funny captions

Shopping Cart Fun: 75 year old Bob Stanley and 70 year old Barbra Green leave the store while reliving childhood memories by being pushed on the shopping cart. After they got their groceries for the month, they decided to have some fun with the go carts while leaving the store. 

Long Lasting Memories: Ben and Ann Willis celebrate their 60th anniversary together at the baseball game, he took her out to the ball game. Ben has been going to these games since he was in his 20s and has no plans on not attending anytime soon, he is thankful that he found someone to attend the baseball games with. 

Vaccume No More: Rob Dickerson and Glen Earl have been lifelong best friends, Rob loves to play pranks on Glen and this time he unplugged his vaccume. Glen spent more than an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with his vacuum, until he noticed that Rob had unplugged it and was sitting there laughing at him