My Robot

MY robot 

This is my robot. He is able to shoot, dribble, and rebound a basketball.  BucketBOI was created in Adobe Illustrator using different shapes and the shape builder tool.

the logo

This is the logo that I created that will go along with the Robot graphic for the advertisement.


This is the advertisement. As you can see it has the logo and 3 models of BucketBOI all showing in his hand what he is capable of. 

Elevator speech

I help young athletes achieve their goals by making an affordable basketball machine that we call BucketBoi. About 3 months ago I helped a young fella from the United Kingdom named Charlie Horse. Charlie’s dream was to become a professional basketball player, but he just felt like he would never get there because of his surroundings. On a business trip to the UK, I met Charlie at a youth basketball camp. He told me that he was interested in becoming a better basketball player. I took him to my hotel where I showed him our basketball machine, BucketBoi. He was immediately obsessed with the machine and stayed at our hotel for 3 hours practicing. After a few hours, he told us that he would like to purchase one. Since I saw that Charlie was very passionate I gave him a 50% discount. In the end he purchased the machine for 24,500,000. BucketBoi is able to play defense, shoot a basketball so that you can practice your defense, and it can also rebound your shots! I think that in the direction we’re going, we can help thousands of young athletes around the world improve their basketball skills. If you would like to learn more about the product call today. I greatly encourage you all to purchase a BucketBoi so that you can swish your dreams! Thank you for your time and attention.