Android Apps

Our last project of this is year is coding our apps (Creating an app). for this project we are doing an app with apps/games inside of it, and each one of them have their own screen. The Screens in this app are Hello Codi, Talk To Me, Ball Bounce, Digital Doodle, Paint Pot.

Main/Home Screen

This is how my main screen looks like the bottons in the middle are the buttoms that will take people to the other pages. There is also an about button, this button goes screen that gives information about me and data! But there are more buttons that will take users to FUN screens! like Hello Codi, Talk To Me, Ball Bounce, Digital Doodle, Paint Pot.

Main Sceen Block Screen

This is how the blook screen looks like for my Main Screen. The block screen is for any actions,changes,or variables,colors,text,etc. I had to use the block screen give my buttons an action that they will have to do when someone  presses the button. The blocks I have are for when a user click any button it will take them to any of the other screens like Hello Codi, Talk To Me, Ball Bounce, Digital Doodle, Paint Pot.

Hello Codi Screen

This is  my Hello Codi Screen. This Screen is kinda like a game 

Hello codi Block Screen

App QR code Version 1.4

QR Code To My App

This is the QR code that will get you to my app. You just need to scan with your camera or with a QR code detector and it will take you to my app!