opinion writing preview

1. What is the difference between an editorial and a column? 

An editorial is a statement and a piece done by someone on staff. An editorial could be something about news that is happening now in the news.  A column should entertain and inform your reader and can be serious or humorous. A column is about anything you may want to write about or anything that you enjoy. 

2. List the four types of editorials.

3. What are the five things you will need to do to make sure you write a persuasive and entertaining piece? 

Explain your position in one sentence. Which should be at the beginning of your writing and it can be, as mentioned, outrageous, controversial, or even humorous. It should grab the reader’s attention. 

Facts, Your argument means nothing without the facts. You can't make things up and it needs to be clear and the arguments should interpret facts so that it makes sense. You can’t just make things up. It needs to be clear and your arguments should interpret the facts in a way that makes sense. But without facts, you are going nowhere. 

Tell the other side’s view. This gives you credibility. It says that you know what you are talking about, and have listened, but have found fault with their perspective. However, conceding to at least one point of the opposition’s view shows that you can be objective, fair, and balanced. 

Give realistic solutions. This is important. Your credibility and influence may make a difference. You need to offer a better alternative. If you just say why someone is wrong, but you never give a realistic solution to the problem, then your arguments will seem petty. What is your solution and why is it better than the opposition’s? Is it realistic? I mean stating that the solution is replacing the School Board with Junior High Schoolers is probably not realistic, and unless you intend it to be a satire, will probably turn readers off. 

Don’t get too wordy. You want to aim for 500 words or less. Make every word matter and you will be more convincing.

4. Opinion Story Topics