Current events quiz #1.2

Long Response: 

United Auto Workers are threatening to expand their strike if they don't see a big progression to contract negotiations by Friday. The Strike is one it's 4th day as of September 18th and they say there are no signs of the strike ending soon. The workers are on strike because they want new contracts to be negotiated, and they want wage increases of over 40% over 4 years and other sweeteners. Industries effect by the strike are Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. I think workers for the union should stay and continue the strike because eventuslly the employers will have to pay the workers. I believe the workers should work to create a situation where they have power of the employers because if the employees have some power then the strike will be more successful. I think the ability for workers to unionize has been decreasing because people can easily find a new job now with more jobs being available and the people believe that since they can just find a new job they don't need to worry about a job they think they aren't being payed enough with.