The images that we used were pretty tough to find, it really depended on what you were trying to find. We also needed high resolution images. They needed to be bigger or the same size as 1920 x 1080. We also edited them a bit in photoshop (changed the saturation and how strong a certain color was.)

                                               Here are the titles that were used in the video!                                            

My Favorite Things

By: Han Niu


1) Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan has an amazing storyline.

2) One Piece

This anime has funny and unique characters.

3) Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer is filled with action!


4) Tigers

Tigers are territorial predators.

5) Hamsters

Hamsters make great pets.

6) Parrots

Parrots are funny animals.


7) Ramen

Ramen is a great warm snack during Wintertime!

8) Croissants

Croissants are very soft and can be eaten with all types of meals.

9) Cereal

Cereal is a great thing to eat in the early morning.

Hello, my name is Han Niu, and this is my “Favorite Things” essay.

I’m 11 years old, I’ve experienced crazy things, and eaten bizarre foods as well, I’ve watched a couple of movies, but I’m not really a movie person.  


I was raised in the city, Bowling Green in the state Kentucky. I lived there from the ages 5-8. So, I was familiar with the place! But good times don’t last a lifetime, and eventually we moved. We moved to a city called Lexington, it was also in Kentucky. I remember the moment when I first lay my hands on a piano. It was magical! I practiced a lot of it, and soon enough it was a part of my lifestyle.


Around the age of 9, I discovered anime. It’s like art put together to make one big movie. I was, and still am very into it! Some of my favorite anime’s are, “Attack on Titan”, “Demon Slayer”, and “One Piece”! Sometimes during the Summer, I would just lay in bed and watch anime! Yeah, I know, you don’t have to tell me, I have a weird obsession with it, but still, it’s cool! Anime also makes a great source of entertainment on long boring road trips.


I have all types of favorite foods, ranging from soft delicate rice to a crunchy enjoyable bag of “Chips Ahoy”! Over the years, I’ve made a small list of my all-time favorite foods!! Have you ever had that craving for a soft savory snack? Well, a perfect snack to cure that craving are croissants! They’re soft, delicious, and everything you could ever want in a snack. But ramen just really “hits different”. Literally, you can eat them uncooked, AND they make a perfect warm snack to eat during the winter season! But what if it’s the early morning and you don’t have enough time to make anything too complex? Then cereal comes to the rescue, as it’s very simple and easy to make, and yet it still tastes delicious!


Earth is the only planet suitable for life that astronomers, and scientists know of, there’s all types of human life on earth! Animals are one of the many creatures of earth! I have a few favorites too. Tigers are very proud and majestic predators, and coincidentally, I was born in the year of the tiger! An amazing animal to keep as a pet is a hamster, although they only live up to 2 years or a bit more, they make a great starter pet, and they’re adorable! But hamsters aren’t the only animal you can keep as a pet, parrots also make a great companion, they’re funny and some of them can even imitate a human talking, which I find astonishing!


I hope you enjoyed this essay and learned a bit more about me, this is just the beginning of this school year and I have a feeling that it’s going to be great!