KB: Mrs. Turner and Mrs. McLaughlin

Dear Parents,

Below is our daily schedule. Our routine is well-established in our classroom, so students should be able to complete their TIGER binder routine with relative ease. We use Starfall (https://www.starfall.com/h/holiday/calendar/?sn=main) for our calendar.

Daily: (Please practice the following routines as we do them in class)

*Stand and say your prayers & the Pledge of Allegiance

(Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary & Our Father)

*Pray for any special intentions

*Review your Alphabet Sound Chart (In Binder)

*Recite your Number Chart 1 - 100 (In Binder)

*Review days of the week in English and Spanish (In Binder) and the months of the year ----We haven't learned them in Spanish yet, but Jack Hartmann has a great video if they're wanting to learn it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK9jD3gWhxU **Any of his videos are great for them watch. Our class particularly loves any video on subitizing or pirate addition. **

*Pray Bless Us Oh Lord before each meal

*Read at least 20 minutes every day (Sight Word books, Raz Kids, hard copy books or other ideas).

May 29, 2020 (Day 46)

Dear Parents,

Happy last day of school! I have loved having your child in my class this year. Each friend contributed something that made our KB family feel extra special! I will miss them dearly, but I know they are off to conquer challenges that await them in 1st grade! Graduation is now one week away

In your child's bag for pickup tomorrow, you will find class gifts and teacher gifts to the students.

Inside of the bag:

- A surprise book with a message inside

- A pinwheel with love note

- Goody bag filled with llamazing prizes

- All About Me Project (to be completed next week. An email will go out)

- Headphones

- Graduation t-shirts (to be worn at their graduation on June 5th)

-Any projects, artwork, nap mats etc. that might have been left at the school

Here's the link to tomorrow's pickup with SignUpGenius:


Celebrate a Great School Year Dance


Our last Friday Enrichment:


Science Experiment: Making Egg Geodes


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I'm happy to help!!

May 28, 2020 (Day 45)

Dear Parents,

Today (5/28) marks the last "academic" day of the school year! There will still be Friday enrichment activities, but then it's time for a break from the cutting, sorting, gluing, spelling and counting! If you haven't already, please check out my previous email from today about supply/gift pickup and graduation. If you have any questions that I might've not answered on the graduation document, please let me know! Other parents might have similar questions.

I have preloaded a bunch of Boom Learning decks (assignments) onto your child's account. These are meant as a review for them over the summer and are not required. Each assignment will build on concepts we have learned in Kindergarten, and will help to keep the information fresh in their mind for first grade. As I come across new decks that seem engaging and worthwhile, I will "assign" them (load onto account) so there will be new activities. Please note that this is a teacher paid subscription, so it will only be active until the start of the next school year.

Quick To-Do:

LA: Unit 16 Cut and Glue; Letter Z (pgs. 70-71); WTW Sort #39 (pgs. 153-156); Parts of a story

Math: 13-4 (pgs. 767-770)

Religion: Ch. 23 Booklet (pg. 205)

Specials: Library, Art

Language Arts:

Words Their Way Sort #39 C,h, and ch (pgs. 153-156)


Letter Z in Handwriting book (pgs. 70-71)


Follow Up:

Unit 16 Cut and Glue Worksheet and review all sight words from throughout the year.

Read a story with your child. Ask them to identify the beginning, middle and end. I've linked a song below that reviews the parts of a story and the setting.

Parts of a Story song:


Math: 13-4 Make Sense and Persevere (pgs. 767-770)

Students will sort 2-D and 3-D shapes. They will also identify solid figures from given clues.

3-D Shapes:


Follow Up:

Pick an object in the room that is a cube, sphere, cone, or cylinder. Give your child clues about the shape (like I-spy), and ask him/her to guess which object you are thinking about. For example, a clue could be "It has a flat surface that is shaped like a square." (Cube) Then invite your child to take a turn picking an object and giving you clues.

Religion: Ch. 23 Booklet

Pg. 205: Invite your child to think about the Lord's Prayer and to pray after your: "Jesus, thank you for teaching us how to pray. Amen." Tell your child that they are going to make a booklet called "God, I Love to Talk to You." Say: "This booklet will help you to pray." Then make the booklet. Read it aloud and ask them which scene is their favorite and why.

Direct their attention to the last page of the booklet. Ask: "What would you like to thank God for today?" Ask other family members as well. After each response say: "Thank you, God."

Follow Up:

Look at page 3 of the book.et. Have your child follow along as you say this prayer aloud: "God, bless my family and my friends. Bless the people who are hungry or sick. Please keep us all close to you. Amen."'

"Talk to God"



Library: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/library-lutter

Art: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/art-mrs-frey

May 27, 2020 (Day 44)

Dear Parents,

Happy Wednesday! We are now halfway through the last "academic" week of the 2019-2020 school year. Next week is all about having fun and reflecting on our llamazing, crazy year together! I think that "The Llama Song" from GoNoodle perfectly sums up this school year. It starts out fun and at a normal pace, then it gets crazier and crazier! Click here to dance and help your child shake their sillies out before they work. This song should be familiar to your little llama, as we jammed out to Moose Tube on a daily basis.

Quick To-Do:

LA: WTW Sort #38 (pgs. 149-152); Boom Learning Digraph Practice; Letter Y Handwriting Book (pgs. 68-69)

Math: 13-3 (pgs. 761-764)

Religion: Ch. 23 (pgs. 203-204) and Worksheet (attached)

Specials: Spanish, Music, PE

Language Arts:

Show your child the video below before doing the sort on Digraph sh:


Words Their Way Sort #38 (pgs. 149-152) Letter recognition letter s and letter h, digraph Sh

**Skipping ahead! Feel free to have your child complete any that we do not get to during the summer if desired**

Jack Hartmann Digraphs: sh, th, ch, ph and wh


Boom Learning Digraph Practice (x2-- Already on their account)

Follow Up:

Handwriting pgs. 68-69 Letter Yy


Math: 13-3 Compare 2-D and 3-D Shapes (pgs. 761-764)

Students identify real-world objects and solid figures that have a flat surface that is a circle. They will also learn to use flat surfaces to classify solids.

Follow Up:

Show your child a can and ask him/her to identify the flat surfaces (circles). Show your child a box shaped like a cube and ask him/her to identify the flat surfaces (squares). Take turns identifying objects that have flat surfaces that are circles or squares.

Religion: Ch. 23 (pgs.203-204)

Pg. 203: Read the We Believe statement. Ask: "Do you remember the name of the holy place where Jesus went to pray?" (Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph.) Explain that Jesus wants us to pray also. Have your child put a checkmark next to pictures that show where you pray with others. Then say this prayer together: "God, be in my heart. Amen."

Pg. 204: Say: "Jesus taught is the prayer on this page. We can pray these words when we pray with other people and when we pray by ourselves." Read the We Respond and follow the directions on the page.

Ask your child:

- "What did Jesus show us how to do?" (to pray)

- "Where did Jesus pray?" (Everywhere)

Follow Up:

Chapter 23 Match the pictures and prayer words activity (Worksheet attached); Once you complete the worksheet, pray the Sign of the Cross together. Then pray aloud: "Dear God, you are wonderful! Amen."


Spanish: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PMvmiOrqSMri8_ykpFM0ueA0o_AdIny6jacH190KsQc/edit

Music: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/music-salinas

PE: Plans Attached

May 26, 2020 (Day 43)

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone has had a nice holiday weekend. We will be celebrating the end of the school year with a Spirit Week! There will be a super fun theme each day. If your llama decides to dress up, please email the pictures to mkabadi@sainttimothyschool.org.

Quick To-Do:

LA: WTW # 33 (pgs. 129-132);Unit 16 Sight Words;Letter X Handwriting (pgs. 66-67)

Math: 13-2 (Pgs. 755-758); Telling Time Review (Optional: Worksheet Practice Attached)

Religion: Ch. 23 (pgs. 201-202)

Specials: Computer

Language Arts:

Cut and learn new sight words (Unit 16)-- Make sure to write the first and last name on the back of each card and place inside of your TIGER binder once sorted and reviewed.

Words Their Way # 33 Letter Recognition Jj, Ww, Qq (pgs. 129-132)

Letter X Handwriting (pgs. 66-67)


Follow Up:

Fry Sight Word Review


Math: 13-2 Analyze and Compare Three-Dimensional (3-D) Shapes

Students use clues to color solid figures that match a given description. Students will also learn which solid figures roll, stack, and slide.

Stack Slide or Roll 3-D Shapes Song


Follow Up:

(Optional: Telling Time to Half Hour Attached)

Let's Learn About the Clock


Time Travel Game


Mr. Nussbaum Telling Time (More challenging, but an alternative to ABCya)


Religion: Chapter 23 We Pray As Jesus Did (pgs. 201-202)

Pg. 201: Read aloud the We Gather verse. Have your child study the drawings of Jesus. Read aloud the text and questions. Help your child to understand that sometimes Jesus prayed alone and sometimes He prayed with other people. Tell your child that they will learn that we can express our love for God through prayer. Pray aloud: "Thank you, God, for listening to us when we pray. Amen."

Pg. 202: Read the We Believe statement. Explain that prayer is the way that we talk to and listen to God. Then, read aloud the We Believe paragraph. Have your child draw a picture of himself/herself praying.

Ask your child:

- "What is prayer?" (Listening to and talking to God)

- "When can we pray to God?" (At any time)

Follow Up:

Watch Douglas explain the importance of talking to God


Say this with your child (have them repeat each verse after you):

"Dear God, to you I pray

In the night and in the day.

When I'm happy, when I'm sad,

You hear my prayer; that makes me glad.



Computer: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/technology-mr-mcgarr

May 22, 2020 (Day 42)

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday! Next Monday (5/25) is Memorial Day! In remembrance of our brave Veterans, there will be no assignments. However, as a way to honor their service, I will be offering a Zoom session where I will read "The Poppy Lady." It's a true story about Moina Belle Michael and her tribute to veterans. As always, siblings are welcome to attend! ***This is a longer story, and will take about 15-20 minutes to read with pauses in between for discussion and reflection. ***

Topic: Kinder Meeting (5/25/20)

Time: May 25, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 756 9542 1325

Password: (see email)

PBS Memorial Day:


Memorial Day Surprise (Read Aloud):


I've included some coloring and writing pages just for fun! It's in one thirty-page document. Enjoy!

Friday Enrichment:


May 21, 2020 (Day 41)

Dear Parents,

Kindergarten graduation will take place on June 5th. KB's time slot is 10:45-11:15. I have included a short video about how to enter the parking lot! Please watch at your convenience and reach out if you have any questions! I am so excited for this graduation (does anyone else have a countdown in their phone until the big day, or it is just me? ) Your child has worked so hard this year and I could not be any prouder of them.

Quick To-Do:

LA: WTW Sort #32; Sight Word Unit 15 Write 2x; Letter W Handwriting (pgs. 64-65)

Math: 13-1 (pgs. 749-752)

Religion: Ch. 22 (pg. 199-200)

Specials: Library and Art

Language Arts:

Words Their Way Sort #32 Letter Recognition Ll, Kk, Oo (pgs. 125-128)

Handwriting Letter Ww (pgs. 64-65)


Follow Up:

Sight Word Unit 15 Worksheet--- Write the words two times (sent home in folder)

Math: 13-1 Analyze and Compare Two-Dimensional Shapes (pgs. 749-752)

Song about 2-D shapes:


TIP: Tell your child that the corner (vertex) is the pointy part that you can touch.

Follow Up:

Play "What Object Am I?" with your child. Think of an object in the house, such as a door or a window, and give clues about it. For example: "I have 4 sides and 4 corners (vertices). All of my sides are the same length. What shape am I?" Then have your child give you clues about an object.

Religion: Let's Celebrate Belonging to the Church (pg. 199-200)

Pg. 199: Say to your child: "God loves us so much that He wants us to be members of His family. In Baptism we become members of His special family, the Church."

Listen to the song "God is a Part of My Life":


Explain to your child that this song is a way that we can thank God for wanting us to be a part of His family.

Pg. 200: Practice praying the Sign of the Cross.

Listen to Brother Francis (tv series) sing a fun song about the Sign of the Cross:


Follow Up:

Pray with your child: "God, thank you for inviting us into your family." Begin and end with the Sign of the Cross.


Library: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/library-lutter

Art: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/art-mrs-frey

May 20, 2020 (Day 40)

Dear Parents,

Mrs. Lutter will be hosting a Zoom tomorrow (5/20) in honor of World Bee Day! ("Bee" is also one of our sight words this week!!) Details are below!

Mrs. Lutter's Zoom Storytime

Time: May 20, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Quick To-Do:

LA/Science: Review Sight Words; Handwriting Letter V (pgs. 62-63); Bee writing response and videos

Math: 12-8 (pgs. 727-730) **Special directions below**

Religion: Booklet (pgs. 197-198)

Specials: PE, Spanish and Music

Just For Fun: Bumble Bee Compilation and Coloring Sheet

Language Arts/Science:

"See It, Say It, Sign It: Letter V":


Handwriting Letter V (pgs. 62-63) in book with Jesus on it

Watch this video about "Busy Bees":


This video will show how bees fill cells with honey and how to find the queen:


In your jumbo journal, write two or more sentences about bees! Illustrate and label your picture once finished. Remember to use "spaghetti and meatball" and check for upper case letters at the beginning of the sentence.

Follow Up:

Review sight words! Rainbow write in jumbo journal, play a rapid fire identification game, write words in pudding, etc. Your choice!

Math: 12-8 Precision (pgs. 727-730)

On the first page, grab some Legos, cereal, mini erasers or whatever small objects you have on hand.

Practice saying things to your child like:

- "I need some help putting the [objects] in their home. Can you help me?"

- "The first object needs to go next to the cow and in front of the barn. Can you put it there for me?"

- "Now, I need to put this next object behind the scarecrow."

- "This object needs to go on top of the barn."

Repeat as many times as necessary until your child shows they understand.

Complete the rest of the lesson as directed.

Follow Up:

Place several items on a table such as a plate, fork, spoon, cup and napkin. Have your child tell the position of each object using the following words: above, below, beside, next to, in front of and behind. For example, your child might say: "The spoon is next to the fork." OR "The spoon is between the plate and the fork."

Religion: We Believe Booklet (pg. 197-198)

Invite your child to pray with you: "God, bless us this day in every way. Amen."

Ask your child: "What do you do when someone you like/love a lot (maybe a grandparent, for example) comes to see you and your family?" (Hugs, kiss, hold hands, etc.) Explain to your child that this is a special sign of welcome. Share with your child that they will practice a prayer that shows we welcome God into our lives.

Say: "This booklet will help you to learn and to remember a very important prayer." As you read the booklet, watch their hand placement. Provide corrections if needed.


- "When do you think you will pray the Sign of the Cross with other people?" (at Mass, before meals, at school, etc.)

- "When will you pray this prayer by yourself?" (Accept all reasonable answers)

Follow Up:

Tell your child that each time they pray the Sign of the Cross, they are remembering their Baptism. Pray together the Sign of the Cross.


Spanish- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/spanish-senora-dee

PE- Plans attached

Music- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/music-salinas

Just for fun:

Watch cute bumble bees up close! (Compilation of bees)


Kindergarten is the place to bee coloring page (attached)

May 19, 2020 (Day 39)

Dear Parents,

Stay tuned for a special announcement to be sent out tonight in a separate email!

Quick To Do:

LA: WTW Sort #31 (pgs.121-124); Handwriting (pgs. 59-60); ASL Fingerspell first name

Math: 12-7 (pgs. 721-724)

Religion: Chapter 22 (pgs.195-196)

Specials: Computer (link below)

Language Arts:

Words Their Way Sort #31 Beginning Sounds l,k,j,w (pgs.121-124)

Handwriting #s 17 and 18 (pg. 59) and Letter U (pg. 60) in book with Jesus on cover

Jack Hartmann Letter U:


Follow Up:

See It, Say It, Sign It


Students can practice fingerspelling their first name. I will also attach a picture of the ASL alphabet.

Math: 12-7 Describe the Position of Shapes in the Environment (pgs. 721-724)

Students will use everyday language to describe the positions of objects in the picture. They will then practice using words that describe the positions of objects.

Follow Up:

Have your child name the shapes of objects in the kitchen, and then tell where they are located using the following positional words: below, in front of, above, behind, next to, and beside. Review left and right with your child, too!

Jack Hartmann Positional Words Song:


Religion: Chapter 22 (pgs. 195-196)

Pg. 195: Remind your child that God wants us to be members of the Church. Pray with your child: "Thank you God, for the gift of your Church. Amen." Read the We Believe statement at the top of the page. Point out the picture of the priest baptizing the baby. Explain that at Baptism, we begin our new life in God's family. Water is a sign of life (because it helps things to grow and live). Then color the water.

Pg. 196: Read the We Respond. Have your child write their name on the line.

Ask your child these questions:

- "When do we become members of the Church?" (at Baptism)

- "At Baptism, what reminds us of our new life in God's family?" (Water)

Follow Up:

Pray with your child: "Dear God, thank you for welcoming us into your family at Baptism. Amen."


Computer-- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/technology-mr-mcgarr

May 18, 2020 (Day 38)

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone is well and had a lovely weekend. This week's Mondays with Mrs. McLaughlin can be found here. She will be reading a wonderful story called "Everyday Angels." Enjoy!! Also a special shout out to the Instructional Assistants in the Rosary Group-- They will be praying for KB tomorrow (5/18)!!

Our Zoom link is below. For the meeting, please have your child bring one assignment/project/classwork that they are proud of. We will be doing a show and share with every friend in the class to showcase their hard work and growth!! It will also be a way for us to review adjectives. Please limit it to one item so everyone will have time to share.

Quick To-Do:

LA: Unit 15 Sight Words; Handwriting #s 15 and 16 (pg. 58); Boom Learning Sounds at the Zoo and Troll Sight Words (pre-loaded onto account)

Math: 12-6 (pgs. 715-718)

Religion: Chapter 22 (pgs. 193-194); FlipGrid-- What Does it Mean to be Kind? (link below)

Specials: PE (plans to be emailed tomorrow)


Kirby Turner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Kinder Meeting 5/18/20

Time: May 18, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 710 0151 3193

Password: (see email)

Language Arts:

In your handwriting book with Jesus on the cover, open to page 58 and practice writing numbers 15 and 16.

Cut and learn new sight words (Unit 15)-- Make sure to write the first and last name on the back of each card and place inside of your TIGER binder once sorted and reviewed. This week, I encourage your llama to pick at two sight words that might be challenging for them, and write it inside of the rainbow. It can be new sight words, or previously learned ones that are still a bit tricky.

Feedback was very positive from the rainbow writing, so I've linked the PDF and included a sample image. They can write the word two times in the clouds and then inside of the rainbow. I have left the PDF blank so they may choose any sight words they wish to practice.

Follow Up:

Count to 100 by 10s exercise song:


Boom Learning (pre-loaded onto their account)

Troll Sight Words and Sounds at the Zoo

Math: 12-6 Describe Shapes in the Environment (pgs. 715-718)

Students will review the names of flat and solid shapes and look for an example of one of these shapes in their environment.

Watch this video about Solid shapes below:


Follow Up:

Have your child identify and name objects in your house that look like a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, sphere, cube, cylinder, and cone. Have them tell you where each object is located in the house.

Religion: Chapter 22 We Belong to the Church (pgs. 193-194)

Pg. 193: Remind your child that we will learn about God from the Bible. Explain that today's reading tells us something special about ourselves. Read aloud the scripture verse (We Gather) and then have your child repeat after you: "We are children of God!"

Ask your child to look at the pictures and explain why the people are together (family is going somewhere in a car; people are in a church to pray; children are playing together at recess, etc.) Then explain to your child that the Church is the family of God.

Pg. 194: Read the We Believe statement at the top of the page. Have your child draw your family on the page.

Ask your child:

- "What does God want us to be a part of?" (His family)

- "What is the name of God's special family?" (The Church)

Follow Up:

Pray with your child: "Dear God, we are a part of your family. Amen."

Flipgrid and story about kindness:


May 15, 2020 (Day 37)

Dear Parents,

Happy FriYAY! For this week's family enrichment, we will be talking about germs and also how to tell time. I have linked a couple of experiments below that you can do in your own home. As for telling time, we will practice it throughout the remainder of the year.

Friday Enrichment from STS:


Language Arts/Science:

"Sick Simon" by Dan Krall -- This book talks about the icky ways that germs like to travel from friend to friend or friend to object


Here's a link to a variety of germ related activities:


Another excellent reminder for a little one who might forget to cough into their "germ catcher" (the crook of their elbow) is to put a sticker on it. We did this the very first week of school, so some friends might remember doing this activity. Then, practice coughing or sneezing to get them excited to test out their germ catchers. They will sneeze or cough more with the sticker on, but it helps to build that habit. Once the sticker is extra yucky and well-used (yum!), throw it away and show your llama how to wash their hands. Repetition is key with young children.


Telling Time-- Kinder students will need to be able to tell time to the hour and half hour. This is not something that will be found in their workbooks, so there aren't any paper activities for them to do. If you have a clock at home, show your llama how the hands move around the clock.

Tell your child:

- "This is a clock. The little hand tells us the hour. The big hand tells us the minutes. When we tell time, we look at the little hand first. Then, we look at the big hand to know the time. If the big hand is on the 12, we say 'o'clock.' If the big hand is on the 6, we say it is '(hour) thirty.'"

- Let your child move then hands on the clock or show them yourself if you have a delicate clock hands.

-Also remind your child trying to decide between two times that if the hour hand hasn't touched the next number, then it can't be that time.

Ex.) It is 2:30 ---- Some friends might think it is 3 because the hand is getting closer to the 3 than the 2. This is especially true when telling time to the quarter hour, which they will learn in 1st. grade.

Let's Learn About the Clock:


Hip Hop Around the Clock (very catchy):


Practice telling time here:


May 14, 2020 (Day 36)

Dear Parents,

Our class photo is attached. It is the same one as yesterday, but I want to ensure everyone has a chance to print it out or save it if they wish. I must add-- our llamas look fantastic! I have had parents reaching out about their child feeling stressed, or the parents themselves feeling stressed, and I wanted to remind everyone that I am here to support you and your llama however I can.

Please remember that it is okay to take a break.

This work would normally be done in a school environment with tons of breaks and supplemental activities in between. This is not a typical setting, and all of the teachers are making adjustments to lessons in order to the make for the smoothest transition possible for the upcoming school year. Your child will be just fine next year! I've included a breathing video to take some guided breaths if you wish.

GoNoodle Bubble Breath:


Quick To-Do:

LA: WTW Sort #30 (pgs. 117-120); Sight Word Unit 14 Worksheet; Handwriting Letter T (pgs. 56-57)

Math: 12-5 (pgs. 709-712) and scavenger hunt

Religion: Ch. 19 (pgs.173-174)

Specials: Library and Art linked below

Language Arts:

WTW Sort #30 "Beginning Sounds J,W, and Q" (pgs. 117-120)

Sight Word Unit 14 Trace and Write Worksheet

Sight Word Rap Numbers


Follow Up:

Handwriting Book Letter T (pgs. 56-57)


See It, Say It, Sign It (This was a class favorite during snack time)


Math: 12-5 Solid Figures (pgs. 709-712)

Tell your child you are going to send them on a scavenger hunt around the house. Their mission is to find objects around the home that are the real-world shapes that match the 3-D figures shown.

Ex.) Cone= Ice cream cone, teepee/tent, or party hat; Cylinder= Can of soup; Sphere= Ball; Cube= Tissue box, blocks, etc.

Then, have them draw what they found in the appropriate columns. If you don't have these items around your house, then you can ask them what it looks like to them (making a connection).

Complete the rest of the lesson as directed at the bottom of the page.

3-D Shapes Song:


Follow Up:

Show your child several objects that look like cubes, cylinders, spheres, or cones. Ask them to name the solid figure that it looks like. If you don't have a specific item around the house, pull up a Google image of the item.

Ex.) If you show them a ball, they should say that it looks like a sphere.

Religion: Ch. 19 (pgs. 173-174)

Pg. 173: Tell your child that they can joyfully celebrate God's love. Say: "This song will remind us about what we've learned in this chapter. It tells us to listen to Jesus, open our hearts, and live in love. Let's sing this song as a prayer."

Listen to this song--- Words can be found on the page.


Pg. 174: Talk about ways that your family shows love to each other. Then discuss how it makes each of you feel to show love and to receive love. Then, complete the activity as directed.

Follow Up:

Say this prayer with your child: "Jesus, help us to be kind to others. Amen."


Art: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/art-mrs-frey

Library: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/library-lutter

May 13, 2020 (Day 35)

Dear Parents,

You can watch this week's Mondays with Mrs. McLaughlin here. For the sake of this video, we'll call it "A Whimsical Wednesday story." I've also included several photos from our Zoom Monday. Be prepared for lots of silly faces. I will also include our CLASS PICTURE!!!

Quick To-Do:

LA: Mrs. McLaughlin story response; Handwriting Letter Ss (pgs.54-55)

Math: 12-4 Hexagons (pgs. 703-706); Shape construction game

Religion: St. John Bosco booklet and coloring page

Specials: Spanish, Music and PE

Mrs. Lutter will be hosting a special Zoom tomorrow at 11:30. Details below:

Mrs. Lutter's Reading is Fun Zoom Meeting

Time: May 13, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Zoom Storytime: We Love Reading! Activity Guide

Language Arts:

After listening to Mrs. McLaughlin's story called "Funny Bunnies," take out your jumbo journals. Write about things that you like to do "morning, noon and night" just like in the story! Illustrate once completed. Remember to use good spaghetti and meatball spaces.

Follow Up:

Handwriting in book with Jesus on cover-- Letter Ss (pgs. 54-55)


Math: 12-4 Hexagons (pgs. 703-706)

Students learn to recognize six-sided figures, called hexagons. They will identify hexagons within collections of various shapes and familiar objects.

Sesame Street Hexagons:


Heidi Songs Hexagon:


Follow Up:

Have your child look through old magazines, newspapers, books, etc. to identify pictures or objects that look like a hexagon. Then, have them draw objects shaped like a hexagon.

Shapes Construction game on ABCya.com


Religion: St. John Bosco Booklet (pgs. 171-172)

Tell your child the title of the booklet. Say: "This booklet is about one of God's special friends, Saint John Bosco." Talk about the illustrations on each of the pages and ask them to describe what they think is happening in each scene. Read the pages, one at a time and ask: "What kind of person was Saint John Bosco?"

Then, tell them to think about people that they have heard of who are kind like St. John Bosco (Answers might include: people who run homeless shelters. food kitchens and pantries, local priests and other religious people).

Follow Up:

Pray with your child: "Dear God, help us to treat people with kindness as Saint John Bosco did. Amen."

I've included a coloring page of St. John Bosco for fun!


Spanish- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/spanish-senora-dee

PE- Plans attached

Music- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/music-salinas

May 12, 2020 (Day 34)

Dear Parents,

It was so wonderful getting to see our llamas today during our class Zoom! Today, we discussed ways to manage "big emotions." This is a stressful time for adults and children alike, so it is important to find effective ways to manage these feelings.

Each friend shared what they liked to do to help calm their bodies. Some examples included: hug mommy, solve a Rubix cube, hold hands, talk to a friend, go for a walk and many more! We also practiced a breathing technique where we blow out a birthday candle (our finger). It "flickers" and you have to blow it out until your body calms down. I have linked a video below with other breathing techniques that might benefit your child if they are managing these"big emotions."


Quick To-Do:

LA: WTS sort #29 (pgs. 113-116); Handwriting Rr (pgs.52-53); "What's in the Bag?" game

Math: 12-3 (pgs. 697-700)

Religion:Ch. 19 (pgs.169-170)

Specials: Computer linked below

In case you missed our Mother's Day special "Literature with Leo," you can watch it here.

Language Arts:

Young children can use descriptive language in authentic and purposeful ways to communicate with friends in large-group settings. The "What's in the Bag?" lesson will challenge students to put on their thinking caps and use their best listening ears.


Handwriting in Jesus book Letter Rr (pgs.52-53)


Follow Up:

WTS sort #29 Beginning Sounds l, k (pgs. 113-116)

"Miguel the Magic Monkey" (phonics lesson)


Math: 12-3 Squares and Other Rectangles (pgs. 697-700)

Students will learn to match rectangles or squares with a similar shape. They will learn about the attributes of rectangles and squares.

"I'm a Square":


Story Bots shape review:


Follow Up:

Take a walk around your neighborhood/home. Ask your child to search for windows that have the shape of a rectangle or a square.

Religion: Chapter 19: Jesus Wants Us to Love (pgs. 169-170)

Pg. 169: Remind your child that Jesus is always with them. Then, invite them to pray after you: "Dear Jesus, we want to learn from you. Help us to be good listeners today. Amen."

Read the We Believe statement at the top of the page. Then, follow the directions on the page.

Pg. 170: Read the We Respond statement. Remind children that they can always pray to Jesus. Then ask for His help. Mention each area in the drawings. Then invite your child to draw themselves showing love to others.

Ask your child:

- "What does Jesus want us to show others?" (That we love them)

- "How can we show others that we love them?" (Be kind and fair. We can share and listen to others.)

Follow Up:

Pray with your child: "Jesus, help us to be kind and fair. Amen."


Computer-- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/technology-mr-mcgarr

May 11, 2020 (Day 33)

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a peaceful weekend and lovely Mother's Day. For tomorrow's Zoom, we will be reading a story and discuss our feelings. We will talk about all of the wonderful things in God's creation, and share one thing that we are thankful for. Siblings are always welcome to attend!

Quick To-Do:

LA: Sight Words Unit 14 (Special instructions below); Handwriting Letter Qq (pgs.50-51); Boom Learning Monster Sight Words (added to their account)

Math: 12-2 Circles and Triangles (pgs. 691-694)-- Special directions for front page below

Religion: Chapter 19 (pgs.167-168)

Specials: PE (will be sent out tomorrow)--- I have included an AM wake-up stretch perfect for waking up their brains for their morning work

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 756 6985 1251

Password: (see email)

Language Arts:

Cut and learn new sight words (Unit 14)-- Make sure to write the first and last name on the back of each card and place inside of your TIGER binder once sorted and reviewed. This week, I encourage your llama to pick at least one sight word that might be challenging for them, and write it inside of the rainbow. It can be new sight words, or previously learned ones that are still a bit tricky.

We have never done this format in class before, so I am hoping it will be an exciting activity for them. I've linked the PDF, but wanted to include a sample image inside of the email. They can write the word two times in the clouds and then inside of the rainbow.

Follow Up:

Boom Learning Monster Sight Words (review of previously new words with some new ones thrown in) and Handwriting letter Qq (pgs.50-51)

"The Recess Queen"


Learn about the Letter Q


Math: 12-2 Circles and Triangles (pgs. 691-694)

On the first page, do NOT follow the directions at the bottom. Instead, ask your child to explain how a triangle and circle are different. Ex.) Circles are round, and triangles have three sides and are pointy. For the rest of the lesson, follow the directions at the bottom of the page.

A song about Triangles:


A song about Circles:


Follow Up:

Look through a magazine, picture book, newspaper, etc. with your child. Ask them to find pictures of objects that look like a circle or a triangle.

Religion: Chapter 19- Jesus Wants Us to Love (pgs.167-168)

Pg. 167: Tell your child, "In today's reading from the Bible, Jesus has some very important words for us. So, put on your best listening ears!" Then read the We Gather statement at the top of the page. Ask your child the question on the page. Ask your child what they see in the picture (any adults? children? animals? etc.?) Explain that Jesus didn't only talk to grown ups about God, but to boys and girls, too!

Pg. 168: Invite your child to think of ways that we can show love for others. Remind your child that you can say "I love you," but can show that you care by your actions, too. Read the We Believe statement at the top of the page and then the balloons. Follow the directions on the page.

Ask your child:

- "Whom did Jesus tell us to love?" (To love everyone/one another)

- "What does Jesus want us to tell others?" (That we love them)

Follow Up:

Ask your child to repeat this prayer: "Dear Jesus, we want to share your love with everyone. Please help us. Amen."


PE lessons will be sent out ASAP. I have linked one of my favorite GoNoodle AM wake-ups below:


May 7, 2020 (Day 31)

Dear Parents,

For our next virtual field trip, we will be visiting an equine farm. Please note that we are skipping the rest of Chapter 11 in math and moving onto Chapter 12. Chapter 12 will require a little bit of prep beforehand from grown-ups. More details are listed below! Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to help!

Quick To-Do:

LA: Equine Farm virtual field trip; Handwriting book #'s 13 and 14 (pg. 49); WTW sort #28 (pgs.109-112)

Math:12-1 (pgs. 685-688) Read description below!

Religion: Ch. 18 (pgs.165-166) and door hanger activity (copy attached)

Specials: Art and Library linked below.

Language Arts:

In handwriting book, complete writing numbers 13 and 14 (pg. 49)

Words Their Way sort #28 Letter Recognition Ff, Dd and Aa (pgs. 109-112)

Follow Up:

Take a trip to a horse farm:


Once the video ends, talk about what you learned or about how to take care of a horse.

Ex.) A horse needs food to eat.

Ex.) A horse wears a saddle. People sit on it.

Ex.) A horse has hair called a mane. It also has a tail.

Ex.) A pony is a small horse.

Math: 12-1 Two-Dimensional (2-D) and Three-Dimensional (3-D) Shapes (pgs. 685-688)

** We are skipping the rest of Chapter 11**

This video will be a review of 2-D shapes:


Show them this video about 3-D shapes:


Tell your child that flat shapes are called two-dimensional, and that they are easier to draw then three-dimensional. 2-D are flat! 3-D can be held in your hand and can be touched because they are solid.

This chapter will require some prep from grown-ups beforehand. Using construction paper, draw on a piece of paper a circle, triangle, square and rectangle. Have your child cut the shapes out. Keep these in a baggie as we will use these through chapter 12. Then grab any 3-D shapes that you may have in your house (legos or tissue box for rectangular prism, bouncy ball or soccer ball for sphere, ice cream cone for a cone, toilet paper roll or can of soup for cylinder, etc.) You can turn this into a scavenger hunt.

Sort the shapes on the first page (pg. 685) and sort by 2-D and 3-D. Once completed, follow the directions for the remainder of the lesson.

Follow Up:

Point to various objects throughout your house. Have your child tell whether the object is flat (2-D) or solid (3-D). Then have your llama draw a flat object that can be found in your kitchen.

Religion: Chapter 18 (pgs. 165-166)

Say to your child: "The children in the picture stand for all the children of the world. We can be helpful like Jesus when we pray for other people, especially all the children of the world. Jesus loves children very much. He is always ready to help you." Read the prayer on page 165.

On page 166, read the top of the page and then decorate the card for Jesus.

Follow Up:

Ask your child:

- "What was Jesus like?" (good, kind, caring, etc.)

- "What did Jesus do for people?" (He taught them, helped them, fed them)

Color the door hanger page that has Jesus on it. This was sent home in their manila folder. I have also attached a copy of the sheet. If you have multiple children, they can color and cut together as an additional family activity.

Cut it out and place it on a doorknob in your home. Glue construction paper behind it before you cut out for extra durability. Make sure it dries completely before you cut!


Art: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/art-mrs-frey

Library: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/library-lutter

May 6, 2020 (Day 30)

Dear Parents,

I hope your little llama has enjoyed their virtual field trip to a farm! We will be taking two more trips today (5/6) with Miss Penny to a smaller family farm and another with Mr. Rogers to a dairy farm. On Friday, I will be posting a video about a farm/market in Bealeton that the Turner family regularly visits together.

Quick To-Do:

LA: Visit to a farm and writing response, Handwriting book # 's 11 and 12 (pgs.48-49), Rainbow write new sight words in jumbo journal

Math: 11-6 (pgs. 655-658)

Religion: Booklet (pgs. 163-164)

Specials: Spanish, Music and PE

Language Arts:

Here's another field trip to a farm (Thursday we will go to an equine farm):


If you have Prime Video (through Amazon) you are welcome to watch Mr. Roger's Neighborhood Season 3, Episode 7 "A Visit to a Dairy Farm," and learn about cows and how milk is collected, pasteurized and packaged. This is about 30 minutes long compared to the first video which is about 10 minutes in length.

Write about what you saw inside of your journal. How is this farm the same/different from the farm we saw yesterday? Be sure to illustrate and label on the other side of the page.

Ex.) "I saw a horse. A horse is big. A pony is small."

Ex.) "I saw a cow. It was black and white. Some cows are brown and white."

Note: Kindergarten spelling is not perfect (and that's okay!). Sometimes, their writing might look like this: "I saw a kow. It wuz blk and whit. Sum kows are brn." They are spelling words phonetically (by how they sound) and that should be encouraged over having correctly spelled words. This is what will be most beneficial to kiddos long-term as they develop into more advanced writers.

Watch this Jack Hartmann video on directional words and spatial concepts. Encourage your child to use these terms when describing their illustrations or even in their writing response.


Handwriting book with Jesus-- Writing numbers 11 and 12 (pgs.48-49)

Follow Up:

Review sight words (new and old); Practice rainbow writing the words x2 inside of the jumbo journal. Crayons or colored pencils work best.

Math: 11-6 Count Using Patterns to 100 (pgs. 655-658)

Students find a number that is one more than another number on the 100s chart. They will then count and find the missing numbers from 1 to 100 on a number chart.

Count and exercise to 100 with Jack Hartmann:


Follow Up:

Point to the 100s chart inside of their TIGER binders. Take turns making up riddles and guessing the answers. For example, ask your child: "What number comes after 31 and before 33? (Answer: 32) Have them use their left hand to touch the smallest number (31) and their right hand on the largest number (33). This will create a window and allow them to visualize the number(s) inside. Repeat at least 5 times.

Religion: Loaves and Fish Booklet (pgs. 163-164)

Tell your llama that you are going to read a story called "Loaves and Fish." Show them their lunch box and ask:

"Do you think that what fits in this box would be enough food to feed everyone our family/school/etc.?" Explain that the booklet will help them remember a story about Jesus feeding thousands of people who had very little food and were hungry. Then, read the booklet together.

Follow Up:

Pray with your child: "Dear Jesus, the people who were hungry looked to you for food and you fed them. We thank you for food today. Amen."


Spanish- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/spanish-senora-dee

PE- Plans attached

Music- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/music-salinas

May 5, 2020 (Day 29)

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for the wonderful notes that I have been receiving. I adore all of my llamas and truly have the best job in the world! Our focus during today's Zoom was on adjectives ("a fancy way to say a word that describes things.") We played a "what's in the bag?" guessing game where I described items hidden from their view, and they had to use the clues (adjectives) to guess what was inside. You are welcome to play this game at home and let your child even have a turn describing items!

Quick To-Do:

LA: Cut and learn new sight words (Unit 13); WTW Sort #27 (pgs.105-108); Handwriting Letter Pp (pgs. 46-47)

Math: 11-5 (pgs.649-652)

Religion: Chapter 18 (pgs. 161-162)

Specials: Computer

Language Arts:

Cut and learn new sight words (Unit 13)-- Make sure to write the first and last name on the back of each card and place inside of your TIGER binder once sorted and reviewed. Practice learning the new words by tracing them in pudding, shaving cream, sand, etc. on a table or rainbow write your new words in your jumbo journal.

TIP: Place the liquid inside of a bag taped shut to prevent leaks. Make sure to refrigerate if necessary. This can be reused for multiple sight words or will make a great sensory bag for younger children or even your llama!!!

WTW Sort #27 (pgs.105-108)

Follow Up:

Listen to Peterrific by Victoria Kann here. Have your child listen for words that begin with the letter "P."

Handwriting in Jesus Book: Letter Pp (pgs. 46-47)


Math: 11-5 Count Forward from Any Number to 100 (pgs.649-652)

Students will count forward by ones on a hundred chart.

Follow Up:

Open the 100s chart in your TIGER binder. Have your child to a number on the chart to another number you have chosen.

Ex.) Start at 24 and stop at 57.

Repeat several times with different numbers.

Religion: Chapter 18 (pg. 161-162)

Pg. 161: Tell your child that you are going to read a story from the Bible. Read aloud the passage from Luke at the top of the page.

Ask your child:

- "What had Jesus been doing all day?" (teaching)

- "Why did people bring their children to Jesus?" (to be blessed by Him)

- "Who tried to stop the children?" (Jesus' friends who felt he was too tired/busy)

- "What was Jesus' reaction?" (Jesus told them to allow the children to come to him. He welcomed them.)

Pg. 162: Have your child draw themselves with Jesus. While they draw, ask them to think about what they would like to tell Jesus.

Ask your child:

- "How did Jesus treat people?" (Jesus was kind, good and caring)

- "Whom did Jesus want to come to Him? (He wanted the children to come to Him)

Follow Up:

Play them the song "Jesus Wants to Help Us" here.

Pray with your child: "Thank you Jesus, for wanting to help us. Amen."


Computer-- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/technology-mr-mcgarr

May 1, 2020 (Day 27)

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday! For this week's KB family enrichment, you are welcome to discuss the story of Jonah and the Whale. I've also included some coloring pages. I hope you and your family enjoy the crafts! If you haven't already, please check for an email from Mrs. Mary Swift about Kindergarten graduation shirts. You will be asked to include your child's name and t-shirt size.

Watch the story of Jonah and the Whale here:


Once you've listened to the story, you can make a cup and ball toss craft:


Snack Craft: Check your email for template and model

Below is the link for the STS enrichment activities.


April 30, 2020 (Day 26)

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone is doing well. Please give your llama extra hugs from me this week as we celebrate our wonderful students in the STS community. I am so proud of their hard work and miss them dearly.

Quick To-Do:

LA: WTW Sort #26 (pgs. 101-104) and Unit 12 Sight Word Cut & Glue Activity

Math: 11.3 (pgs. 637-640) and 10s counting activity

SS: Continue practicing phone number (use booklet that went home or suggested activities from earlier this week)

Religion: Complete Ch. 12 (pgs. 115-116); Pick another page to discuss and color in "Colors that the Priest Wears" booklet

Specials: Library, Art

Language Arts:

WTW Sort #26 (pgs. 101-104) and Unit 12 Sight Word Cut & Glue Worksheet

Have students write their Unit 12 sight words in their jumbo journals for extra practice. Tell them a word, then have them write it two times. They can then rainbow trace over the word with crayon, marker, etc. once they've written it twice in pencil. I've included an example of how to rainbow write below.

Follow Up:

Sight Word Review:


Math: 11.3 Count by Tens to 100 (pgs. 637-640)

Students will count all of the decade numbers in a hundred chart by identifying them as numbers with 0 ones. As the lesson continues, they will count by 10s using cubes or other manipulatives and find missing numbers.

Follow Up:

Arrange 30 objects, such as pennies, beads or other small objects, in groups of 10 on a table. Ask your child to use the decade numbers to count the number of objects aloud. Repeat with up to 10 groups of objects.

Watch this video to count along to 100 by 10s:


Social Studies:

Continue to practice your phone number!


Ask your child on page 115:

- "What are these children doing?" (Enjoying time with their friends, playing together, etc.)

Tell your child: "God shares his love with us in many loves. One way is through our friends. Today we will thank God for his love and for the gift of our friends." Then read the "We Pray" statement at the top of the page. You can listen to the instrumental version of "Did You Ever See a Lassie?" here to sing along with.

On page 116, ask your child to tell you what is happening on the page. (On one side, the children are fighting over the swing. On the other side, they are taking turns.) Then, color the heart over the picture of the children that are showing God's love.

Follow Up:

Pray with your child, having them repeat each line after you:

"Lord in heaven,

hear my prayer,

Keep me in your loving care.

Be my guide in all I do.

Bless all those who love me, too Amen."

Pick another page to discuss and color in "Colors that the Priest Wears" booklet


Library: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/library-lutter

Art: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/art-mrs-frey

April 29, 2020 (Day 25)

Dear Parents,

Mrs. Lutter will be hosting a Zoom dance party tomorrow at 11:30 in honor of International Dance Day. Details may be found below our quick to-do list.

Quick To-Do:

LA/SS: Handwriting in Jesus book: Letter Nn (pgs. 42-43); "If I Were an Author" writing activity; Scholastic "L is for Library"; Review phone number

Math: 11.2 (pgs. 631-634) and counting to 50 activity

Religion- Ch. 12 foldable Booklet and St. Therese coloring activity with quote (to be printed out or just have quote said aloud and discussed)

Specials: Spanish, Music and PE

Just for Fun: GoNoodle Bingo Activity Tracker (attached)

Topic: Mrs. Lutter's Dance Day Zoom Storytime

Time: Apr 29, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 863 8186 9756

Password: see email

Language Arts/Social Studies:

Handwriting in Jesus book: Letter Nn (pgs. 42-43)


Writing Activity: Think about your favorite books, authors, types of stories, etc. Why do you like them? Think about what story you would write if you were an author. In your jumbo journals, write three sentences or more about a story you would write. Then, draw a picture on the other side of the page.

Possible sentence starters:

- "If I were an author, I would write about"

- "My story is called"

- "My story is (happy/sad/silly)"

- "I like (happy) stories because"

***Continue to practice learning your phone numbers! ***

Follow Up: Let's Find Out Scholastic Worksheet

"L is for Library" focuses on visual discrimination and beginning sounds. Have your child find items that begin with the letter L and color them.

Math: 11.2 Using Patterns to Count to 50 (pgs. 631-634)

Students will identify a missing group of numbers in a number chart and explain how they know which numbers are missing by using patterns in the chart.

Jack Hartmann Count Forward and Backward to 50:


Follow Up:

Tell your child a number below 50. Ask to count from that number up to 50. Repeat 5x with different numbers. They may use their TIGER binder 100's chart if they need some extra help.


We Believe Booklet (pgs. 113-114)

Remind your child that Saints are great friends of God who give us examples of how to love God and serve others.

Pray with your child:

"Dear God, give us a loving heart. Show us the way to be like your friends, the saints. Amen."

Follow Up:

St. Therese Coloring Page (attached)-- Read the quote to your child and discuss what it means. Remind your child that even doing little bits of kindness are very important and can make our friends, family, and God feel happy.


Spanish- see email

Music- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/music-salinas

PE- see email

Just for Fun:

GoNoodle Activity Tracker (see email)

April 28, 2020 (Day 24)

Dear Parents,

This week's Literature with Leo can be found here.

Quick To-Do:

LA: WTW Sort #25 (Beginning sounds f,d-- pgs. 97-100), Handwriting Letter Mm (pg. 40 in Jesus book); Flipgrid (some of you have already completed this, but I would love to have more participation, to allow our KB family to learn more about each other's families): https://flipgrid.com/f6bc5885

Math: 11-1 (pgs. 625-628) [***We are skipping the other chapters in unit 10***]

Social Studies: Practice learning mom's/dad's phone number! Use the mini booklets that went home in their TIGER binders a while ago to practice if you still have it, too!

Religion: Chapter 12 (pgs. 111-112); "What the Priest Wears" booklet (see below for more info)

Specials: Computer

Language Arts:

Words Their Way (WTW) Sort #25 (Beginning sounds f,d-- pgs. 97-100)

Flipgrid (some of you have already completed this, but I would love to have more participation and have our KB family learn more about each other's families): https://flipgrid.com/f6bc5885

Handwriting Letter Mm (pg. 40)

Watch how to form the letter Mm below:


Follow Up:

Watch these videos if your child needs extra practice pronouncing letter F and D sounds:

Letter F beginning sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxcv-k4gYA

Letter D begninng sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb8DqaQmNWg

Math: 11-1 Count Using Patterns to 30 (pgs. 625-628)

Students will count to 30 while following numbers on the chart. They will identify patterns that they can see or hear. As they move on in the lesson, students will need to identify more patterns in counting numbers to 30 and use these patterns to find missing numbers.

Follow Up:

Tell your child a number between 1 and 10. Ask your llama to count up to 30 from that number.

Play Letter and Number tracing on ABCYa!


Just for fun: Dance along with Grandma and Grandpa Hartmann while counting to 120!


Social Studies:

Learning Important Phone Numbers: For safety, it is important that your child knows a number they can reach you at. Choose one phone number (mom’s cell, dad’s cell or home phone, etc.) for this. Have them work on memorizing only one number at time to avoid confusion. Remind your child that this phone number can be given to police or safe adults in case of an emergency. This is a great time to review your family’s safety rules 😊

Follow Up:

Write your 10 digit phone number on a piece of paper. Using clothes pins, popsicle sticks or even small strips of paper, cover each number so that you have 1 pin/stick for each number. Use three different colors for the 3 sections of your number. First, say your number for your child. Ask them to listen to the “rhythm” of the number. This is how we remember phone number, 3 numbers, 3 more numbers, then 4 numbers. Then show them how each section is written in a different color. Have them first work with the area code (section 1). Then section 1 and 2, always keeping the area code with the beginning. Finally, have them work with all 3 sections of the phone number.

Have your child practice clipping the pins/moving sticks of the number as they recite it.

Once your child has their number memorized, mix up the sticks and have them put it in the correct order. (Keep the items you used for this activity so you can practice throughout the week).

Religion: We show our friends God's love.

Ask your child to think about their friends. Ask yourr llama to repeat after you:

"Dear God, help us to be kind to our friends and others. Amen."

Read the We Believe statement at the top of page 111. Ask them to describe what is happening in the pictures.

Ask: "How would you feel is you were the children in each of the photos?"'

On page 112, read the statement. Ask your child:

- " When can we show our friends God's love?" (Everyday)

- "How can friends share God's love?" (They can be nice, help each other, have fun together, etc.)

Follow Up:

Open up the "Colors the Priest Wears" mini booklet and color a page or two of the book. Talk about the colors that the priest is wearing and why it is significant. We won't have any "official" assignments with this book. It's just supplemental, fun activity for the kiddos to do. So, pick any pages you wish throughout the remainder of the year.


Computer with Mr. McGarr-- https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/technology-mr-mcgarr

April 27, 2020 (Day 23)

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and maybe spent some time splashing in some puddles! For this week's assignments, we will be studying how to "learn about God with our friends" in religion. Today's Mondays with Mrs. McLaughlin can be found here.

Quick To-Do:

LA: Unit 12 sight words (cut and review); Writing numbers 9 and 10 in handwriting book with Jesus (pgs. 38-39); Two Boom Learning Activities (Easter carrot uppercase letter matching, Spring CVC word matching)

Math: 10.3 (pgs.579-582), counting objects in a bowl (more details below)

Religion: Chapter 12 (pgs. 109-110 and writing activity; We will complete up to page 116 this week)

Specials: PE (plans attached)

For Monday's Zoom meeting, we will be reviewing subtraction facts and playing a guessing numbers game. All they will need is paper, pencil and twenty manipulatives (legos, goldfish, mini erasers, etc.) to help guide them with the problems.

Kirby Turner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: KB Meeting Week #6 (4/26/20)

Time: Apr 27, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 783 3156 6627

Password: (see email)

Language Arts:

Cut out and review sight words from unit 12. Go over each word with your child. Place them inside of their TIGER binders once complete. Then, practice writing numbers 9 and 10 in their handwriting books (with Jesus on the cover); it can be found on pages 38-39. Students will also draw a line from the picture to the correct numeral.

Follow Up:

Boom Learning Activities x2 (Easter carrot uppercase letter matching, Spring CVC) -- Can be completed throughout the week if necessary!

Math: 10.3 (Make 17, 18, and 19) pages 579-582)

Students will use counters and a double ten frame, then write equations to represent a number as one ten and some more ones.

Watch this video that reviews how to count on from any number:


Follow Up:

Place ten marbles or other small objects in a bowl. Have your child count the number in the first bowl to see that there are ten. In a second bowl, have your child count on from ten while adding objects until there are 17 in all. Repeat with 19 and then 18 objects in all.

Religion: Chapter 12 "We Learn About God With Our Friends" (pgs. 109-116)

For today's Religion, we will be completing pages 109-110. Invite your child to think about God. Show them a Bible and say: "Today's prayer can be found in the Book of Psalms." Pray Psalm 150:6 aloud.

Ask your child "Why do you like to be with your friends?" Have your llama write and draw about it in their jumbo journals. Remember to have your child use their meatball spaces between words (finger space) and to use an uppercase letter at the beginning of their sentences.

Read the top of page 110. Ask your child:

- "What special gift does God give us?" (God gives us friends.)

- "How do our friends help us to discover God's world?" (Answers will vary!)

End with prayer: "Thank you God, for giving us friends to help us discover more about your world. Amen."

Follow Up:

Listen to a story about friendship and being kind to others:




April 24, 2020 (Day 22)

I hope everyone has had a nice week full of earth friendly activities and games! The more photos I see of your llama, the more I miss them! When Mrs. McLaughlin and I were travelling around, we were shocked to see how much they've grown. They are looking more like First graders, and less like Kinders.

I have received a couple of letters, and I can say that their handwriting is maturing as well. I'm excited to write back! We truly have amazing kiddos in KB this year, and awesome parents, too!

For tomorrow's optional enrichment activities, I tried to include a variety of hands-on and family friendly options.

Religion/Language Arts/Science:

God Gave Us Light- God created light that we need to survive.

Ask your child to name ways that the sun helps us in our daily lives. Explain: "Because the sun shines, plants can grow and give us food. The sun also warms us and gives us light so we can see." Encourage your child to name other ways the sun helps us. Using the jumbo journals, have your child copy and finish these 2 sentences:

"God, I thank you for the sun because……"

"The sun is ….."

Here's a silly Sesame Street video about Grover trying to feed his plants:


You can watch a bean sprout over the course of 25 days!


Sing this song to your child if you wish :


Math/Science/Art (STEAM):

Choose any of these crafts using items lying around your home!


Just for fun: Watch the animated Lorax movie! (Approx. 25 min long)


Make the Lorax--- If you don't have cupcake liners, construction paper cut into circles will work just fine. You can also dye cotton balls or use pom poms for the truffula trees. The possibilities are endless. If you do make this craft, please send me a picture!! I will be creating a powerpoint to send out at the end of the year, and would love to have photos of our llamas throughout the year.


April 23, 2020 (Day 21)

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone has had a nice Earth Day! It was so awesome getting to watch the FlipGrids of our kiddos discussing ways that they can help take care of the earth. We will continue discussing how to care for God's creation throughout the week.

Quick Overview:


-WTW sort #24 (pgs. 93-96)

-Letter L in handwriting book

-Unit 11 sight word trace and write worksheet


-10.2 Packet (pgs. 573-576)

-Making the number 14, 15, and 16 in a circle with Xs


-Earth Day Boom Assignment x2 (preloaded onto student account); One is a read aloud interactive story and the other is a quick sorting game

-Earth Craft (photo in bottom of email)-- If you choose do to this, feel free to send me a photo! I would love to be able to showcase students' work.

-MLK Jr. "This is how I can be a friend" worksheet (in manila folder) --- Students may write their response in their journals if they feel more comfortable using lined paper and illustrate on the blank side of the journal.


-Library with Mrs. Lutter

Language Arts:

-Words Their Way Sort #24 (Beginning Sounds c,h) -- (pages 93-96 in purple book) Review each picture with your child before they begin the sort. Sometimes the pictures, fonts, etc. are things that students are not yet familiar with.

-Letter L handwriting in Jesus book (pages 36-37)


Follow Up:

Unit 11 Sight Word Unit Trace and Write Worksheet (in manila folder)

Math: 10.2 (Make 14, 15, and 16) --- pages 573-576

Students will use counters and a double ten frame to solve problems.

Math Follow Up:

Have your child model the number 14 by drawing a big circle with 10 Xs inside of the circle and 4 Xs outside. Repeat with the numbers 15 and 16. This can be done in their journals or on a scrap piece of paper.

Religion/Science/Social Studies:

(We talked about MLK Jr. back in the beginning of 2020, but it is good to review concepts taught throughout the year to keep it fresh in their minds.)

Martin Luther King Jr. "This is how I can be a friend" worksheet activity (found in manila folder) ---- Have your child write their first and last name. Then, write one or more sentences about how you can be a friend to your classmates, the earth, to the poor, etc. Their choice!

Illustrate and label your picture to go along with your sentence in the box. Be sure to sound your words out. There are no lines to write on this assignment, so encourage them to try their best and to remember "Spaghetti and meatball spaces."

Here is a video about MLK Jr. from Jack Hartmann


*** If your child wishes to write their response inside of their journals, that is 100% perfectly fine!! ***

Boom Learning story--- Learn about how to take care of the planet in a 100% read aloud story. This has math, science, language arts and more within this assignment.

Craft: Use a paper plate, some paint or markers and create the world. Remind your child that God created the whole world and everyone/everything that lives there. Read to them: "Thank you for making me wonderful." (Psalm 139:14).

Follow Up:

Boom Learning sorting game: recycling vs trash (preloaded onto their account)

Specials: Library with Mrs. Lutter


April 22, 2020 (Day 20)

Happy Earth Day! Today's activities will focus on being stewards of the earth. There is a lot of information in my emails, so I will be including a short bulleted list towards the top and then provide more detail below.

Zoom with Mrs. Lutter (4/22 at 11:30)

Quick To-Do: (More details and links can be found further into email.)


-FlipGrid (Fancy Nancy Earth Day with story recorded in grid)

-Handwriting letter Kk in Jesus book

-Review Unit 11 sight words (Write 2x each and one sentence using at least one sight word)


-10.1 Packet (Make 11,12, and 13) --- Please note that you will have counters that go outside of the ten frame.

-Go outside and count how many pieces of trash you can clean up in your backyard, on a walk with family, etc. OR find items from the outside (sticks, rocks, etc.) and build something. Share your creation with us!



-Video about recycling (different bins for trash, glass, paper, etc.)

-Fun sing along about planting trees

-Recycling roundup game



-Music lessons can be found here.

Grading Policy in KB:

A gentle reminder that KB will be grading work through our Zoom meetings, Boom Learning and FlipGrid! The best part of that is, the kids don't even realize that they're being "assessed," so it doesn't put any pressure on them. It is still a valuable grading tool for me.

I firmly believe that Kindergarten should be a magical and explorative experience for every child.

If I receive letters in the mail from kids, I will be able to see their handwriting progression and provide tips to y'all about your specific child. I will not be asking parents to scan or mail me work. The only time when I will ask to see their work is for a show and share during a FlipGrid, Zoom, etc.

I understand that you, the parents, are still working and have a lot on your plates. I cannot imagine being home with one child or multiple children of varying ages while trying to work. I understand that this is a time of major adjustment. Please know you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

If you haven't seen this week's Tuesday Tidbits, Mrs. Kabadi made a video featuring the llamazing friends in KB, along with the rest of our awesome kinder buddies. April 21st is National Kindergarten Day! You can watch the video here.

Language Arts/Science:

Click this link to go onto FlipGrid and listen to "Fancy Nancy: Every Day is Earth Day." The video is embedded into the photo icon. Just click on the little earthworm, and the video should pop right up! Then, answer the prompt (Do you think every day should be earth day? Why/why not?) and share one thing that you can do to help the earth.


Handwriting Letter Kk in Jesus book

-Letter K proper formation video:


Follow Up:

Review your sight words from Unit 11. Write the words down on a sheet of paper two times and then read them to a parent, sibling, grandparent, dog, stuffed animal, etc. Once you've done that, use at least one of your new sight words to write a short sentence. Remember to use an uppercase letter at the beginning of the sentence and punctuation at the end. Don't forget "meatball spaces" between words (finger space)!

Math: Make 11, 12, and 13 (Green Packet 10.1)

***Homework portion is NOT required. If you wish to have your child do it, I suggest saving it for the next day as a review or do in the evening before dinner. Kinders are wiggly and need lots of breaks!***

Follow Up:

Go outside and count how many pieces of trash you can clean up in your backyard, on a walk with family, etc. OR find items from the outside (sticks, rocks, etc.) and build something. Share your creation with us!


Remind your child that God has made us stewards of the earth. Tell your child that this is a fancy way of saying that it is our job to help take care of the earth that God has given us. We have to clean up when we make a mess. We have to be kind to the animals. We need to reuse things whenever possible instead of throwing them away. Ex.) When we made halloween bats out of egg cartons and used toilet paper tubes for crafts.

Say this prayer with your child:

"Dear God, thank you for this beautiful planet. Bless it and keep it safe from harm. We pray for the protection of the animals, the soil, air and water. May we care for all you have made. Help us to love the Earth as you do. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen."

Show them a video on how to recycle (difference in bins):


Discuss what you can do in your home to help take care of God's creation!

Follow Up:

Song about planting trees:


Recycle Roundup Game:


Specials: Music and PE

PE is attached. Music lessons can be found here.

April 21, 2020 (Day 19)

Language Arts: Words their Way Sort #18 (Rr, Ss, Ee) and Handwriting Jj

For this activity, friends will sort different fonts into their appropriate categories.The first page is for cutting out and the other is for sorting/gluing and writing on the back, Please note that you will have to pull these from the books! It will be pages 69-72.

Handwriting Letter J can be found in their red book with Jesus on the cover.These do NOT have to be pulled.

Follow Up:

Watch a video here about how to properly write the letter J.

Math: Count and Write 18,19 and 20 (Green Packet 9.4)

***Please note that this packet has already been pulled from your child's book. This was from the initial round of papers that went home.***

Math Follow Up: Go outside and gather 18, 19 and 20 of things. (Sticks, leaves, pinecones, rocks, anything!) Tally what you gather. You may write your tally marks on paper or in sidewalk chalk if you have some!


Watch this video about kids visiting a recycling center:


In your journal, write at least three sentences about how you can take care of God's creation (recycle, turn off the water when I brush my teeth, turn off lights when I leave the room, pickup trash on the ground, take quick showers, pour old water onto plants instead of down the drain, etc.) Then draw a picture on the other side of the page. The journal is what we use for morning message. Please let me know if you are unsure which journal it is. I'm happy to help!

Possible sentence starters include:

- "I can help take care of God's earth by"

- "I will help the earth by"

- "When I (turn off the lights) I am helping the earth because"

Your child is welcome to choose their own sentence starters, too! Remember to use good finger space and upper case letters and punctuation. Also write the date at the top of the page.

Follow Up:

Sing and dance along!


Specials: Computer


April 20, 2020 (Day 18)

Dear Parents,

It was so nice getting to see familiar faces over the weekend! We have missed our llamas. For tomorrow's Zoom at 1:30, we will be wearing our coziest pajamas/comfy clothes and reading Click, Clack, Peep! For our meeting, the students will be writing down sight words that they hear in the story. All they will need is a pencil and paper. It is meant to be a fun activity that challenges their good listening ears. Siblings are always welcome to listen along!

You can watch this week's Monday's with Mrs. McLaughlin here!

Zoom Meeting:

Kirby Turner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: KB Meeting Week #5 (4/20/20)

Time: Apr 20, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 739 1154 7237

Password: (see email for password)

Language Arts: Sight Word Unit 11 and Handwriting (in Book with Jesus on the cover)

Have your child cut the words out. They should write their first and last name on the back of each card. This is something we have done all year and it's a good habit to keep for first grade. Have your child touch each word, hear you say the word, then they say it. Repeat 3x per word, then have them say the words at least one time on their own.

For the handwriting portion, it can be found in their book called "Writing Our Catholic Faith." We always tell them it's the book with Jesus on it. They will be completing pages 30-31 Letter I. Watch this video about how to properly form the letter I here.

Language Arts Follow Up:

Pull sight words from previous units (found in bright pouches inside of their TIGER binders) and review the words. You can make it a timed game and see how many words they can get correct in one minute, two, etc. Make it fun! Have a pile for correct words and then another pile of incorrect for review.

Math- Boom Learning: Counting 10-20 Easter

Going off of feedback from the survey, many parents wanted to have more virtual based options for their kids. Boom is the primary tool that I will be using to assess your child's progress and mastery of each topic. It is important that your child does these lessons as they're assigned because topics will build on top of one another.

Their login is stsFirstNameLastName and their password is their lunch pin.

Ex.) Kirby Turner = stskturner

We will not be doing a Boom deck (assignment) everyday, but maybe two times per week depending on activities planned. It could be in math, science, language arts, etc.

Math Follow Up:

Have your child rainbow write (use different colors) numbers 1-20 two times in their morning message journals (side by side, skipping lines for each new number). The kids will know which journal this is. We have also done rainbow writing before in the journals, so flip back for reference.

Ex.) 1 1

2 2

3 3

Pick a number (1-20) and draw the number of objects on the left hand side of the paper that is blank. If you look back in their journals, they use the right side which is lined for writing and then the left side for drawing pictures.

Science and Religion Chapter 1: God Made All Things

In honor of Earth Day (4/22) we will be talking about how God has made everything around us. Pull all of Chapter 1 (pages 19-26). We will not do the entire chapter in one day, so save the pages for Monday and Tuesday. We will also get to Chapter 2 on Wednesday and Thursday.

Complete pages 19-22. Page 23 is the booklet and should be saved for Tuesday.

On pages 19-20, ask your child these questions:

- "Who made the world?" (God)

- "What are some of the wonderful things God created?" (Water, sky, animals, people, etc.)

- "How do you feel when you hear that God loves you?"

Complete the activities on each page. Remember to have them write their first and last name.

Science/Religion Follow Up:

In KB, we take recycling very seriously. Our kiddos have done a FANTASTIC job of sorting materials and even removing non-recyclable labels off of packaging in order to make them recyclable in our classroom on a regular basis.

For example, Danimals yogurts can be recycled, but not the plastic label covering it. The label must be thrown away, the insides rinsed clean and then recycled.

You can watch The Earth Book by Todd Parr here! It talks about our planet and ways to take care of it.

Below is a sorting game that friends can play. Remind that items such as bubble wrap, cell phones, etc. cannot be recycled. In truth, they can be at dropped off locations or through programs such as TerraCycle (https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/), but that might be too complex for a Kindergartener. Good for grown-ups, though!

You can play the recycling game below:


Below is the prayer that we say at the beginning of each Zoom meeting. It is not a prayer that students are required to know, but it is a beautiful prayer for littles ones.:

Jesus, you are good and wise

I will praise you when I rise.

Jesus, hear this prayer I send

Bless my family and my friends.

Jesus, help my eyes to see

All the good you send to me.

Jesus, help my ears to hear

Calls for help from far and near.

Jesus, help my feet to go

In the way that You will show.

Jesus, help my hands to do

All things loving, kind, and true.

Jesus, guard me through this day

In all I do and all I say.


Specials: PE

April 7, 2020 (Day 15)

Dear Parents,

It was so great getting to see the llamas today during our Zoom. When he or she completes their masterpiece, please send me a photo! I would love to display their art in a powerpoint that I will share with the class on Friday. I believe that it is so important to maintain these peer relationships as much as we can. It connects them; directed drawings are something special that KB enjoys doing together.

Today's Literature with Leo is "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" by Mo Willems. I am reading it to Leo as a bedtime story, so feel free to show it to your llama right before bed one night. Don't forget to have them say "Sweet Dreams" to Leo.... he might not seem sleepy by the end of the video, but he was asleep as soon as I uploaded it to YouTube. Promise! You can watch the video here.

For their next Flip Grid assignment, students will be talking about the beginning, middle and end of a story they have recently read. Your llama is welcome to show pictures from the book as they discuss and share whether they did/did not like the story. They should then explain why.

Remember that I must approve their videos before it is posted. If you don't see your llama's video right away, no worries! The Flip Grid link is https://flipgrid.com/2689320b

Language Arts– Reading Packet Day 2: Comprehension

Read the story three times. Remember to track your words (touch each as you read). Answer the questions below the story. Don’t forget your best handwriting and spaces in between your words.

Follow up: What is your favorite thing about going to a birthday party? Draw a picture of the last birthday celebration you remember and show what you loved the most about it.

Math: Left vs Right

We remember that our right hand is the hand we use to make the Sign of the Cross But sometimes it is tricky to remember which side is which.

On any paper, students should trace and color their hands. Then cut out both their hands. (Parents, please allow them to do both tracing and cutting for fine motor practice -it is okay if these aren’t perfect)! Do this 3 times for each hand. You should have 6 hands total!

On some scrap paper, write the letters “R” and “L” for Right and Left. You’ll need 3 of each to match the number of hands. Mix up the “R” and “L” scraps and have students match each “R” with a Right hand cut out, and each “L” with a Left hand cut out.

Want more? Trace your feet outside with sidewalk chalk (or you can trace and cut more if you’d like). As you jump on a Left foot, shout “LEFT”. When you jump on a Right foot, shout “RIGHT”. You can mix these up as you get really good at it!

Show them this song below that reviews their left and right hands.


This is a faster paced song that will challenge kids to quickly call out their left vs right.


Math: Follow Up

Once you feel like your child has mastered their left vs right, have them play this game online:


Math Just for Fun: Hokey Pokey with Maximo (GoNoodle)



Stations 13 and 14 Say this to your child: On the Third Day, He rose again! Jesus returns to life in Glory! Have your child repeat.


Fun Follow Up: Make Resurrection Rolls!


∙ One can of crescent roll dough

∙ 8 large marshmallows (or one for each roll you’ll be making)

∙ Melted butter

∙ Cinnamon sugar. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar with one teaspoon of Cinnamon


1. Preheat the oven according to the package directions.

2. Unroll the crescent rolls. Explain that this is like the cloth they wrapped Jesus in.

3. Give your child a marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus… all white and pure because He was without sin.

4. Roll the marshmallows in the melted butter. This symbolizes the embalming oils.

5. Roll the marshmallows in the cinnamon sugar. This is like the spices used to prepare his body for burial.

6. Wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll cloth, pinching the dough together securely. Don’t worry about the shape so much, they’ll taste the same no matter how you roll or bundle them. This represents how they would have wrapped Jesus’ body. You may choose to brush the crescents with more melted butter, but it’s not necessary.

7. Put the rolls in the oven (symbolizing the tomb) and bake for the amount of time specified on the package.

8. Open the oven and remove the rolls. When they’re cool enough to handle, break one open and discover what happened to the marshmallow. Jesus is risen! Jesus is coming again!

Specials: Computer with Mr. McGarr


April 6, 2020 (Day 14)

Dear Parents,

Happy Palm Sunday! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. You can watch this week's Mondays with Mrs. McLaughlin here! For tomorrow's Zoom, we will be doing a directed drawing of the Easter bunny.These types of activities not only foster their creativity, but also work on their listening skills and fine motor. The kids see themselves as artists! Siblings are welcome to join us.

Please have a pencil and paper with your child. They independently use black Sharpies during class when we do our directed drawings, but provide at your own discretion. Once we complete the drawing, students outline their image with Sharpie and then color. This will be done once our Zoom concludes. I would LOVE if llamas could share their art work via email. I will make a fun powerpoint to be sent out on Friday with their masterpieces to share with our class. We use watercolor, crayons, markers, etc. Whatever you have will work. If your child wants to paint but you don't have watercolors, use markers and then lightly spritz with water. A little bit goes a long way!!

NOTE: I will be putting a passcode on all of our Zoom meetings moving forward to protect our llamas. The password is llamas, so I hope it will be easy to remember!

Kirby Turner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: KB Meeting Week #4 (4/6/20)

Time: Apr 6, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 588 963 663

Password: llamas

Thank you to everyone who has filled out our survey. If you have not yet completed it and wish to share your thoughts, please do so. I am keeping it open until Thursday (4/9), to guide my lessons moving forward.

We will begin Boom Learning after Spring Break. There is a sample activity on your child's account so they can get comfortable with the program before we begin. This particular program will allow the students to work almost independently, and is an excellent tool for me to monitor their progress. If you need any help logging in, please let me know. There is a free App or you can log onto https://wow.boomlearning.com/.

Username: stsFirstNameLastIntial Ex.) Kirby Turner= stskirbyt

Password: Lunch pin

Language Arts/Math: -“Write the Room”/Positional Words.

Watch Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aynZh1-fsBg

This is a simple, but fun story. This story introduces positional words (over, under, above, through, around, etc.) Using a clipboard (or tape a paper to the front of your TIGER binder), write the words:

Over, Under, Above, Around, Through, In and Out. Now walk around your home. Next to each positional word, draw a picture of what you walked “over” or “under”, etc. like Rosie the chicken did.

For example: OVER: Did you step over your Legos? – draw a picture of Legos on the floor), THROUGH: Did you walk THROUGH a door? -draw the door).

Want more fun? Have someone write the same words but go over/under/through different places and things than you. Trade lists and try to follow each other's lists like a map. This is GREAT fun with a sibling!

Math: Lesson 9.2- Count and Write 13, 14, and 15 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students will use counters to count, read and write the number for a group up to 15 objects.They will then practice writing the number that shows how many in all. Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes to check your work. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child write the numbers 13, 14, and 15 on three index cards or pieces of paper. Show your child groups of 13, 14, and 15 objects. You can use Goldfish, blocks, rubber bands, etc. Whatever you have lying around the house is perfectly fine! Have him or her count the objects in each group, say the numbers, and match the number cards to each of the groups.




Station 10: Jesus’ clothes are taken from him. The soldiers leave him a cloth as his clothes.

Station 11: Jesus is nailed to the cross.

I am sorry, Jesus. I love you.

Station 12: Jesus dies.

Make a Thank You card for Jesus and write a prayer inside the card telling Jesus you love Him very much.

FOLLOW UP: Think about Stations 10, 11, and 12. Make a windsock out of any materials you might have at home that shows your love for Jesus. Hang it outside. : )

Specials: PE

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches. Our P.E. activity for today is called Grab-and-Go! You will want to start the game from a place that is far from the kitchen. If your child has his or her bedroom on the second floor, this is a good starting point. You should have a timer available for this game. (Children loved to be timed and tend to work harder/faster if it feels like a race.) The object of the game is when you say “go” and start the timer for your child to run from his or her bedroom, (or other starting location,) to your food pantry, take one item out of the pantry, run it back and place it on his or her bed, (or other designated spot,) and repeat this until your child has ten different items. When your child has the ten items on the bed stop the timer. Tell your child the time and then challenge them to put the items away even faster than when they took them out!

**Please explain to your child before they begin pulling food that they should only get items that cannot break such as boxes of cake mix, canned tuna, unopened pasta, etc J

Please make sure your child is staying up to date on his or her exercise log.

Have a great day!

Miss Z

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Virtual Easter Egg Hunt: Look for the egg. Teachers from all of the country have shared images from their homes. Once you click TWICE, an arrow will show up to point where the egg is. Then click again to move to the next slide.


April 2, 2020 (Day 12)

Language Arts

Using the ABC’s in A Bag from last time, pull each letter out one at a time. Using the writing paper that has lines but no picture box, follow these steps:

Pull 1 letter

Say the letter

Say the Sound

Write it

Write the lowercase next to it

Set aside that letter and go again.

Do the whole bag and then put them away nicely for next time.

For fun – put the letter you pull on your head, say it’s name and sound – as you lean over to write your letter, let it fall

Language Arts Follow Up

Starfall is a great free tool that friends can use. We frequented this site on a regular basis, so the kids are able to use this site almost independently. They even have free worksheets/activities for kids to do (printables) on the parent-teacher corner.


Math: Word Problems - (Written as day 5 in your packet)

Read the word problems to your child. Have them draw out each part either in the box or on a separate piece of paper if necessary. Go line by line with your child, having them draw the problem out as you read it. Once done, have them check their answer. They can use counters (cheerios, legos, blocks, etc.), their fingers or draw a number line!

Math Follow Up:

Click the link below to go to Molly Adds and Subtractions to 10. This will be an excellent (and fun!) way to check their understanding of subtraction before we move onto more challenging subtraction problems in the future. ***Please note that ABCya works best on a computer. ***





Station 7: Jesus falls for the second time. Have your child repeat this sentence.

It is really hard for Jesus to get up, but he does.

Many of you have fallen down and your parent has been there to help you and make you feel better. Jesus was a grown up and did not have his parents to comfort him, but he had God. With God, Jesus was able to get up and keep walking with the heavy cross on his back.

Station 8: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. Have your child repeat this sentence.

He sees the women of Jerusalem crying because they felt bad for Jesus. Jesus tries to make them feel better. He tells them not to be sad, that he will be okay.

What would you say to Jesus if you saw him?

Station 9: Jesus falls for the third time. Have your child repeat this sentence.

This time, Jesus’ face hits the hard street. His head hurts and he is dizzy. He gets up and keeps going.

Jesus never gave up. He keeps going. Remember to think of Jesus when you think you can’t do something and ask him to help you.

FOLLOW UP: Make up a special prayer for Jesus remembering his strength and love for God.


April 1, 2020 (Day 11)

Language Arts: New Month!

Today is the first day of a new month! Watch Jack Hartmann's video on April here! Take a look at a calendar or days of the week on Starfall. On the lined paper with the picture box, write and complete the following sentences:

Today is ___________________

Tomorrow will be _____________________

Yesterday was ___________________________.

Draw a picture of something you are doing today. Write a sentence/caption to your picture.

Math: Lesson 9.1- Count and Write 11 and 12 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students will use counters to count, read and write the number for a group of 11 or 12 objects. They will then practice writing the number that shows how many in all. Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes to check your work. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Draw groups of 11 and 12 circles, each on a separate index card, small piece of paper or whiteboard. Have your child write the correct number on the back of each card. Then use the cards to practice counting and writing the numbers 11 and 12. Click the link below to play Marble Math.


Religion Stations of the Cross (4-6)



Station 4: Jesus meets his mother. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Ask the question, who is Jesus’ mother? Remind your child that Mary is our Mother too. : ) Jesus is very sad when he sees Mary’s face because Mary is so sad. Jesus says goodbye to her.

Station 5

Simon helps Jesus carry the cross. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Simon of Cyrene doesn’t want to carry the cross but the soldiers make him help Jesus. Jesus is very grateful but still struggles to walk up hill.

Station 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Jesus is bloody and sweaty. Veronica is very kind. She gently wipes Jesus’ face. After she wipes Jesus’ face, she opens the cloth and Jesus’ image of his face is on the cloth.

When you wipe your face, do you see an image of yourself on the cloth? Only Jesus could do this because he can do anything through God.

FOLLOW UP: Have your child think about Stations 4, 5, and 6.

Say 3 “Hail Mary’s” for Mary and Jesus. Draw a picture for Mary.

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: COLOR, CUT OUT STATIONS 4, 5, AND 6. The attachement for the stations was in yesterday's email!

March 31, 2020 (Day 10)

Flip Grid Assignment:

For tomorrow's assignment, I would like for you to record your own version of Little Quack to share with friends. It can be as silly as you want! I made mine into a story about lipstick. Parents, work with whatever you have!! There is a five minute time limit, but don't feel like you have to use the entire slot. I wanted to give plenty of time. My goal in this assignment is to check for their understanding of part-part-whole before we move on to more challenging addition facts in the future. They may use up to 15 as their whole. Be warned, it would take some time. I did 6 as my whole. Let me know if you have any questions about this assignment. I will post the link below. I won't assign Flip Grids every day either, so please don't worry about that! I want the kids to get comfortable with using the app. I hope y'all enjoy creating these as much as I enjoy watching them!!


Language Arts

Using the paper provided to you in your packet called “ABC’s IN A BAG”, please cut out each letter square. Keep them safe in a small Ziploc bag after you use them today. WE WILL USE THESE OFTEN and AGAIN, so please do not glue them at this time.

Scramble up the letters and then sort them back into ABC order. Once you have A to Z, touch each letter as you say (or sing) the alphabet. Now, go backwards! Say the alphabet from Z to A. Touch each letter as you go!

For fun, lay your letters on the carpet. As you say them, in between each letter, clap your hands once. A, clap, B, clap, C, clap. Then go backwards, Z, jump, Y, jump, X, jump!

Save these letters in a bag. We will use them again and often! Please take good care of them 😊

Math: Graphing - (Written as day 4 in your packet; You should see snails, sunflowers and flower pots)

Students will demonstrate how to classify objects. Have them cross out one object at a time as they color. Please don’t have them count the entire group and color at once. Remember to write your first and last name!

Math Follow Up:

Click on the link below to go to ABCYa. Students will play the game called “Fuzz Bugs Graphing.” It will have them sort by color, then ask the total group, how many of each color, etc.


Religion-- Please print out the stations attached!

For the next 5 days, your child will be reviewing and/or learning about The Stations of the Cross. I will include a link for you to view and have a discussion about each Station. There will be 3 Stations a day, so that this will be completed before Holy Thursday. Please note, I do not read or use all of the words on the Online presentation slides of the Stations. I keep the wording of each Station more kindergarten friendly.

Stations 1, 2 and 3 will be introduced today. https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/liturgical-year/lent/stations-of-the-cross/multimedia-stations-of-the-cross-for-children

Say this to your child:

Station 1: Jesus is punished for our sins. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Ask the question, Why you think Jesus was punished? Listen to their answers….Then say to them, some people did not like that Jesus was talking about God. How would you feel if you couldn’t talk about God and His goodness? It was because Jesus talked about God, that he was punished.

Many people were sad.

Station 2: Jesus receives the cross. It is made of wood and is very heavy for him to carry. Have your child repeat these 2 sentences.

Think of carrying something very heavy and doing it all by yourself. That would be so hard, but this is exactly what Jesus did. He knew that even though this was very difficult, he had the strength of God with him.

Station 3: Jesus falls for the first time. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Jesus falls to the ground and people “mock” him. KC kids know what mock means! If they forgot, mock means to make fun of someone or something. Some people laughed when Jesus fell.

Ask your child was that nice for people to laugh at Jesus? Why not? What would you say or do if you saw Jesus fall?

FOLLOW UP: Have your child think about these first 3 Stations.

Say an “Our Father” for Jesus.


Specials: Computer with Mr. McGarr


March 30, 2020 (Day 9)

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend! For tomorrow's "Mondays with Mrs. McLaughlin," we will listen to Big Dog, Little Dog. You can watch it here. Enjoy!

We will continue to have our weekly Zoom on Monday at 1:30. Before that meeting, I ask that families log onto Flip Grid (either app or website), and complete the following list below! That way, I'll be able to answer any questions in the Zoom meeting with several parents and kids present. I can activate the "share screen feature" on my end and show everyone how to use it.

*** Instead of doing a show and share on our Zoom, the kids will be able to share it with all of their friends in a pre-recorded video on Flip Grid.***

Flip Grid!

Click this link here to find out how you can get started with FlipGrid! Our class code is: turnersllamas

I have attached a copy of each child's QR code in my email. If you have the free app downloaded on your phone or other smart device, you can scan it directly from your phone, OR you can type in the code turnersllamas and then your child's lunch ID number to be logged into the system.

Below is the link to tomorrow's assignment. Your child can record a video (up to two minutes) with a message to their friends and show one treasured item with at least three facts about it. Note: You must activate their account first by scanning the QR code or logging in with the class code and lunch ID #. Additionally, please note that I have it set to "Moderated," so I will watch each video before it is approved. No one outside of our classroom family will be able to see these videos!


Here is the link for our weekly scheduled Zoom:

Kirby Turner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: KB Meeting Week #3 (3/30/20)

Time: Mar 30, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 573 792 387

Language Arts:

Cut and Sort #23 (Letter Recognition: Nn, Pp, Ii)

Start on the page that has the 3 letters with writing lines, please write each letter 2 additional times in your best handwriting. Above, in the small rectangle space, draw a picture of something that starts with that letter. You will do this for each of these letters, once for upper case and once for lower case. Then, cut the squares on the other page. Do your best to cut on the lines. Sort the letters and glue them under the correct letter on the back of the 1 st page. Watch your glue – one dot is enough. Then, listen to Alphardy on YouTube here.

You can play a matching game with upper and lower case letters here!

Remember: "B has a big belly." and "D wears a dirty diaper."

Math: Lesson 8.10- Continue to Find the Missing Part of 10 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students will demonstrate how to find a missing part of 10, using drawings, counters, fingers, etc. to help them solve a ten-frame with the appropriate, matching equation.

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Give your child seven small objects like coins, cheerios or beans. Ask your child to add objects until they have ten total. Then ask your child to say the equation (7 + 3 = 10). Repeat this activity by starting with a group of 4, 8, 9, 2, etc. to get to ten objects total.


Thank God for the Blessings He has given us! Make up a special prayer for Him. : )

God’s Love Is So Wonderful video link Watch and try to sing along… it’s fun!


With parental permission, If you have sidewalk chalk, go outside and draw wonderful things that God has given us! Rainbows, trees, flowers, etc! If you don’t have sidewalk chalk, act out something God has given us! Sprout like a flower, twirl like leaves in the wind, anything you can think of!

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it : "Thank you God for our wonderful world and everything in it. Amen."

Specials: PE

A Note from Ms.Z:

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches.

For P.E. class today I would like your child to do the attached workout video. This video does a variety of exercises and will keep your child moving. I enjoyed doing it and encourage family members to participate along with your child. Also, during the rest time in between exercises please encourage your child to either walk or jog in place.


Please make sure your child is staying up to date on his or her exercise log

Have a great day!

Miss Z

March 27, 2020 (Day 8)

Dear Parents,

Every Friday, our llamas will have the opportunity to participate in a family activity. They certainly aren't limited only to Fridays.There will also be supplemental lessons that build upon what we've already been learning, or simply to provide extra family time. I hope you and your family enjoy!

Linked below is the April (Virtual) virtue assembly:


Family Activity:

Go on a walk with your family. You can even plan a picnic or bring bird food along. While you’re out together, be sure to take a moment to notice God’s beautiful creation. Find a quiet spot and sit down together. Say a prayer or sit quietly like we do we in Adoration.


  • Daily Routine with TIGER Binder

Math: Before your family walk, check the time before you leave and when you get back. How long were you gone? Kinders need to be able to tell time to the hour and half-hour. I will link super fun and catchy videos below for telling time. Enjoy:



  • Social Studies: Practice your home address and phone number. Notice the street names and numbers of your neighbors.

  • Religion/Language Arts: Upon returning from your family walk, have your child write a list on the lined paper with the picture box. What did you see? What did God show you? Illustrate your sentence and make sure to add lots of details.

March 26, 2020 (Day 7)

For today's "Literature with Leo," we will be reading one of my absolute favorite books. I know that several llamas also adore this pinkatastic book! Inside are all things gold. Can you guess what book it might be? (Character day was Tuesday, but we will be celebrating it today (3/26) since Mr. Scoffone read us a story that day). You can watch today's video here!

Language Arts:

Log onto World Book online/Follow this link:


This story is called "A Perfect Pet." The students in the class want to pick a good pet for their class. Read along and see what they choose.

On your writing paper with the picture box, copy and complete the following sentence:

My perfect class pet would be a ______________________ because _____________________.

Illustrate the pet you picked and draw it in the setting of our classroom. Don’t forget to add some of yourself and your classmates in your picture

Math: Subtraction (Written as Day 3 in their math packet.)

This Math lesson will act as a review of subtracting or “taking away” part of a group and to correctly form numbers. Remind them to start at the top line when creating a number!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child play “Balloon Pop” on abcya.com. The link is below:


Religion: Images of Jesus

Many churches have images of Jesus on their stained glass windows. Images of Jesus might also be in our homes. ( A cross, a statue or painting of Jesus, books about Jesus, jewelry with a cross, etc.)

These images help to remind us to live as Jesus wants us to live.

Activity: Draw a picture of a church with stained glass windows. Add yourself and Jesus. Use washable markers, crayons, or colored pencils! Don’t forget to start in pencil and add details to your picture. : ) Finish this sentence: "My stained glass windows remind me that Jesus……" (See Kindergarten lined paper attachment)

Religion and Math activity: Go through your house and look for images of Jesus. Make tally marks of the images of Jesus that you find. Write the number too : ) Any paper will do!

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat: "Thank you Lord for all You do for me. I am safe with You. Amen."

March 25, 2020 (Day 6)

Language Arts: Words their Way

Cut and Sort #22 (Letter Recognition: Tt, Gg and Ee)

Start on the page that has the 3 letters with writing lines, please write each letter 2 additional times in your best handwriting. Above, in the small rectangle space, draw a picture of something that starts with that letter. You will do this for each of these letters, once for uppercase and once for lower case.

Then, cut the squares on the other page. Do your best to cut on the lines. Sort the letters and glue them under the correct letter on the back of the 1st page. Watch your glue – one dot is enough. Use your "baby sharks" to help you open and close the glue. If you see the fake glue dot, then it's closed. Our llamas will know what this means!

Math: Lesson 8.9- Find the Missing Part of 10 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students demonstrate ways to make 10 by coloring groups of ten cubes, with two different colors. Make sure that the students keep their groups together!

**Keep the groups together. You do NOT want to create a pattern!**

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Play a guessing game! Take ten objects and have your child count them, placing one object into your hand at a time. Example: One (puts lego in hand), two (another lego), three (another lego), four… and so on. Then, pick a group of objects and put them behind your back. Have your child count the objects remaining in one hand and “guess” how many are behind your back. Remind them that it will equal ten!

Religion: We Thank God for His Love

Ask your child to think of ways we show someone that we care and love them. Some examples you might want to discuss: taking care of someone who is very young or old, STS Food Pantry helping other families we don’t even know by giving food to people in need, praying for others.

Using a BLANK sheet of paper (copy paper, construction paper, anything you have on hand) and DRAW a large Cross. Have your child the Cross out. Remind them to do their best cutting. *** I will include a photo of proper scissor grip as an attachment. ***

You will be adding pictures inside of the Cross, so make sure it is wide too. Draw pictures showing your love to God and others. Don’t forget to start in pencil. Use crayons, markers or colored pencils! You may also choose to glue items onto the Cross (flowers, stickers etc) Have fun and make your Cross BEAUTIFUL!

Share your Cross with your family. Tell them about the pictures you drew and/or items you glued. Find a special place in your home to look at your Cross throughout the day.

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat: "Thank you God for loving and caring for me. I love you too! Help me to care for others. Amen."

March 24, 2020 (Day 5)

Language Arts:

Watch the Read Aloud of Do Not Open This Book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbI5-L3shis Depending on your browser, there may be ads. Just a heads up!

See how the storyteller used the puppet to help her read this book? Make a puppet to help you read your favorite book. Use an old sock, paper bag or whatever you have around the house. You can even use your favorite stuffed animal to help you read! Happy storytelling!

Math: Addition (Day 2 of your packet-- You should see flowers)

For this page, students are asked to model, or draw, counters to solve the addition problem. I suggest drawing circles, squares or other simple objects. This way, it is easier to erase mistakes and to have enough wiggle room for all counters to fit in the section. Students can use their fingers, draw a number line or count in their head to check over their work.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child collect a handful of small, random items from your house or from outside. Have your child sort them into two groups. It could be by color, size, shape, etc. Then have them record that number sentence. Repeat as needed.

Religion: Let’s Celebrate Jesus is Our Friend

Remind your child that Jesus is ALWAYS with them. Give a few minutes of quiet time for your child to pray silently or out loud.

Look at the pictures of different scenes on pg 231. Talk about those pictures. Notice the words Jesus in the Morning. These are words to a song. Listen to the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvoyvsmdn_U

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it

“Dear Lord Jesus Thank you for my friends who share, and care about me. Help me to be a good friend too. Amen.”

Specials: Computer

Objective: Reinforce the block programming lessons and continue to work on typing skills. .


  • Even though we have covered similar lessons I like to reinforce it. Normally I would walk them through it but this video will work. Please play this video before they start:

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THOEQ5soVpY

  • Students should focus on typing skills and work on other academic skills using the computer during this virtual period. Please allow the students to enter the website and attempt to locate the internet. Feel free to help them with this part.

  • Once online, the students should be able to search for code.org

  • Next they will look for Hour of Code.

  • Scroll down and look for the Angry Birds or Classic Maze game. (see link below)


  • This could be a little challenging since with the break we have not focused too much on coding. We are going to focus more on it as it grows mouse skills, following directions, and logic.

March 23, 2020 (Day 4)

Language Arts/Math:

Get out your library book from your last visit to Mrs. Lutter's Library (or another book if you don't have a library book). Make sure the book is not a sight word/small book, but one that may be a bit more challenging to read.

Look through the book. Track each word (touch each word as you try to read it). Count how many sight words you can find. Make a list of the following words and make tally marks for how many times you count them: THE, AND, FOR, YOU, IT.

Remember with tally marks - one, two, three, four and cross diagonally for five. Then space a bit and start another group.

Math: Lesson 8.4-Fluently Add and Subtract to 5 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students can solve addition equations in their own way (model, finger, counters [cheerios, legos, blocks,etc.], etc.). Ask them “What are some ways you can solve addition and subtraction problems?” Possible answers: Draw a picture, use objects, count on, or count back.

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.

Math Follow Up:

Show your child the equation 2 + 3 = ? Have them solve the problem any way they choose. Then have your child explain how to solve the problem. Continue to provide your child with a variety of # + # = ? and have them explain their reasoning.

Religion: Ch 26

Introduce the booklet on pg 229 called "Always with Us"

Tell them that this booklet will help them remember Jesus.

Read each page in the booklet and have your child repeat each page back to you.

Invite your child to talk about each picture, mentioning what is happening and how they feel about it. Tell your child that no matter what happens, Jesus is with us always.

Follow Up: Using the paper called, Jesus is our forever friend, Draw a picture of yourself with your family and/or friends. Be sure to draw Jesus too. : ) Use pencil first, then color neatly. Make sure you have details (Are you outside? Remember things you see outside….apple trees, sun, etc)

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it

"Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for the gift of family and friends. Amen."

March 20, 2020 (Day 3)

Language Arts:

Watch the Read Aloud of The Bravest Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9qCa0wntIY Depending on your browser, there may be ads. Just a heads up!

Using the lined paper (Page 3/4), answer the following questions:

What is the Title of this story?

Who is the Main Character? (Who is the story mostly about?)

Is this Fiction or Non-Fiction? (Make believe or True?)

What is the Setting? (Majority of the story took place where?)


Math: Lesson 8.3-Reasoning (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

This Math lesson teaches students how to use manipulatives (objects) and tell a story to show an equation communicate mathematical ideas. Be sure to ask whether the equation is addition or subtraction. Ask them how they know!

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Tell your child one simple addition and one subtraction story. Have them solve the problem by drawing models (balls, people, ice cream cones, squares, etc.) For example: There are four friends playing at the beach. Three more friends join them. How many friends are there altogether? The equation would be 4 + 3 = 7. Another example: Sally is having a birthday party. There are ten pieces of cake. They eat six pieces. How many are left over? The equation would be 10 - 6 = 4.

Religion Chapter 26-Jesus Shares his friendship with us

Read pg 227, The Scripture Verse: Matthew 28:20 to your child.

Using crayons, color the Message in the Sand, “I am with you always” on pg 227

Read the question on pg 228, How can you thank Jesus for being your friend?

Help your child read aloud what it says on each seashell and discuss ways you can do each of those things on the shells. Color the shells.

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it: "Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for being my friend. Help me to be kind, to share, and to help others. Amen."


Link to Mrs. Frey's Art Plans:


March 19, 2020 (Day 2)

Dear Parents,

Below I have attached today's lessons. We will also have our second episode of Literature with Leo. Click the link to watch here! We will be talking about changes all around us. It is also a good opportunity to check in with your llama and see how they are feeling.

Language Arts/Social Studies:

Log onto World Book Online:


Username: stsathome

Password: tigerathome

(If you’ve already logged on to World Book Online, use this link or follow the step by step instructions below: https://www.worldbookonline.com/wbel/#/story/bk000024/en-US)

If you haven’t already logged on:

Click on the “Early Learning” tab

Click on “Stories”

Click the Picture icon of “Trek” (he looks like a scarecrow)

Find the story titled: “Keeping In Touch”

Click Read and Listen to the story

When finished, use writing paper with a picture box. Think about what you have been doing these last few days. Write a letter to someone you don’t live with (maybe a classmate, friend, relative). Tell them about what you’ve been doing. Draw a picture to go with what you have written. Make sure you have hair, hands and clothing! Don’t forget the setting and details! Ask Mom and Dad to help you address the envelope. Try learning your address too.

Try starting with the following:

Dear ______________,

Today I….

Math: Counting (Written as Day 1 in their math packet. You should see some baseball bats, chicks, buttons, etc. on it)

This Math lesson will act as a review of counting and correctly forming the numbers. Remind them to start at the top line when creating a number! Be sure to write your first and last name!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child count the number of food items on their plate during snack, lunch, dinner, etc. They can tally the numbers up. If they are wanting a challenge, hand your child some paper and a clipboard or piece of paper on top of a book/binder. Any hard, portable surface will do! Think of items around your house (or outside) that your child can “hunt” for. Draw a basic picture and have your child tally the number of items up.

This video can help them with tally marks:


Religion: Chapter 26- Jesus Is Our Friend

Read pg 225 to your child. Ask your child: How do you spend time with your friends?

Read pg 226 Jesus had many friends and the Read Along, The Scripture Verse: John 21:4-13

Watch Jesus Loves Me, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owx3ao42kwI

Follow Up: Draw a picture of how you can be a friend. Be sure to add “details” Tell someone about your picture!

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it: "Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for showing us that you are a good friend. Help me to be a good friend to others. Amen."

Specials: Mrs. Lutter's Library Plans


March 18, 2020 (Day 1)

Science/Language Arts: Weather/Rain

Log on to World Book Online https://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/products?ed=all&gr=Welcome+St+Timothy+School%21

Username: stsathome

Password: tigerathome

If you’ve already logged on to World Book Online, use this link or follow the step by step instructions below: https://www.worldbookonline.com/wbel/#/story/bk000024/en-US

Click on the “Early Learning” tab

Click the right, yellow arrow to “Weather” and click on that Weather Rain Cloud icon

Scroll down to weather stories (blue)

Find the story titled: “Race the Raindrops”

Click Read and Listen to the story

When finished, use writing paper with picture box (pg 3). Plan a picnic. Write 2 sentences about your picnic and illustrate. Be sure to include weather and setting details in your story and picture. Remember your best handwriting and spaces between words!


Copy and Paste this link: https://www.pgsd.org/cms/lib07/PA01916597/Centricity/Domain/67/Writing_Paper.pdf

Math: Lesson 8.2-Related Facts (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

This Math lesson teaches us how to solve related addition and subtraction equations.

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Using objects around the house (pennies, toys, paperclips), ask your child to make groups of 4 or 5 objects. Next, break each group into 2 smaller groups and write and equation about the groups. For example: Take 5 stuffed animals. Make one group of 2 (giraffe and bear) and one group of three (dinosaur, turtle, lizard). The equation would be 2 + 3 = 5 OR 5 - 2 = 3.


Review with your child the power of prayer. God is always there to listen to us and help us when we need Him. Remember to praise God.

Using Writing Page 3 with picture box and copy and complete this sentence:

Today I will pray for…

Illustrate yourself praying and who/what you are praying for. Remember your details in your drawings and to use your best handwriting!


Copy and Paste this link: https://www.pgsd.org/cms/lib07/PA01916597/Centricity/Domain/67/Writing_Paper.pdf


*Go outside and look for signs of Spring. Remember the story we read about the picnic and rain clouds!


Music: Mrs Salinas
KB lesson plan 1 for Wednesday, March 18, 2020.docx