Happy Face

Angry Face

Shocked Face

Here are some of the emojis that I have created using Adobe Illustrator!

For this project, we had to make a popular fictional or actual character using Adobe Illustrator. I thought this project was very fun. Can you guess who it is? Hint: He lives inside a pinapple under the sea!

We used this as a sample graphic, which would later turn out to be one our first emojis!


Air Plane

Race Car

Ed Emberley was famous for making pieces of art with very simple shapes, and here are some that I made!

This is something that we made in Adobe Illustrator. DATA man in space! It was a lot of fun doing this because we really got to show off our creativity! There was a lot of options, but I thought that making DATA Man float around in space would be really cool!

This was the original Adobe Illustrator drawing.

Rotating Windmill

Amusement Park Ride

China Doll

These are some of GIFS that I made. In order to make them, we used the hands on tutorials in Adobe Animation. Each one of them was fun to make.