Tech Apps

This is my typing speed avarege , accuracy average, and typing time. In my tech class we use every day to practice our typing skills, we also take typing test so we can show the teacher our typing skills, we take these test every month and we show our teacher our inprovement in our typing skills.He grades us in the speed we type in, typing accuracy, if we type with all of our fingers while typing, and if we use a keyboard cover when taking the test.

This is a vector Drawing I made in his class. I used "Google Drawings" we had to put the image we wanted to recreate on the side, with the "Polyline Tool" we would make the shapes of the image we wanted to recrete and we would put it in the page where we were doing to, this will repeat till all of the shapes are in the Vector Drawing, at the end you will get the result you wanted to have.

This is an extra credit assigment where we had to recreate a drawing and write and explanation about how the internet works. I added a gradiet to the background, made the graphs, at the end i added the explanation about how the internet works.

These are just some the things we have done in my Tech Apps class. since we have done a lot since the biggining of the school year.