the man who played the violin 

In a commonplace environment at an unexpected hour:

Do we perceive beauty?  When we are passing by like the 1,097 other people do we do not look at our surroundings, we don't check for the beauty around us and we don't pay attention to what is important, we pay attention to what we are in attempt to do and we as people forget all beauty in general. 

Do we stop to appreciate it? Many people do not stop and appreciate the beauty around us, many people do not stop and listen to the many different things around us such as a simple animal or flower, people are focused on getting to where they need to go. The story talked about how only a few people stop and listen to the music. 

Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?  I think that when people think of talent, it can lead to many different unexpected contexts, I think that sometimes people may be too wrapped up in other things that they may not recognize that the people around them may be more talented at unexpected things. Finding a talent in an unexpected context can lead to someone feeling better about themselves.

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?  I think that we miss alot of things that may go on around us, something as little as a hug or a text can go unnoticed some times. I think if we do not stop and put the phones away for a bit we miss alot of the beauty around us. 

How can you apply what you READ today to your own feature story when you write it after Christmas?   I think I am going to apply the usage of good quotes and coverage, I think that quotes are effective so adding quotes that may add to a story may make my story more interesting. I think i am going to also apply how they put the message across, i am going to try my hardest to make sure that my message is clear.