Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Photoshop use for manipulation has been used for a while throughout journalism history. It is looked down upon across all of journalism. Photo manipulation is bad because it can fake a story when the point of journalism is to truthfully tell the rest of the world what is happening and if the supporting photo is fake then you aren't being truthful to the story.

B. The philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times regarding image manipulation is that any change to any photos is not allowed.

C. I don't think you should make any changes so you can show a true story with the picture but maybe adjust a little color or brightness to make the image clearer.


I think this is the worst because it was a political member being used on someone else to maybe make them look bad. If someone maybe took this wrong and thought someone doing something like that isn't fit to be a leader of the nation it could negatively effect her running for vice president.


I think this is the least bad because I had to reread what happened in the change and look hard to see a difference. It wasn't something bad for her image or trying to change how something is veiwed. The image is just her slimmed down a little bit.