This is something that I made called "Simple House" using Sketchup. Sketchup is a 3D modeling website, where you can design anything you want!

This is the youtube video of my "Simple House" project. You can put the video on loop by right clicking on the pause button, and then clicking "loop", and while you're at it, you can subscribe :)

This is an image of my simple house, but in blender. This is one of the many things that we will work on in blender.

This is official video of my simple house inside of blender. It was pretty hard to make, but at the same time pretty fun!

This is my Simple House Implosion Video.  This was really fun to make, but at the same time challenging! I hope you like it.

This is my original design that I call; The Super Tower! It was a very fun thing to build. It isn't based off of anything. *It's like a freestyle type of thing, but still really fun!

230228 Original Deisgn - Han Niu.mp4

This is my original design video! Keyframed and rendered! It's a bit longer, but looks really cool!