filminute preview

1. What is the name of the film?

The Wait 

2. What was the theme? 

You never have to give up on what you believe in or what your dreams are if you are willing to put the work in. 

3. Summarize the story in two sentences (plot).

A man is sad because covid is keeping him from meeting with the band that he plays with, this is preventing him from pursuing his musical dreams, but them he gets lost in how drumming makes him feel and he sees that he doesn't have to stop playing music just because of covid, he could do it in different ways. 

4. Are there any symbols in the film? How are they used?

The clock shows the passing of time, but shows that as the time passes thats an opportunity to make music even though he is not able to interact with the rest of his band 

5. Who characters are in the story and tell me a little about how they interact, if they do.

There is one main guy, and then there is his friend, the one in the band/ person on the phone, and they talk about how the band will not be able to meet in a long time. 

6. Use the technical evaluation information from below to analyze and evaluate the following technical aspects:  

Lighting - the lighting is a bit dark but becomes brighter as the man has more hope, it is effective and adds to the plot 

Sound - The sound is understood by getting louder as something more important happens

Editing - The editing creates a very appealing picture and gives us more of a different view of the main characters journey through covid

Cut Aways - the cut aways are timed okay and do no appear to have noticeable changes 

Transitions - they are smooth and at the appropriate time

1. What is the name of the film?


2. What was the theme?

People do not often understand the importance of the time they have and spend with the people they love

3. Summarize the story in two sentences (plot).

a mom decides to play hide and seek with her daughters which is a game played often, she tells them that she will count to 100 and they run off trying to hide. The girls run across the field and into the woods, while the mother counts very loudly, when she gets to 100 she hears a gunshot go off. 

4. Are there any symbols in the film? How are they used?

the game of hide and seek symbolizes how you try hard not to be found, is a symbol on how you do not want to be found in war, you may not have as much time as you need

5. Who characters are in the story and tell me a little about how they interact, if they do.

The mom and her two daughters seem to be very close as they are laughing together and having fun, until the daughters have to leave her, the daughters laugh with eachother as they go to hide which seems to be like they are very close

6. Use the technical evaluation information from below to analyze and evaluate the following technical aspects:   

Lighting: The gloomy, dim lighting adds to the overall bleakness and effectively supports the film's plot and theme.

Sound: The overlapping sound and dramatic music amplify the story's intensity.

Editing: The editing of various shots helps to create a more comprehensive depiction.

Cut-aways: Smoothly executed cut-aways offer valuable insights into the characters' emotions as the story unfolds.

Transitions: The transitions are effortlessly executed, ensuring they don't disrupt the narrative's flow or impact negatively.