Vector Art

The first image was the first Vector Art we made in Multimedia we had to make four lines and center them in the center of the page, then we made four different size circles and filled the inside with diferent colors, and gradients. In the second image we had to copy the cicle from the first image so we could make six more cicles, then we had to go to the color libary and chose different colors for every circle.

This was the second Vector Art we made In Multimedia we had to create 3 different Emojis. We first had to make a circle that would be the face, and color it  with the color we wanted our Emoji to be and add a gradient, for the eyes we made a circle and with the "Curvature Tool" we shaped the eyes and made then look like that, for the mouth we used the "Pencil Tool" to make the shape of the mouth we wanted our Emoji to have, the eyebrows the " Pecil Tool" or the "Brush Tool" to make the shape we wanted for the expresion of our Emoji. What I would do is copy the first Emoji I made and paste it to make a new Emoji, then I would just adjust the Emoji to the expresion i wanted my Emoji to have. 

This is is my Ed Amberly vector art which is abasically a vector art where we had to take varius shapes and make them into a vector art

This is my mission patch for a fild trip. I had to create a vector art with the DATA man in it. So I went for a space theme since our field trip was kinda like if we were in space since that was what we were learing in science.

I am still working on this Vector Art it is supposed to be a Minion. I first made a rectangle to make the shape of the body, I had to adjustify the rectangle a little to mak the shape of the body I wanted the Minion to have.  Then I made the arms so the body could be finished, I used the "Pencil Tool"  and created the shape of the arms how I wanted them to look like. Aswell as the arms I used the "Pencil Tool" to make make the minions overalls, I had to adjust the overalls a little too. For the feet I just used the rectangle tool  and had to adjust the sides, I copy and pasted the rectangle to make another one so I could have two legs. After that I made details like the shoes. overall extra details.

These are some of my amimations I've been working on. We had to follow the tutorials of the animation for us to know how to animate them, since all of them  have a different totorial depending on the animation.