current events 2

A. Summarize what you read about the Russian Supreme Courts most recent decision.

The Russian supreme court banned activism on LGBTQ+ on Today ( Thursday November 30th ) It was in result to a lawsuit made by Justice ministry, they labled LGBTQ+ "movement" as an extremist organization and banned it. "The ruling is the latest step in a decade-long crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights in Russia under President Vladimir Putin, who has emphasized “traditional family values” during his 24 years in power."

B. How does the fact that the hearing took place behind closed doors and had no defendant impact the decision, in your opinion?

I think it highly impacts the decisison because there was no one to back up the other side which was LGBTQ+ people in this situation. I think that with a defendent there would have been a bigger argument in place, with this, the decision to not ban LGBTQ would have made the descision harder. But, if Putin wanted to make sure that he was right, he made sure that it was a closed door hearing. 

C. Why would Russian President Vladimir Putin want to restrict LGBTQ+ movement in Russia, according to the article?

Putin wants traditional family values. “Do we really want to have here, in our country, in Russia, ‘Parent No. 1, No. 2, No. 3’ instead of ‘mom’ and ‘dad?’” Putin said in September 2022. “Do we really want perversions that lead to degradation and extinction to be imposed in our schools from the primary grades?”

D. Give me your opinion on this topic?

I think that this is a very sensitive topic today, I think that letting people decide on what gender they want to be is their decision and no one elses, I believe that you would rather have people want to stay in your country and be diverse in many different ways race, religion and gender. I think by Putin banning LGBTQ+ activisim will make people want to revolt against him even more.

E. Do you think this is symbolic of conservative thinking, or really about Putin wanting complete control of Russian life? (don't answer with a single sentence)

I think that Putin wants to take complete control of everything having to do with his country, with this I think he is going to ban and make laws so that everything can go his way instead of someone elses. I think by not letting people get what they want, makes it easier for him to rule. If the people got what they wanted then it would be way harder for him to rule. 

F. Do you worry that this kind of thinking is starting to make its way into American thinking as well? (again, don't answer this with a single sentence)

I have mixed feelings, I think that part of it is that people of LGBTQ+ have been around the US for a little while now so I think that people are getting used to the change, I think that even though some people may not like it, it is one thing that is here to stay. I think the other part of me is that the older generation is thinking that it should not be a thing and some may think that it is not right, i think if you were to watch or read the news then you might be catching on but i think it takes a lot of people to catch on this fast.