If you would like to make your own apps, you can click this link to go to the MIT app inventor page. 


This is the first page to my Snake Game. On this page you can either go to the menu, or play the game.

This page is my game screen, you can access this page by clicking start on the first page. 

Finally, this is the end game screen. You can get to this screen by colliding into a wall in the game screen. 

This is my home screen, you can either press Beginner Apps, or Advanced Apps. 

This is what the beginner app screen looks like!

This is what the advanced apps screen looks like!

This is my talk to me app, you can type in anything and it'll say it right back to you!

Here is my Ball Bounce app, although it's a bit laggy, you can drag the ball and it'll bounce around!

This is my digital doodle app. You can draw anything you want to! When you're done, all you have to click is erase and you can get started on your next masterpiece!

Finally, this is my paintpot app, it's basically the same as digital doodle, but a few more features.

Here are some pictures of the code that is used to make these apps work!

You might be able to tell which apps are more advanced than the others.