is an informational writting about a book we read in class we had to pick one reading from all the ones we had read that year.


The is my memoir it is a writting we did in class about personal events that happened to us. We had to do the writting first in our journals and we would write it by part so by the end we had 5 parts. Each part was divided into two sec

230525 MAYTTE MEZAACEVEDO - My Persuasive Essay 2023
230525 MAYTTE MEZAACEVEDO - My Quote and Truism Bank