KA: Mrs. Hanna


This is our Virtual Learning site! All KA Lessons will be posted here and sent via email every day. Please check your email for additional messages as well!


(Please practice the following routines as we do them in class)

*Stand and say your prayers & the Pledge of Allegiance

(Sign on the Cross, Hail Mary & Our Father)

*Pray for any special intentions

*Review your Alphabet Sound Chart (In Binder)

*Recite your Number Chart 1 - 100 (In Binder)

*Pray Bless Us Oh Lord before each meal

*Recite Days of the Week and Months of the Year (sing the songs, say them forward and backward if you can!)

*REVIEW SIGHT WORDS UNIT 1-22 (1 unit at a time, keep reviewing mastered units)*

*Read at least 20 minutes every day (Sight Word books, Raz Kids, hard copy books or other ideas

Friday, May 29, 2020

This week we discussed and prayed for our Nation and Heroes. Today, enjoy creating or becoming your own HERO!

People are fascinated by the amazing feats of superheroes. Allow your child to think about their favorite Superhero and discuss why they are extraordinary.

Pose the question: “If you could have superhero powers, what would they be?” Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having super abilities.

FOR FUN…Students can create a drawing or costume of their very own Superhero! Use your imagination and whatever you have around the house. Go outside and use your Superhero powers…just make sure to use them for GOOD!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Language Arts: Using the attached “USA Writing and Drawing” pages, think about 4 things you have learned about our Nation this week. Think about some of the symbols you have seen, building you learned about and the people who help keep our Nation safe.

Activity: In the boxes labeled 1-4, write 1 word for each USA symbol/idea you learned about. Illustrate in the box above. Afterwards, use the 2nd page to write 2 to 3 sentences about ONE of your ideas from the first page. If you need some help or ideas, a few pictures are at the bottom of page 2. Be sure to use your best handwriting, check for upper- and lower-case letters, spacing and punctuation at the end. Illustrate with your best coloring!

Math: Print the USA Map and Graph that is part of this lesson plan page. Using RED, WHITE and BLUE crayons, color the States. You may leave “white” states blank if you don’t have a white crayon. Make sure at least 15 states are colored in each color. It is up to you which state is red, white or blue. Color carefully, some states are super small.

After you are done coloring, count the states in each color and graph the total number of RED states, WHITE states and BLUE states on the graph page. You can use the same colors for the graph, just be sure to use grey for the white states.

Graphing reminders: Always start at the bottom of the graph. Put a dot or small mark in the box as you count UP, then go back and color it in neatly. Count TWICE before you color.

Answer the questions at the bottom of the graph.

Religion: Print or look at the attached: “The 5 Finger Prayer for Kids”. Take a few minutes to read through each prayer/finger with your child discussing why each is important and how using our fingers can help us remember how to put others first. Then help your child pray for each part. Encourage students to use the “5 finger prayer” when they pray at bedtime or quiet time.

Social Studies: Send a thank you card, letter or picture to someone who has been a Hero to our Nation. This can be someone in the military (past or present), someone who is a Police Officer, Fire fighter, etc.

Just for Fun: USA Word Find 😊 Print the attached and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Language Arts: Symbols are things we learn to recognize that stand for something else. Our flag is a symbol we have already learned about in Kindergarten, but there are many more US symbols that are also important. Listen and read along with this Brain Pop Jr. video that teaches all about the US symbols and what they mean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=236&v=6d8BZWaibH8&feature=emb_logo

Activity: Print the attached sheet “USA Alphabetical Order”. In the word bank at the top are 10 words that tell something about the United States. Using the lines below, put these words in alphabetical order (ABC order). Remember, start with the letter A, the move on. If 2 words start wit the same letter (both start with P, for example), move to the 2nd or 3rd letter to see which one comes first. Write the words in order neatly on the lines below.

LA/Social Studies: Print the “Pledge of Allegiance fill in the blanks” sheet. Using the words provided in the word bank, fill in the missing words to complete the Pledge correctly. Write the words in and spell them as you see them in the word bank – if a word has an upper-case letter, make sure yours matches.

We are so blessed to live in the United States! Jack Hartman sings a fun song with some pictures you can relate to! Listen and watch his fun song and think about what is special is to you about America!


Activity: After listening to the song, think of 5 things that America means to you. Using red, white and blue paper (or white paper that you color), trace your hand 9 times. Follow the directions to make a USA Handprint wreath. WRITE each of your 5 things on the handprints (1 thing on each). Make sure when you glue your handprints, the ones that have writing are on top.

Use this to decorate your home 😊 and honor the Military men and women who died defending our awesome country!

USA Handprint Wreath: This works great as a family project (with each person contributing one or more handprints) or an individual craft. K students should cut out all hands for extra practice regardless of whose hand it is.

You’ll need: glue, scissors, red, white and blue construction paper. If you don’t have colored paper, students can color in their hands using crayon or marker.

Have students trace their own hand onto paper and cut out the prints. Make nine handprints (3 of each color). Cut out the prints and glue to form a wreath.

Math: There are 50 States that make up the United States of America. Using the “USA states” list that was attached to your email, number the states on the blanks beside it. This list is in ABC order from left to right, so label the first state 1 (Alabama: 1) then the next state (Alaska: 2). Write the numbers 1-50 next to each state. You should end with Wyoming: 50.

Afterwards, count how many US States start with each letter and show that number in Tally Marks on the page provided. Remember, tally marks are 1,2, 4, then cross for 5.

Religion: Tell the students that you are going to talk about putting God first in your life—with your money, your time, everything! What does it mean to put God first? (Make time for Him, make sure that you give your time or offering before doing other things, etc.)

Then tell the kids you are focusing on money today. Pretend that you get $10 of allowance. That $10 is the same as a whole banana (or something your child can eat bites of during this activity). If you do not want to have your child eat during this activity, grab Legos or something similar that can be taken apart as you go.

What is the first thing you should do if you want to put God first? (take out your offering).

Now, let’s pretend you don’t take out your offering first because you get allowance on Monday and you don’t have church until Sunday. On Tuesday, your school is having a book fair, so you go buy something. It’s not all of your money, but it is some. You still have enough for offering (take a bite of the banana).

On Wednesday you really, really need a candy bar, so you buy that. You still have money for offering. (Take another bite). On Thursday, you give $1 dollar to a friend. Now, that is a good thing to do so you think it is a good decision. You still have some money left for the offering. (take a bite). On Friday, you want to participate in the school spirit Dress Down Day, so you pay $1. There’s still a little bit of money left for God (take a bite). 8. On Saturday, you really, really want to hang out with your friends who are going to get ice cream, so you buy your ice cream (eat the rest of the banana). Now it is Sunday, and look! There’s only the peel left (or the crumbs). Is that good enough for God? The scraps?

We don’t want to give God the scraps! He deserves to be put first! The banana peel is like the pennies left in your wallet at the end of the week. If you had started out by putting your offering by itself, then you would have made different decisions. You wouldn’t have decided to spend all of your money, because some of it was already destined to go to God.

Review and reflect with you child: How can you as a 5 or 6 year old, put God first in your life? (Money/offering, time by praying 1st thing, etc.)

Print and Color the “Praying boy/Praying Girl” page as you make your plan to put God first in your life.

Recite the Pledge by reading your paper when you are done.

Science (Optional Lab from Mrs. Young): See the attached from Mrs. Young: “Science Lab Sequencing”. This does require some advanced preparation.

Just for Fun: Prayer Pretzels. Make your own pretzels and read this Pretzel Poem. This recipe uses Pillsbury crescent rolls so it is a bit easier than making your own dough 😊 Enjoy!


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

This is our last academic week of Kindergarten 😊 We will focus our studies on Our Nation (in honor of Memorial Day) and review within our core subjects.

Language Arts: Our students have come so far with their reading over the last year! We are so proud of them! Print the attached “Coin Books”. Students should read and color the book pages.

Using a YELLOW crayon, circle all your sight words/words you can read without sounding out or needing help.

Math: This year, we have learned how to add AND all about the US coins. Let’s use both skills together!

Print the attached “Drawing Coins” and “Counting Coins” sheets.

“Drawing Coins” – at the top of the page, it shows you that the circle with a Q is a quarter (.25), D is a dime (.10), etc. Using the amount in the small grey boxes, use the coin letters to make that amount. For example: the first one is $0.03 (3 cents). You would draw 3 circle coins with P in them to show you made 3 cents with 3 pennies. Do your best to use the least amount of coins possible for each answer.

“Counting Coins” – is doing the opposite. The coins are provided for you, now you need to add the VALUE of the coins and write the answer. Remember, only the penny counts as 1.

Religion: Ask your child what a “hero” is and if they know any heroes. If they name fictional heroes along with people, or occupations, from everyday life, use the opportunity to discuss the difference between heroes on television or in movies (some of whom might be “superheroes”) and real-life heroes. Direct your child to look for all kinds of heroes.

Activity: Make “You’re Our Hero” cards and send them to local firefighters, police officers, nurses, teachers, military personnel, and others on the “Heroes” list. Have your child draw an appropriate picture on the front and write a message on the inside that gives a reason why that person is a hero.

Be sure to let your Hero know that you will be praying for them (and then, of course, pray for them!)

For example, inside the card: “I think you are a hero because you keep us safe. I will pray a Hail Mary for you.” Students should be encouraged to make up their own prayer for their Hero as well.

Social Studies: Print the attached “Hooray for the USA” flag paper. This shares some of the meaning of our flag. Color it carefully and the best you can to show respect. The colors matter so be sure to choose correctly.

After you finish coloring – stand up and place your hand on your heart. Recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” like we do in class each day.

Science (Optional Lab from Mrs. Young): See the attached from Mrs. Young: “Pre-Lab Sequencing”.

Just for Fun: Print attached “Coins the in Bank” and color the nickels and pennies according to the code.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Enrichment Day!

See the attached “Neighborhood BINGO” activity. Using the attached pages, create your own BINGO game with common items found outside in your neighborhood.

The first page is the empty BINGO game board. The second page is a "bank". Players can cut their choices from the bank and paste them to their game boards.

You can play 2 players per bank (no sharing of choices) or each player gets his/her own bank (players could have the same choices).

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Language Arts: Calling Kindergarten Authors! It is time to write your next book! Using the Make Your Own Book (attached), or using your own paper, write a book about the US Coins following these guidelines:

Title and Cover should say something about coins or money so the reader knows what to expect. Illustration should match. Remember to make it look fun and exciting, so readers become interested.

Write 1 fact about each coin. 1 coin per page. Illustrate the coin correctly using appropriate colors and size. Draw the front and back of the coin.

About the Author: We have learned different things about you in your other 2 books, this time, tell us something about you and money! For example: what do you use your money for? Where do you keep your money?

Make sure your illustrations match your pictures, check and double check your sentences! Have fun!

Math: Create your own store. You will need 1 of each coin and a brown colored pencil or crayon and 1 regular pencil. Using a plain piece of paper, put 1 coin underneath the paper, holding steady rub the brown crayon LIGHTLY over the penny/use the pencil LIGHTLY for the other coins so your colors match.

Now, create your own store. Gather items you want to sell. Using scrap paper, write the cost of each item on each paper. When your store is ready, invite family members to come shop. Sell your items to your family members OR invite your stuffed animals to shop with you 😊

Here is another fun Jack Hartman song to get your thinking about coins and money! https://youtu.be/RVpcZ5obmsM

Religion: Saint Michael is one of 3 archangels in the scriptures His name is the war cry of the good angels in a battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. Saint Michael is a messenger from God to the people. He is shown as a brave warrior and is a protector of the church. Many people pray to him because he is our protector. Pictures or stained glass windows of Saint Michael are often shown in churches, in homes and on bell towers.

Michaelmas, or the Feast of Michael and All Angels, is celebrated on the 29th of September every year. He is the leader of angels and protector of people.

ACTIVITY: Say the prayer of Saint Michael with your child:

St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle, be our

protection against the

wickedness and snares of the

devil. May God rebuke him,

we humbly pray, and do thou,

O prince of the heavenly host,

by the power of God, cast into

hell Satan and all the evil

spirits who prowl about the

world seeking the ruin of

souls. Amen.

Then complete the attached coloring page of Saint Michael with appropriate colors and your best effort.

Social Studies: Review your home address. Make a dance, cheer or kung-fu moves. Recite your address as you move. (Example: Instead of 2, 4, 6, 8 who do we appreciate? Your child would say 1, 2, 3 4, Main Street) or with each “hi-ya” they would say the street name, then karate kick the number, etc.

Just for Fun/Optional: Coin toss game. You’ll need a variety of coins. Draw a circle on the ground or use a hula hoop, bucket or blanket if inside. Each circle is designated for 1 specific coin. Try to toss the pennies into the penny circle, then the nickels into the nickel circle, etc. When you have no more coins, count how many of each coin you made in your circle. Try again and see if you can beat your score! Do you have a “lucky” coin?

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Language Arts: As we learn about money, we also need to learn how to save it! On your paper without a picture box, write 3 or more sentences about something you want to save your money for. Tell us what you want to buy/save for, how much it will cost and why you want it. For example: “I am saving money for a ___________________________. It costs ________________. I want a ________________ because_______________________________.

Then, make your own Piggie Bank so you can start to save your money! Here are a couple ideas using a recycled water bottle or a cereal box. You can use whatever you want. A simple idea is to cover a toilet paper or paper towel roll. Then using tissue paper or foil, cover the top and bottom. Have parents help make a small slit on the top for coins. Be creative, have fun 😊

Math: Coin Puzzles. Print the attached pages of coin puzzles. Each shape has a different coin showing the front, back, name and value. Carefully cut the shapes out that have the coin information inside. Leave the page with the blank shapes to the side for now. You won’t need to cut that one. After you’ve cut out all the pieces of each shape, mix them all up. Now, solve the puzzles using the blank shape page. Use the information on the puzzle piece to help you see which ones go together (“penny” and”1cent should be in the same shape).

When you’re done and have the pieces in the correct puzzle, glue them down. Be sure you cut and glue carefully so that pieces fit together nicely.

Religion: Mother Teresa: Print the attached coloring page of Mother Teresa. Share the following information about Mother Teresa while students carefully color her picture. Remember to use correct colors and do your best work as a sign of respect for her.

The woman known as Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in what is now known as the Republic of Macedonia. She came from a comfortable family that were deeply religious and devoted to the Roman Catholic Church, and very committed to helping those less fortunate. This would be the legacy that her family gave to her as Mother Teresa became one of the most well-known and beloved religious members that were devoted to the poor.

She made the decision to leave her family and become a nun at the young age of 18 with the desire to be a teacher. She continued to teach in the school and in 1944 became the school principal and she was loved by many for her kindness and devotion to education.

It was in 1946 that Mother Teresa experienced something that would change her life. While riding on a train from Calcutta for a retreat, she said Christ spoke to her and told her to leave the teaching work that she was doing and work in Calcutta , helping the sickest and poorest people of the city.

Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her work “in bringing help to suffering humanity.”

When she passed away in 1997, her Missionaries of Charity had over 4,000 members with thousands as lay volunteers and over 610 foundations that covered 123 countries in all of the seven continents.

Social Studies: Review your phone number. Using a calculator, tablet, old phone, or computer keyboard, type/dial your phone number 3 times. This does NOT have to be printed, just practice finding and dialing the numbers in the correct order.

Just for Fun/Optional: Use the attached (within this lesson plan) Tic Tac Toe boards or make your own. Use 2 different kinds of coins instead of “X” and “O”.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Language Arts: Money is important. It is used to buy things we want and need. Take a moment to think about the things you have and the things you wish you had. Using your paper with the picture box, draw (or cut out of a magazine) 3 pictures with the following in mind:

1-A picture of something you NEED and use every day (food, water, shelter).

2-A picture of something you HAVE and LOVE to play with (favorite toy, game, TV, etc).

3-A picture of something you WANT (a dream purchase, if you could have anything in the world…)

Write at least 1 sentence about each picture. Make sure you say what the item is and why you Need/Have/Want it.

Math: Coin Patterns. Ask mom and dad for about 25 or 30 coins. It doesn’t matter which coins (US ONLY PLEASE), but make sure you have a mixture of them. Ideally, you would have 5 or so of each.

Make the following patterns on your table or floor:

Penny/Nickel/Penny/Nickel (AB pattern)




Now color in blanks of the attached page – make different patterns of your own (AB, ABB, ABC, etc.) Make sure your pattern repeats at least one time through.

Listen to this fun song/watch video as you work. https://youtu.be/aajLkveG750

Religion: Introduction: Lucia dos Santos and her cousins, Francisco and Jucinta Marto, lived in Portugal over one hundred years ago. Although they were ordinary children, God chose them to meet the Blessed Virgin Mary and bring her message to the world. Print and read the mini book called, Our Lady of Fatima Mini book –see attached (one page).

ACTIVITY: Fatima and Spinning Sun Food And Snack Ideas

This is a great idea for celebrating the feast of Our Lady Of Fatima including the snack below.

Parenting.com has some cute ideas for healthy kid snacks that includes this super easy sun snack for kids.

Social Studies: Review your home address. Using any paper, write your address in rainbow colors-each letter/number in a different color.

Just for Fun/Optional: Make your own coin. Watch this video from the US Mint about how our coins are made. Then, get creative and make your own. Design it and decide it’s value 😊


Monday, May 18, 2020

Math: This week, we will introduce money and coins. In Kindergarten, we want students to be able to identify what a coin looks like and what it is worth.

Watch this video introducing the US Coins and their value. It is a bit longer than our usual videos, but gives a full overview. https://youtu.be/ACQWEklrVws

After watching the video, complete the following pages that were attached to today’s email: “The Penny, The Nickel, The Dime, and The Quarter”. Read the short description at the top of each page. Students should trace the word, count using the value of each coin (by 1, by 5, by 10 or by 25), and color it the correct color. Remember – grey can be made by coloring with lightly with your black crayon.

Language Arts: As you learned in the video for Math, each US Coin has a different value and different look. Print and complete the page attached (within this lesson plan document). This is a poem about the coins. Use the word bank to fill in the blanks. Keep in mind, words that rhyme. Listen to Jack Hartman’s fun song while you work 😊 https://youtu.be/pnXJGNo08v0

Religion: Saint Anthony was a priest who loved Jesus very much. When someone took a book that did not belong to him, Saint Anthony prayed, and the person brought it back. Today, people ask Saint Anthony to pray and help them find things that are lost. Have you ever lost or misplaced something and just can’t find it? Since Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost things, in his honor, play the “Lost and Found” game!

ACTIVITY: Parents choose an item to hide. Your “seeker” should not be in the room while you hide it. Your child returns and looks for the item. If they cannot find it, they can say: “Saint Anthony, help me” and then parents give them a clue!

Repeat the game a few times with different items. Students can color the attached picture of St. Anthony.

Social Studies/Math: Review your important phone number. Write your phone number correctly on a piece of scrap paper. Below each number, count out and place the correct amount of coins. For example, 703: 7 would have 7 coins, 0 would have no coins, and 3 would have 3 coins.

For an additional challenge, students can try to make the actual value of the coins match the number. For example 7 would have either 7 pennies or 1 nickel and 2 pennies.

Just for Fun/Optional: Roll the dice Money game. You’ll need a pair of dice and some change. Roll the dice and count the number. (If one die is on 2 and the other is 3, count together to get 5). Now, using your coins, make that number. For 5, you can use 5 pennies or 1 nickel.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Now that you’ve learned all week about what happened at your Baptism – see what others can share with you about your day (ask mom and dad, your God parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles (whoever was there). Maybe you have some photos or video you can watch!

Your God parents may not be people you speak with or see every day, especially right now. Today, take a moment to call them, write them a letter or draw them a picture. Let them know how special your relationship is 😊

You can use your VERY best coloring and color in the attached picture with a verse about Baptism. I’m sure they’d love to see it!

Remember to check the Virtual Learning Home page for Specials including today's Art lesson.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Language Arts: Listen to the read aloud of “The Grouchy Ladybug”. She goes through her day meeting different creatures. She is not very nice and learns a great lesson in the end.


Activity: On your paper with a picture box, finish the following sentence:

If I met the grouchy ladybug, I would…

Add 1 or 2 more sentences to tell a short story about what would happen next.

Make sure to illustrate your sentences and check them to be sure you have upper cases to start, spaces in between and periods at the end.

Math: Watch the read aloud of “The Grouchy Ladybug”: (this is the same link and story from above, you don’t need to watch it again, but it will be helpful to have it up to refer to throughout the math lesson). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlhucZKcALk

Review the story and notice the different things the ladybug does and what time she does them.

Print the attached The Grouchy Ladybug worksheet and answer the following questions in the boxes marked with corresponding letters. Make sure you fill in both the digital clock and the analog clock. Remember to make your clock hands different sizes so it is clear which one is the hour hand (shorter) and which is the minute hand (longer).

What time did the ladybug…

A: meet the yellow jacket?

B: meet the skunk?

C: meet the gorilla?

D: meet the lobster?

E: meet the elephant?

F: meet the praying mantis?

G: meet the sparrow?

H: Meet the stag beetle?

I: meet the whale?

J: meet the hyena?

K: meet the rhinoceros?

L: meet the whale’s fin?


After a week of learning about Baptism, this is a beautiful craft to display in your homes. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. It shows that the Holy Spirit is inside us once we have received Christ as our savior.

Baptism of Jesus Rhyme/ Finger Play

To the river went Jesus and John,

(Place hands together palm to palm and wiggle them as if floating down a river)

God was proud of His only Son.

(Hold up a thumb)

On his head it looked like a dove,

(Place both hands on head and wiggle fingers like a dove has landed)

The Holy Spirit came from above.

(Point to heaven)

Supplies Needed:

· White paper plate (the cheap kind)

· Markers

· Scissors

· Tape

· String or ribbon

· Yellow paper, optional

You will need to look at the craft because there aren’t any templates for this one….

Start with a regular, cheap paper plate. First, cut it into thirds in big strips. The outside pieces become the wings, and the middle becomes the body of the dove. Cut the dove’s tail and body from the middle section after cutting the wings free. The dove’s body is easy to draw because it’s just shaped like a snowman. Draw the lines you need to cut on the back of the paper plate. That way, when you flip it over the marker lines won’t show. See picture below:

Cut on your lines, and then assemble like a dove with one of the big wings on each side. Secure the wings on the back of the dove with tape. I like tape for this because it does a good job, and then you don’t have to wait on any glue to dry. Draw on some simple feet, a beak, and 2 eyes with markers.

If you want to take it a step farther, you can add the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Just cut one tear-drop shape out of a piece of paper, and give it to your child to trace and cut them out. There should be 7 of them. Cut them out, and write gifts of the Holy Spirit on them.

Tape string or ribbon to the back of each flame, and then to the back of the dove. Tape one more piece of string or ribbon on the back of each wing so you can hang your dove.

Ta-da!!! Gifts of the Holy Spirit dove! You can hang your dove anywhere!

Social Studies: “Which Way Do I Go” Cards. Students should make 12 cards/pieces of paper each with 1 cardinal direction word on it. 3 North, 3 South, 3 West, and 3 East. Have students write the words for extra practice. Help students by placing an arrow in the direction of the cardinal word (NORTH card would say NORTH and have an arrow pointing UP, EAST card would say EAST and have an arrow pointing RIGHT, etc.). Mix the cards/shuffle the deck.

Students should follow the directions of the card going 2 steps in whatever direction the card says. BE CAREFUL – this is best done in an empty space, great time for a backyard break! 😊

Just For Fun: Make your own lady bug craft! Here are a few samples of different ways you can make a ladybug with items around the house. As always, and especially because this is just for fun, use your own creativity with what you find 😉

Paper plate and construction paper (paint or markers)

Black construction paper and red tissue paper (you can also paint or use red marker on coffee filters and add a bit of water to the filter so color lightens and spreads).

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

NOTE: Please make sure students complete Math before Language Arts today. We will use the Math work today and expand on it for our Language Arts activity.

Math: Print the attached “Clock Face”. Carefully cut out the red and blue hands (or make your own, but use the same colors for simplicity). Using a brad (or simply center them and move as needed), make the times listed on the “Clock Face Chart” attached to the lesson plan. Move the hands to make the time listed in each box. After setting your ANALOG clock to the correct time, draw a picture of what you would do in our School Day around that time (reasonable answers are fine, not looking for exacts! Lunch, snack, math, recess, dinner, bedtime). Draw and label your picture.

Remember: The BLUE hands tells the minutes because it is longer and the RED hand points to the hour because it is shorter.

Language Arts: You all did an amazing job being authors of your own books last time! Today, using the chart you did for Math, and the attached Make Your Own Book pages, write a book about a day at school. You may title it whatever you like, but it should include some or all of the TIMES of the day you used on the math chart. This should make it easier for you, but you’ll need to write a complete sentence explaining what happens at each time of day. For example:

“At 8 O’clock, I pray at school with my friends.” Illustrate that sentence.

Religion: JESUS IS BAPTIZED Watch this video about Baptism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUrzll0aQCY

What is Baptism?

Ask your child: what are some ways that we use water at home or school? What about at church? People are baptized to show they are turning away from sin. Baptism is an outward demonstration of an internal decision to follow Jesus.

Read Matthew 3:13-17 out loud with your child.

Talk about various signs (stop sign, railroad crossing, etc.) Ask what do these various signs mean. We see lots of signs every day that give us information. Here’s a picture of another type of sign. Show the picture of the person being baptized. (This was sent home in the packets from school).

Allow students to color page as you discuss.

Ask your child: What’s happening in this picture? Today we’re going to learn about another kind of sign called baptism. People are baptized to show they are turning away from sin. Ask: Have you ever seen someone get baptized?

Baptism is a way for someone to show that they are unified with Jesus. Everything about baptism is symbolic. The water represents God’s judgment of sin. Going under the water represents God’s punishment for sin that Jesus took for us. Coming out of the water symbolizes the new life that they have in Christ.

John agreed and baptized Jesus right there in the Jordan River. As Jesus came up out of the water John saw something incredible. He saw the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus in the form of a dove. Then he heard the voice of God saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Then John knew without a doubt that Jesus was the Messiah whom God had promised from long ago.

Ask your child: If People are baptized to show they are turning away from sin, why do you think it was important for Jesus to be baptized? He was absolutely perfect so there was no sin in His life for him to turn away from!

Jesus was baptized in order to identify with the sinful people He came to save and to give us a model for obedience to God. Jesus came to “fulfill all righteousness” and part of that includes being baptized!

Social Studies: Print the “Where is It?” page attached to the lesson plan. Using the page that follows (no need to print if you can view on the computer), answer the list of questions. Students may write (spell by sounding out is fine) or draw the answer to the question.

Just for fun/Optional: Make a clock on the sidewalk or driveway. You can use different outside toys like shoves or bats to make the hands. If the weather or space doesn’t allow, lay down on the carpet at home. Take 12 items or make number 1-12 on scraps of paper. Lay items/numbers out like the clock. With your body in the middle, use your arms/legs to be the clock.

Feel free to enjoy this lovely song while you play-try to “tick” around your clock with the beat!! 😊 https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=rock+aroudn+teh+clock+song+teachign+time&docid=608045030970885642&mid=39E4B68F92CB5EA4333039E4B68F92CB5EA43330&view=detail&FORM=VIRE

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Language Arts: Listen and read/sing along with the book: “Welcome Back Spring”. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=kindergarten+book+about+spring+read+aloud&&view=detail&mid=2570CFA3A06B66EEDA8E2570CFA3A06B66EEDA8E&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dkindergarten%2Bbook%2Babout%2Bspring%2Bread%2Baloud%26FORM%3DHDRSC3

Think about what you love about spring, what you enjoy doing, what we see happen and what is your favorite part.

Activity: Print “Spring Writing” page. Finish the sentence given to you: “I like Spring because…”. In the lines provided, add at least 2 more sentences and illustrate. When you think you’re done, look at the checklist on this page. Make sure your work looks great and that you are happy with it.

Math: Learning to read an analog clock can be tricky. We are really just introducing this in Kindergarten. Watch and listen to everyone’s favorite, Jack Hartman:


Activity: Print the attached analog Clock sheet. Trace the numbers and parts of the clock in PENCIL. Try to do them in order, so it makes sense. This clock is saying it is 7:00 (seven o’clock).

Next, color the LONG hand (minutes) Brown and the short hand (hours) YELLOW.

With a GREEN crayon, draw another HOUR (short) hand to make it 9:00 (nine o’clock)

With a RED crayon, make it 1:00 (one o’clock)

With a PURPLE crayon, make it 3:00 (three o’clock)

With a BLUE crayon, make it 5:00 (five o’clock)

Do this neatly so you can see how whatever number the SHORT/HOUR hand is pointing to, is the time 😊

Religion: Children should use the Baptism (hard copy sheet that was sent home) with the word, Baptism in a heart. Children should color neatly and cut out each picture. (Heart, water, church, candle) Your child may choose to make a mobile, using string and a clothes hanger, or simply glue the pictures on a larger sheet of paper.

Social Studies:

Warm Up: Print the “Which Direction” page attached to email. Use the provided compass rose to answer the questions. The space provided is small; students are welcome to answer on a separate piece of paper.

Activity: As listed on the bottom of the “Which Direction” page: “Stand in a room in your home and help your child figure out which wall is to the north, which one is to the south, and so on. Once the four directions have been identified, have your child follow instructions such as these: “Touch the wall that faces south. Point to the wall that faces north. Walk five steps towards the west. Name the room that is east of where you are.” Later, let your child take a turn giving the instructions.

Just for fun/Optional:

Clean the Pennies. This is tied in with our Baptism unit.

(With parent permission)

Find a few tarnished pennies from your coin jar. Parents will mix ¼ cup vinegar and 4Tablespoons of salt together. The washing of the pennies is an analogy that will show your child how the pennies (ourselves) become clean after being washed (baptized). Talk with your child about how after we are baptized, we are completely clean from any mistakes we have made.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Language Arts:

Warm Up: Print the attached “Sam the Cat”. Students should read the sentences (on your own at first), then illustrate a picture that goes with the sentence. Afterwards, answer the questions at the bottom.

Activity: On the Kindergarten lined paper with the picture box, write about what YOU think happens next in the “Sam the Cat” story. Try to write 2 to 3 sentences and illustrate your part of the story. Remember to make sure your sentences start and end correctly, with spaces in between your words.

Math: This week, we begin learning about CLOCKS and TIME! We use clocks to tell the time. There are 2 different types of clocks: Digital and Analog. We see Digital clocks more often these days. You’ll find them on your oven, microwaves and alarm clocks. Analog clocks are the kind we had in our classroom. They are typically round and have numbers on them and hands move around all the time.

Watch and listen to Jack Hartman’s “Rock and Tell the Time on the Clock”. Notice as you watch, he has both clocks on the screen AND they both say the same time.


Activity: Walk around your house. Entering each room, look for any clocks – digital or analog. Print the attached “Find and Fill in the Clock” sheet and fill in the TIME on the clocks you find. If you find a DIGITAL clock, write the time in one of the empty DIGITAL clocks. If you find an ANALOG clock, write the time using HANDS (lines) to show the time you see. Try to read the times as you find them.


Overview: This week our focus will be on Baptism. Baptism is the first of the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Christians are baptized to mark the beginning of their lives as members of the Body of Christ.

Ask your child: What do you think of when you hear the word, Baptism? Parents, tell your child details about their Baptism. What is the church’s name where you were baptized? Who was there? Who are your Godparents? What outfit did you wear that day? Show your child photos of their Baptism day.

Activity: Baptism Symbols Mat

Use the mat and the words below to help you explain to your child about Baptism. (Mat was emailed)

A cross to represent the sign of the cross made in oil on the candidate's head

A dove to represent the Holy Spirit

A heart to represent God's love for us

Water to represent cleansing and being born to new life

Candle to represent being sent out in the light of Christ

After looking at the pictures, ask your child about why each symbol is important and what it means.

Print off Baptism Mat that was attached to email.

Activity: See hard copy paper that was sent home. Children should color neatly the paper that has pictures of Baptism (Priest, lady and baby, white garment, Baptismal Font, Candle, Oil, Water)

Social Studies: This week we want to introduce the compass rose and directional words (North, South, East and West).

Print the attached page: The Compass Rose Sheet and listen/watch this video: https://youtu.be/f2I81_BFb-s

Trace the words: North, South, East and West and then write them on your own on the next line. Trace and write compass rose. Try to draw your own compass rose with a small circle in the middle and lines showing each direction. You can use the first letter of each word since the circle is small.

In the arrows at the top of the page, write the directional word that matches the direction the arrow is pointing. For example, if the arrow is pointing up, write NORTH, etc.

You can cut out these arrows to make a bigger compass if you want.

Just for fun/Optional:

Make a map with directions leading someone around your house. For example, take 3 steps NORTH, then go EAST 4 steps, etc. (This is similar to what we do in the Angry Birds coding game in Computer Lab).

Friday, May 8, 2020


In honor of May crowning, if you don’t have one, create a garden for Mary. This doesn’t have to be a full garden! Just a beautiful, quiet space decorated with flowers. It can be outside or inside if you want. Make sure you have either a statue of Mary or even one of the pictures you created this week. Spend some time creating this special space so that you and your family always have a place to go and pray to our Mother.

Only read this next part with DAD!!!!

This Sunday is Mother’s Day! Take some time to show Mom how much you love her and are grateful for all that she does for you! Make her a card, write her a poem or a song, make her some coupons of ways you can help her (laundry, dishes, massages 😊), pick her some flowers, etc. Think about what makes Mom happy! Remember – when we want to show our love, we don’t rush through our gifts! Do your VERY best for Mom! She will love whatever you create! AND…what is the BEST way to show Mom you love her on Mother’s day? 2 answers: 1-Pray for her and with her! 2-Be on your VERY best behavior!!! 😊

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Language Arts:

Warm Up: Print the attached sheets: “Bugs in a Jar” and “Simple Sentences”. Read the short passages/sentences and draw a picture to go with the passage. Try to read these without help first! Many sight words are in these sentences. Illustration should match the sentences.

Activity: Now you’re going to do this but BACKWARDS! Using your paper with picture box, draw a picture of yourself or someone else doing your favorite activity! THEN, write a sentence to match the picture. Make sure you write in all the same details that are in your picture.

Math: 3D Shapes

Warm Up: Complete the attached page called “Solid Figures”. Write the name of the shape under the object you see. Some shapes will be used more than once.

Activity: Shape Concentration. Make your own (or use the attached) Shape Cards. Using paper or index cards (cut 1 card into 2 squares), draw 1 shape per card. Make 2 of each shape. As much as possible, let students make these cards: let them cut cards or paper, draw and color the shape. On one side of the card, draw and color in a Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Hexagon, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere and Cube.

Remember to make 2 of each shape. Mix the cards up, make sure they’re all picture down, and pick up one card. Try to find its match, remembering what card you picked up. When you pick up a match, keep it! Keep going until you make all the matches. And while you play, be sure you say the name of the shape you pick up 😊 This can be played alone or with a family member!

Religion: Mary is the Mother of God and of all of us. Let’s celebrate our own Mothers’ along with Mary. Make a Mother’s Day Tulip craft for your mom. (See Attached).

Show her how you love her and all she does for you!

Say a HAIL MARY for your Mom.

Social Studies: Now that you have been practicing your address, made a map AND written a letter you’re only missing one thing: A MAILBOX! Using an empty shoe box or whatever you have, make and decorate your very own mailbox. Make sure you have the following ON your mailbox:

· Your first and last name

· Your street number and street name

· Decorations that say something about you! (Your favorite colors, character, sport, team, hobby, etc.)

The best way to GET a letter, is to SEND one! Use the school directory or the help of mom and dad to send lots of letters to friends and family. Ask them to write back 😊

P.E. Lesson 12

Dear Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches.

The video for today is a Yoga video that focuses on stretching, breathing, and relaxing the body. Enjoy ☺


Just for Fun/Optional: Make your own shape puzzle. On a blank piece of paper, draw and color in whatever shapes you’d like. Then cut the entire paper up into pieces (you can make these straight lines or puzzle pieces shapes-up to you!) Then see if you can put your puzzle back together 😊 Challenge a family member.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE: The Bishop's Mass will air live at 10:00 on Wednesday morning. The Mass will be streamed live from the Facebook page and YouTube channel of the Arlington Diocese

Language Arts:

Warm Up: Using the attached sheet: Mixed Up Sentences (ladybug) and Mixed Up Sentences II (Bees & Bear), cut and paste the words into the correct order so that the sentence makes sense. Each page has 2 rows of words, the top row is for the first sentence and bottom row is for the second sentence.

Activity: Now that you’ve seen how to put together a sentence, make your own! Using the attached blank squares (or make your own), write a sentence of your very own. Write ONE WORD in each square. Then, cut each square out carefully. Mix it up and remake your sentence. Test a family member to see if they can make your sentence correctly!

Reminders: Make sure your FIRST letter of your FIRST word is upper case. Make sure your LAST word has a period at the end.😊

Math: 3D Shapes

Warm Up: Watch this video of Mr. B and how he explains the difference between 2-Dimensional shapes and 3-Dimensional shapes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxoLlSTu1jo

Now, to get familiar with these new shapes, complete the attached Solid Shapes sheet that is attached. Color the Cones red, the Spheres blue and the Cylinders Green.

Next, let’s practice the difference between Flat (2-D) shapes and Solid (3-D) shapes. Cut out the shapes and glue them to the chart. Answer the questions at the bottom-count how many are flat and how many are solid.

Activity: Shadow Shape Puppets. For this activity, you’ll need a piece of paper (a large one or maybe 2). Walk around and collect a few 3D shaped items (ex: a ball, a cone, a tissue box). Take the items and your paper and pencil to a room with a light-colored wall. Turn on a lamp (or use the sunlight if you can). Set the paper on the floor and your item in between the light/sun and the paper so that the shadow of your item falls onto the paper. Trace the shadow and check out your 3D shapes in 2D 😊 Color them in and have fun! This picture may help show how to do this:


Make your own Prayer for Mary,

Activity: Have your child write these 4 words on 4 different small pieces of paper. They can use post it notes, index cards or just small pieces of paper. love, bless, Thank you, special

Keep the words in a Ziploc bag. Pick a word from the bag and make up a prayer for Mary using that word. These can be done throughout the day or the week.

Say your child's beautiful, creative Mary prayer with your family.

Activity: Your child should neatly color Statue for Mary Garden (attachment)

For durability, use clear contact paper to protect Mary. Add her to your family garden.

Social Studies: Practice your address. Write your address using RAINBOW colors – up to you how you do this but make sure you read your address afterwards 3 times.

Just for Fun/Optional: Take a walk outside and see how many beautiful flowers are around your home. Maybe they are yours or maybe your neighbors! Take a piece of paper and pencil with you and something hard to write on. Pause when you see a flower and draw it (you can color it in later on). Notice how many different shapes flowers are made of and that NONE are exactly the same!

 SPECIALS: Music and Spanish. See Email for links to teacher pages :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE: The Bishop's Mass will air live at 10:00 on Wednesday morning. The Mass will be streamed live from the Facebook page and YouTube channel of the Arlington Diocese

Language Arts/Social Studies: As we learn our home addresses, we need to learn how to use them. An address is the way we tell where we live, but it also tells the Post office where to send your letters. Today, write a letter about where you live (make sure this letter is to someone you know because sharing your home address with a stranger is not a safe choice). Your letter should be at least 4 sentences long and include the following information:

Dear ______________,

1-I live in a (house/townhouse/apartment).

2- My address is: (Here you need to put the #s first, then your street name, then city and state).

3-My (house/townhouse/apartment) is near ___________________(McDonald’s, the movies, Giant, Grandma’s).

4-I love my house because _____________________________________________________.

Make sure you sign your name and draw a picture of your house to go with it. The picture should show what your house looks like and what is nearby.

With mom and dad’s help, mail your letter. YOUR address needs to be on the envelope too in the “FROM” corner (top left). The address of who your letter is going “TO” needs to be in the middle of the envelope. Have mom or dad show you how addresses are written out.


Warm up activity: Counting Shapes (Elephant). Take a look at the shapes on the elephant. Name them and count how many of each shape you find. Write the number next to the shape listed at the bottom.

If you want/need a review of some shapes, you can listen and watch Jack Hartman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svrkthG2950

Building Shapes:

For this activity, you can use toothpicks, dry spaghetti noodles, straws, pretzel or popsicle sticks, play-doh or whatever you have. First, on a scrap piece of paper, draw a Square, Triangle, Hexagon and Rectangle. After you draw the shape, see if you can make it with your household items. How many shapes can you make?



Mary listens and helps us when we’ are sad. She is already in Heaven and yet continues to take care of us, her children on Earth. Mary is our intercessor to the Lord. When you say, the Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue prayer, focus on these words: “God was just your little boy, and you know the way.” Jesus was her little boy. She raised Him. She knows how we can be closer to Him. She knows how to talk to Him. Talk to Mary and Jesus often because they want to hear from you. They love you very much.

Activity: Recite the Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue Prayer then have your child Mary paper doll (see attachment).

Computers: See Mr. McGarr’s website: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/technology-mr-mcgarr?authuser=0

Just for Fun/Optional: Do the Shape Dance 😊 Or make your own (like the YMCA)


Monday, May 4, 2020

Language Arts: This week we are learning our home addresses. We all live in different places, but the way we learn to say our address is the same. Listen to the read aloud of “Me on the Map” by Joan Sweeny:


Using a large piece of paper (or regular size if you don’t have one), make a map of your street/neighborhood. Include your house, street and neighbors. Make sure to draw in any landmarks or extras like playgrounds, fire hydrants, stop signs, mailboxes, etc. You should use pencils to draw your map first, then label the places. Finally use crayons to color in your map. Make sure your color items the correct color (no blue trees or rainbow houses). This is JUST an example:

Math: Today we begin our Math Unit on Shapes! Listen and follow along with Trek in this story about shapes. After he helps his friends solve the puzzles, he tells you some important information about each shape!


Make a Shape House: You’ll need 1 paper to glue your house onto and some extra paper to cut shapes out. You can make up your own house using whatever design and combination shapes you’d like, or if you need help-attached are some shapes you can use. Square is the house, triangle roof, square windows, rectangle door and small circle door knob.

Get really creative and add some trees, maybe a chimney, driveway, and some bushes. As long as you only use SHAPES!

Don’t forget to use just a dot of glue for each shape and to cut neatly!

Religion: This week we will learn about Mary in honor of May Crowning this month. When angel Gabriel visited Mary and delivered a message that she has been chosen to bear the son of God, she was confused at first. But then she responded, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” She responded “yes” to God.

Mary was a loving mother not just to Jesus, but to all of us, too.

Say Hail Mary Prayer slowly, discussing each part....

Hail Mary, Full of Grace. (what do you think that means? Full of grace?) Continue through the prayer.

Activity: Give your child the attachment, Hail Mary cut and paste.

Your child should try to read the words in the boxes, this is their "word bank". They should carefully cut out the words on the dotted lines. Have them "make a puzzle, no glue yet!, with those cut words. Once the words are in the correct order and before gluing them down, have your child re-read the prayer, making sure the words are in the correct spaces. Finally, your child can glue the words neatly in place and read the prayer again. : )

Social Studies:

It starts with your house number, then your street name. Some street names are Drives, Courts, Lanes, etc. It is important you know yours. Next is your city, then state which for all of us is Virginia (VA). FYI Parents: We aren’t focusing on zip codes in Kindergarten.

Have mom or dad write your address on a piece of paper like they would on an envelope:

1234 Main Street

Somecity, VA

Read your address out loud three times. Walk around the outside of your house and see if you can find your house #. Try looking near your front door, on your mailbox or even on the mail inside your actual mailbox.


P.E. Lesson 11

Dear Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches.

Over the next few PE classes you will see me posting videos for your child to do as their PE assignment. This is being done as a lead up for an activity I will assign in the upcoming weeks. These workout videos can be done in a small area and require no equipment. Please make sure your child has water close by in case he or she gets thirsty.

A couple of tips to make work out videos more fun:

-Let your child choose music he or she likes to work out to and mute the video. Most videos you can follow without sound.

-If your child gets tired easily encourage him or her to go for at least 10 minutes, and then pause the video for a quick break.

-Do the exercise video with your child and tell them what a good job he or she is doing. Everyone likes to be encouraged! (Your child will probably tell you that you are doing a good job too!)

-Smile when you start to the video! Smiles are contagious ☺

The exercise video I found for today’s PE class is one I thought my younger students would especially enjoy! I hope you have fun doing it ☺


Just for Fun/Optional:

Coloring Shapes: Print out the attached picture and color according to the code.

Friday, May 1, 2020

A great, visual, fun craft that will remind our Kindergarten students to thank God for the food they are about to receive.. Saying Grace before meals is a wonderful reminder of how much we love God. (Sample of craft was emailed to parents)

See attachment for Prayer. (emailed to parents)

Mrs Frey's Friday lesson"


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Language Arts: We couldn’t dare forget about our Sea Creatures! Today, let’s learn about these amazing animals! Listen and follow along with this story called “Underwater Adventures”. This book is Non-Fiction. Remember, that means that it has real and truthful facts.


After reading this book, pick 3 sea creatures you learned about in this story. Write one fact you learned about each creature using complete sentences. This should be at least 3 sentences (1 per creature) or more.

Your sentence may start like this:

The octopus...(insert the fact you liked most). OR I think the dolphin is cool because…

You may flip the pages back in the book to help you spell and remember the information.

Remember your writing checklist: Upper/Lower cases, spacing and punctuation.

Math: Topic 11.5: Counting forward from any number to 100.

Review and practice counting with your 100 chart. Count by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Super Hero Counting Song : https://safeshare.tv/x/PdJkojrdlR This song may be a fun addition to listen to while your child does the following activity 😊

Activity: Attached is a 100’s chart that is filled in completely. Carefully have students cut out each number. The more accurately they do this, the better this activity works. Put the cut out number squares in a bag. With your binder 100’s chart next to you, pull 1 number out of the bag at a time. Read that number and then count to 100 from there. So if you pull out the number 38, you need to count forward from 38, 39, 40, 41….99, 100. Repeat this activity until the number chart is full and all numbers have been pulled. Students may choose to count by 5’s or 10’s when they pick a number ending with 5 or 10.


Today’s lesson will focus on God’s creation of Sea Creatures!

What is an ocean? What do you know about the ocean? Why Is the Seawater Salty?

Most of the salt comes from rocks on land that got washed into the oceans by the rivers. Read this poem and listen to the rhyming words:

Ocean Rhyme

Five Oceans

We have five oceans

that cover the earth, you see,

Can you name them all with me?

Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic,

and Antarctic make five,

I can't wait to discover the ocean.

I'm ready to dive!

Activity: Reading Center

Create your own “Ocean”. You can use a baby pool or even just a blue blanket! Use your imagination! Gather books to read! Add stuffed ocean animals. Look for sight words you know! Be sure to thank God for all these awesome creatures and to spend some time noticing how different and neat they are all.

Social Studies: Review your phone number. Students should write the numbers 0-9 on large scrap pieces of paper. Arrange the numbers like a telephone key pad. Have your child jump with one foot to “dial” your number. They should say the number out loud as they land on it. Play this often 😊

PE: From Ms. Z:

Dear Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches.

Today we will be getting our exercise with the help of GoNoodle! Have fun and get your exercise on ☺






Just for Fun: Salty Ocean Science Activity (WITH PARENT PERMISSION and ASSITANCE)

Discuss with children that ocean water is salty. Have two plastic containers filled with water. Show children the salt and add a large amount of the salt to one of the containers. Let children stir until the salt is dissolved. Let children smell and taste the difference by pouring the two waters into small paper cups and use craft sticks to taste. Ask the questions: "Do they taste the same? Why not? Which one tastes like ocean water?" Next, place a raw egg in each container. The egg in the unsalted water should sink and the one in the salted water should float. Ask children what they think made the egg float?

Dot to Dot by 5 & 10 are attached for extra fun and practice 😉

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Language Arts: Let’s focus on Wild Animals today! There are many different kinds of animals that are considered WILD. This link is to an article with Non-Fiction pictures of Wild Animals and some very interesting facts about them. Take a moment to look through the pictures and read a bit about them.


Activity: Using the attached “Make Your Own Book” or your own paper at home, write your own Wild Animal Book. Let’s aim for this book to be NON-Fiction – remember, that means TRUE. Either choose one Wild animal and write 3 facts about it OR choose 3 animals and 1 fact about each. Each page should have at least 1 sentence and matching illustration. Be sure to focus on the details in your setting (try to learn where these animals live). Do you best work! This may take some time – that’s ok! Give it a really good try…today you’re an author and that’s HARD work!

Math: 11.4 & 11.5 (Reminder: No green packets anymore)-Count by 10’s and 1’s/Count forward from any number 1-100.

This topic introduces the concept of place value for 1’s and 10’s. The key concept in Kindergarten is understanding that after 9, we move to a new set. Allow your child to watch this short video to introduce this concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F3AycEDksY

Using cups, bowls or paper bags, tape or write numbers 10, 20, 30 (by 10’s to 100) on each cup. You’ll need at least 9 goldfish, Cheerios, etc. Using the list of numbers given, count out each number. For example, 34: Pick up cup 10, 20, 30 and add 4 goldfish (1’s) in the 30 cup. Pictures show 34:

Have your child fill in the partially complete 100’s chart (attached) as they make those numbers. By looking at the chart, students can determine which number they need to make with the cups. Make that number and then write it in the chart correctly. The numbers they are making in the cups are the missing numbers from the chart. Here is the list of numbers to make and write in: 5, 16, 27, 38, 49, 60, 62, 73, 84, and 95.


Today’s lesson will focus on God’s creation of WILD ANIMALS! Ask your child to name 5 different wild animals that live ON LAND. Give them an opportunity to tell you a little about each animal. (size, color is it wild or tame, where the animal might live, underground, in the trees etc)

Share your favorite wild animal with your child also giving details above.

Print page and have your child complete Color By Number (attached).

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it:

Dear God, Bless our animal friends. Keep them safe. Amen.

Social Studies: (Repeat Activity from Monday-Practice is key!)

Write your 10 digit phone number on a piece of paper. Using clothes pins, popsicle sticks or even small strips of paper, cover each number so that you have 1 pin/stick for each number. Use three different colors for the 3 sections of your number. (See picture). First, say your number for your child. Ask them to listen to the “rhythm” of the number. This is how we remember phone number, 3 numbers, 3 more numbers, then 4 numbers. Then show them how each section is written in a different color. Have them first work with the area code (section 1). Then section 1 and 2, always keeping the area code with the beginning. Finally, have them work with all 3 sections of the phone number.

Have your child practice clipping the pins/moving sticks of the number as they recite it.

Once your child has their number memorized, mix up the sticks and have them put it in the correct order. (Keep the items you used for this activity so you can practice throughout the week).

Just for Fun:

Go on an Outdoor Wild Animal Hunt

Glue pictures of African animals on construction paper. Hide a picture of each animal in various places outside. Before going outside talk about the weather in the Africa. Discuss that the animals and people need to protect themselves from the hot strong sun. The animals look for shade from trees, roll in mud, or cool down in the water. People wear sun hats and drink lots of water. Explain to children that you will go on a safari outside. Invite children to walk around looking through their binoculars to find some wild animals that are hiding. After 5 minutes call children back to your "camp". Ask children which kind of animals they saw on their safari. Do they remember where the zebra was? Ask one child to go and catch the animal. Repeat with the remaining animals.

Dot to Dot by 10’s 😊

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

LANGUAGE ARTS: Today we will focus on Zoo Animals. Listen and follow along with this read aloud by Dr. Seuss: If I Ran the Zoo. (Dr. Seuss’s father was a zookeeper.) After listening to the book, ask your child to list the different jobs people at the zoo might have.


Use the Kindergarten lined paper that has a space for a picture at the top.

Copy and complete the following sentence:

If I ran the zoo I would _____.

Have students draw a picture illustrating a zookeeper at work, or any animal from a zoo. Write 3-5 sentences. Remember to begin sentences with a capital letter, to put spaces between words, and to have punctuation. (Sentence stoppers)

Try to read and sing this song:

Zoo Keeper Song

(Tune: Down by The Station)

Down at the zoo

Early in the morning,

You can see the animals

Standing in a row.

You can see me feeding

One and then other.

I am the zoo keeper,

Watch me go!

Down at the zoo

Early in the morning,

You can see the animals

Standing in a row.

You can see me cleaning

One and then other.

I am the zoo keeper,

Watch me go!

Math: Topic 11.2 & 11.3 (Remember, no green packet for these).

Using your 100 chart, practice counting by 10’s. Start with your finger on the number 10, then move down to 20, 30 and so on. Notice the pattern (numbers are all in the same column and all end with “0”.

Get up and do some jumping jacks while you count to 100 by 10’s. Start with your arms/legs out for 10, then in for 20, out for 30, in for 40, and so on. Try this twice.

Now take Legos, Cherrios or goldfish, whatever you have, and place 1 piece over the numbers as you count by 10’s.

Next, let’s try counting by 5’s. Put your finger on 5, then 10, then 15, then 20. Notice the pattern? Every number ends with a “5” or a “0”. Count the numbers while you stand UP for 5’s and sit DOWN for 0’s. Do this twice.

Now take your Legos, Cheerios or goldfish and place 1 piece over each number as you count it.

Print out the attached 100’s chart. Have your child fill in the missing numbers. If possible, have them try this first without using the chart in their binder. Students can check their own work afterwards.

Also attached is a Dot to Dot by 5’s 😊

RELIGION: Today’s lesson will focus on God’s creation of ZOO ANIMALS. Explain that many animal caretakers spend years in training. They love animals very much and learn a lot about them so that they can share what they know about zoo animals with us.

Gather your stuffed Zoo animals, toys or perhaps books about a zoo animal. Take a moment and imagine the real life animal of what you are holding.

Using lined paper-write down your prayer for that animal and/or those people who take care of it.

You might begin with “Dear God, Please help the tigers…” or “Dear God, Thank you for …”.

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it:

God, You made the world, the light, the water, and the animals. Everything You made is good. Amen.

Social Studies: Review your phone number. Students should write the numbers 0-9 on large scrap pieces of paper. Arrange the numbers like a telephone key pad. Have your child jump with one foot to “dial” your number. They should say the number out loud as they land on it.

Try this several time – repeating this is key so we will play again later this week if you’d like to save these papers.

Just for Fun: Have your child make an animal mask. Have them cut construction paper to make fur, hair, beaks, or other facial features of the animals. Punch holes in the sides of the plates to attach lengths of yarn or string.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Language Arts: This whole week the children will focus on God’s gift of animals. Whether it is through caring for a pet, visiting a zoo, or reading stories about animals, children show their affection for and fascination with animals. Children are able to grasp the concept of habitats and the environment around them.

Using the lined paper page 2 (with the picture box), have your child draw their favorite farm animal and complete this sentence:

I like the farm animal ______________ best because ……

Make sure to use real colors when coloring in your animal. No purple sheep!

Share your picture with your family.

These animals depend on others to care for them. People feed and care for them to survive.


God made all kinds of animals. Today’s lesson will focus on God’s creation of FARM ANIMALS! Have your child think about the field trip we took in October to Ticonderoga Farms! Ask your child to name 5 different farm animals. Give them an opportunity to tell you a little about each animal. (size, color etc). Ask your child what their favorite farm animal is and why?

Share your favorite farm animal with your child also giving details above.

Watch the video below called God Made the Animals (there are 2 videos on this link. Watch the first one about Farm animals today)


Sing the song "Old MacDonald Had a Farm.”

Farm Sounds

(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The cows in the barn go moo, moo, moo,

Moo, moo, moo,

Moo, moo, moo,

The cows in the barn go moo, moo, moo,

All around the farm. Farm Sounds

(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The cows in the barn go moo, moo, moo,

Moo, moo, moo,

Moo, moo, moo,

The cows in the barn go moo, moo, moo,

All around the farm.

The pigs in the pen go oink, oink, oink

The hens in the coop go cluck, cluck, cluck

The lambs on the hill go baa, baa, b

The ducks on the pond go quack, quack, quack

The horses in the corral go neigh, neigh, neigh

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it:

God, help the people who take care of farm animals. Amen.

Math: Topic 11: Count numbers to 100 (NOTE: Math lessons will still follow our Math Curriculum/Book, however, you no longer have the green packet pages anymore so these will be done on regular paper or provided pages). During this topic, your child will use and refer to the 100’s chart in their binder regularly.

Warm up: Before starting, your child should be reciting their numbers 1-100 every day as part of their morning routine/binder. Start this activity with a review of their number chart just so it is fresh. Make sure they are touching the number as they say it and looking at the number.

Using the attached GRAPH paper (or your own), student should write his/her first and last name on the graph paper. Some may need 2 sheets depending on handwriting and name length. Do not write letters inside boxes, just on the page as if it were blank. Color in with YELLOW or light colored crayon, the boxes that your name touches. Do this very neatly! Now, count the number of boxes your FIRST name touched. Then, count the number of boxes your LAST name touched. Finally, count the number of boxes your ENTIRE name touched (see picture).

Activity: Play “Guess the Number.” (You will play this at least ten times). Say, I’m thinking of a number that comes just after 91. What number is it? Your child should use the 100 chart in their binder to do this activity. After your child finds the correct number, have them say the number out loud to you. They should also write the number on paper. Make

sure their numbers are written correctly and neat. Repeat nine more times with different numbers.

Social Studies: Learning Important Phone Numbers: For safety, it is important that your child knows a number they can reach you at. Choose one phone number (mom’s cell, dad’s cell or home phone, etc.) for this. Have them work on memorizing only one number at time to avoid confusion. Remind your child that this phone number can be given to police or safe adults in case of an emergency. This is a great time to review your family’s safety rules 😊

Activity: Write your 10 digit phone number on a piece of paper. Using clothes pins, popsicle sticks or even small strips of paper, cover each number so that you have 1 pin/stick for each number. Use three different colors for the 3 sections of your number. (See picture). First, say your number for your child. Ask them to listen to the “rhythm” of the number. This is how we remember phone number, 3 numbers, 3 more numbers, then 4 numbers. Then show them how each section is written in a different color. Have them first work with the area code (section 1). Then section 1 and 2, always keeping the area code with the beginning. Finally, have them work with all 3 sections of the phone number.

Have your child practice clipping the pins/moving sticks of the number as they recite it.

Once your child has their number memorized, mix up the sticks and have them put it in the correct order. (Keep the items you used for this activity so you can practice throughout the week).

Just for Fun:

Herding Sheep Fine Motor Skills Activity

Provide cotton balls (sheep), a plastic spoon, and some blocks. Let children create pastures with the blocks and pretend to be sheep dogs herding the sheep, with the help of the spoon, inside the pasture.

Read a book about a FARM animal 😊 Try to trace your favorite animal in the book by placing plain white paper over top of it and using pencil to trace what you see through the paper. Color it in when you’re done. (Be careful with your book).

Friday, April 24, 2020

In honor of Earth Day and to keep our focus on God’s beautiful creation, take a look at this link. It is full of ideas and fun activities you can do with recyclable materials and “trash” laying around the house! 😊


Friday’s Art with Mrs. Frey: Sand Castle Draw Along-Check it out! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fAWTbvai2v5qDvnhozN3UO3Z1uAR53WSEDzZbupjfmA/edit

Don’t forget to also check out the school website for Enrichment activities 😊


ZOOM CALL TODAY AT 1:00 p.m. (Please refer to Ms. Monaghan's email sent earlier this week for links and passwords).

Have an AWESOME weekend!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Language Arts: Reading Packet Days 4 & 5:

Day 4: Read the story about Ice Cream. Fill in the chart with details you learned. You do not need to write sentences in the chart.

Day 5: Read the sentences and Color the picture that matches.

After completing both these pages, you can see how a story is put together. First, you have to get all the parts (Characters, Setting, Plot: beginning, middle and end), then create sentences, and illustrations to go along.

Write YOUR OWN story. It can be about whatever you want!

To help you get started, think of WHO (characters) the story is about, WHERE (setting) it takes place, and WHAT (plot) happens. You can use words like first, then and last to help you write out the plot.

Don’t forget to illustrate!

MATH: Complete GREEN PACKET: Math: 9.6 (Count to Find How Many).

Activity: See ideas below….Make your own number line 1-20. Using a small item that will move down the number line, roll a dice or pull a card from a deck of playing cards. Move your object that many spaces. After landing on a number, use your finger and trace the number, Say the number out loud. Continue to the end of the number line. Repeat, now going backwards down the number line/tape measure.


God Gave Us Light- God created light that we need to survive.

Ask your child to name ways that the sun helps us in our daily lives. Explain: Because the sun shines, plants can grow and give us food. Remember yesterday’s lesson about flowers! The sun also warms us and gives us light so we can see. Encourage your child to name other ways the sun helps us. Using the Kindergarten Lined paper, have your child copy and finish these 2 sentences:

God, I thank you for the sun because……

The sun is …..

For the top blank section of your paper, find 5 pictures of things that either require the sunlight, or fun things you can do in the sunshine. Cut them out neatly and glue them onto the blank space.


Library: Please visit Mrs. Lutter’s page for her lessons (click on the black banner next to the photograph). She also has several sites for some pretty awesome books and literacy resources. You can do these Thursdays or any day!


PE: Dear Kindergarten Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches.

For today’s activity your child will need a pen or pencil and paper. Please ask your child to write down a minimum of twenty different activities that he or she can do to keep his or her body moving. (Your child can write more than twenty if he or she would like!) This can be anything from jumping jacks, dancing, playing soccer, stretching, etc. (You can help your child with the spelling, but encourage your child to write the words by him or herself.) After your child has made a list of activities have your child pick activities, they would like to do to equal 25 minutes of exercise time. If your child picks sit-ups and does sit-ups for one minute then he or she still has 24 minutes of exercise left. If your child then goes for a bike ride for 20 minutes than he or she only has four minutes left. Don’t forget to write these activities in your activities in your exercise journal.

*Make sure to save your child’s list because your child will be using the list for his or her next P.E. lesson ☺

Have a great day!

Miss Z

Just for Fun: We have worked with creating stories and rhyming this week and a lot of fun songs! Can you create a fun song? Like the songs we’ve shared this week, take the tune of a song you know and change the words! Maybe you can even come up with one about SPRING or the Earth! You

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


LANGUAGE ARTS: Attached is a poem titled “EARTH DAY”. Print the poem and circle the rhyming words with a crayon. Remember-words that rhyme sound the same at the end! Be careful not to circle words that start with the same sound, that doesn’t mean they rhyme. Think about CAT and BAT, or MOUSE and HOUSE to remind you about words that rhyme.

Next, complete Reading Day 3 in your packet that was sent home. Read “All About Chickens”. Write 3 details about what you’ve learned from this story. Try writing in complete sentences using extra paper if you need it.

MATH: Print the attached graph (attached to email message) Choose 5 different color crayons. (One color for the recycle bin, one for girl planting tree, etc.) Count carefully and color neatly the objects in the large box. Color in the graph of each item. Remember when graphing, we start at the bottom and work our way up! : ) Be neat.



Earth Day is a special day to remind us that every day we need to take care of our beautiful earth God created for us. : )

The Earth is made up of land and water. Land is made up of hills, valleys, forests, mountains desserts and many more things! Water can be oceans, rivers, streams, creeks, and icebergs that are frozen.

Both land and water are home to MANY of God’s animals.

We need to take care of our land and water because people share it with God’s animals.

How can we take care of our Earth? Name some things you can do.

Watch the link to book called, The Earth Book by Todd Parr


if that link doesn’t work, try this one:




Nobody But Jesus

Forget your do re mi hand signals? Review them here!


For Fun! Listen, move, sing, enjoy!

Take the new DO RE MI Challenge!

Brain Pop: Click on Mozart, watch and take the quiz

Login information for BrainPop

Username: stsbrainpop Password: stsbrainpop2020

Just for Fun: To celebrate Earth Day, there are many things you can do to help take care of the Earth. At home, you can remind family and guests to take care of God’s earth with some signs to remind them to:

· Turn off lights when you’re not in the room

· Turn off TV/Radio

· Turn off water

· Recycle or Reuse items

And so on. Make some signs (even if just with pictures) to help your family remember ways to help our earth stay beautiful.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Language Arts: Read the attached book: “SEEDS”. You can either print it out, cut and put it together or read it on the screen. Page numbers are written on to make it easier.

After reading SEEDS, think about how things change and become so beautiful in this season? There is an order to how the seed grows, right? It starts as a seed, then gets planted, and needs water. You can’t go out of order and expect the seed to grow before it gets sun! Just like seeds, our word can be put in to an order. With words, we call the order Alphabetical Order.

Using your “Spring Words Cut & Sort” that was sent home in your packet, cut each of the words out carefully on the square lines.

Read each word. Now using the first letter in each word, put them into ABC order. Start with the letter A, look through all your words. Does anything start with A? If so, then put that one first. Then go to B, does anything start with B? If so, then put that next to the A word. Continue through the whole alphabet IN ORDER until you reach the letter Z or the last word.

Glue the words into ABC order onto any other piece of paper. Remember, you don’t need a lot of glue – just one dot should be enough 😊

Math: GREEN PACKET: (9.5) Count forward from any number to 20. Count and find how many.

1st ACTIVITY: Make a group of objects: Use 20 small objects such as pennies, paper clips, Cheerios. Ask your child to make a group of 12 objects and write the number on a piece of paper (this can be a ½ sheet of paper). Then, add objects to the group one at a time as he/she counts forward to 20. Ask your child to write the number each time they add an object. Then repeat the activity, starting with 20 objects and take one away at a time, writing each number as each one is taken away.

2nd ACTIVITY: Find 10 different items in your home to count. Try to think of items you have a lot of. Some examples are: chair legs, windows, door knobs, towels, dishes. Write a list of those 10 items. Next to each item, write the number of how many you counted. Draw one picture of each. (One window, one dish, etc)


God made everything good. Every beautiful flower and plant starts life as a seed.

Examples of “New Beginnings, Seed to Flower! Watch link below


Sing the song, “Plants”

Design a special flower for God. Look at the flower above to get an idea of how to create your own colorful flower for God. This activity involves paper, scissors, and glue. Your child may color the center and petals, or use colored paper.

Use white paper or construction paper and draw one large circle and 5 petals. Place aside. Draw and cut out a stem and 2 leaves. Place aside. Inside the large circle, write the word God neatly. On each petal, write words of things God has given you that you are grateful for. (Some examples: family, friends, food etc) Remember to think of things GOD gives you. Toys are not from God….Arrange your pieces to make “a puzzle” of the flower. Use small dots of glue, no puddles of glue! Glue pieces together! You have an amazing beautiful flower. : )

Computer Lab: Please visit Mr. McGarr’s website for Today’s Lesson: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/technology-mr-mcgarr?authuser=0

Just for Fun:

Time to be an artist! This week, we are doing a lot of learning about Spring, plants, and little creatures like the butterfly! Take a piece of paper, side walk chalk, or whatever you have, and draw something that looks different today than it did in another season! Do you have a tree that is growing buds? Or a bird that is eating at your bird feeder? Maybe some creepy crawlers on your sidewalk? Even a garden you’ve planted! Sit down, observe your yard (or even look out your window) and draw what you see!

If you have more time, write about it! Start with sight words like: I SEE…

Monday, April 20, 2020

Language ArtsWatch and listen to the Read A loud of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NQK-Sm1YY

Using the lined paper with picture box, write/copy and complete this sentence:

If I were a hungry caterpillar, I would eat ______________________________________.

Next, illustrate your sentence. Remember details and your setting.

*Be sure to check your handwriting, spacing and upper- and lower-case letters. Don’t forget to end your sentence with a period.

Math: Have your child complete from Green Math Packet 9.4 (Count and write 18, 19, and 20).

Follow Up Activity: Go outside and gather 18, 19 and 20 of things. (Sticks, leaves, pinecones, rocks anything!) Tally what you gather. You may write your tally marks on paper or in sidewalk chalk if you have some!


Now that we have celebrated Lent and Easter, how have you changed to be more like Jesus.

Think back to “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle that you watched and listened to for your Language Arts today,

Ask these questions:

What happened to the caterpillar? He changed into a butterfly.

Which life do you think is better, the caterpillar of the butterfly life? Why?

Songs and/or Finger Plays:

Introduce this finger play: What happened to the caterpillar?

Read below and show your child hand movements.

Into a corner crept, (place right pointer finger in left cupped hand)

Spun around himself a blanket (spin around)

Then for a long time slept. (place head on folded hands)

Roly-poly caterpillar (wiggle right pointer finger)

Wakening by and by, ("stretch" right pointer finger)

Found himself with beautiful wings

Changed to a butterfly. (flutter arms like wings)

The Fuzzy Caterpillar (song to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider)

The little fuzzy caterpillar,

Curled up on a leaf.

Spun her little chrysalis,

and then fell fast asleep.

While she was sleeping,

She dreamed that she could fly,

And later when she woke up,

she was a butterfly.

QUICK REVIEW: What happens to a caterpillar? He changes into a butterfly. What are we supposed to do during Lent? We are to change. We are going to make something to show us how the caterpillar changed into a butterfly to remind us that we are changed during Lent and became more like Jesus.

Optional Craft:

Caterpillar to Butterfly Craft (See Email for Picture)

Egg Carton Caterpillar (See Email for Picture)

This is an easy way to make caterpillars using egg cartons, crayons or markers, scissors, and pipe cleaners. You could also have the students decorate the caterpillar by gluing small objects like beads, craft foam, cut out paper shapes, etc. Googly eyes are a nice touch also. The above craft emphasizes that we are to change during Lent. At Easter, butterfly craft shows how the caterpillar changed and became a butterfly.

PE: From Ms Z:

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches. Our P.E. activity for today is going to be a little different. We are going to be taking a look at nutrition and healthy eating. For P.E today I would like your child to write down everything he or she eats! This includes all food at meals, snacks, if he or she grabs a handful of grapes, literally everything! We often don’t realize how much food we put in our body throughout the day. At the end of the day, or of you’d like to wait until the following day that’s fine as well, go over with your child the food that he or she ate. Ask your child what foods were healthy and what foods were not. If your child did not eat enough fruits or vegetables you can point that out. Maybe your child ate too much junk food and you can point that out too! I do not need to see this paper. This is for you and your child.

Here is a website to help with nutrition guidelines for children.


Also, here is a yummy, easy, healthy recipe if you’d like to try cooking something new ☺ I substitute the oil with a single serving cup of unsweetened apple sauce.


Please make sure your child is staying up to date on his or her exercise log.

Have a great day!

Miss Z

Just for Fun/Optional: You’ve done a lot of work with caterpillars and butterflies today! Can you act like one? Pretend you are a caterpillar (crawl around on your belly, try not to use your hands!). Then roll yourself up like a cocoon – don’t move, stay very still and silently count to 30 in your head. Then slowly, stretch and break your cocoon. Then FLY, fly like a butterfly!!!

If you can – get outside and see if you can find any butterflies or caterpillars! It may take some investigating, but see what you can find.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Language Arts– Word Families (AN)

Let’s meet a new Word Family…the AN family! Word families are words that all belong together because they share the same ending. When we learn to recognize words as part of a family, we learn to read them with more ease and fluency.

In your packet that was sent home, there are several word family pages. Please complete the “AN” word family page. Then, using your ABC’s in a Bag, line up all the letters in ABC order. pull out the “A” and the “N” and put them next to each other so they spell “AN”. Now, pull one letter at a time in front of “AN”. Starting with “B”. What word did you make? B – AN, BAN! Great, Ban is an “an” word! Go through all the letters of the alphabet. Sometimes the letters you pull won’t make real words (like G-an). Those aren’t “an” words. Just move on to the next one.

Want more of a challenge? Take an extra moment to write down the “AN” words you created. Don’t write down the ones that don’t make sense, like GAN, only the real words!

Remember, take care of these ABCs because we have more fun planned with them!

Math Lesson 9.3- Count and Write 16 and 17 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students will use counters to count, read and write the number for a group up to 17 objects.They will then practice writing the number that shows how many in all. Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes to check your work. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child write the numbers 16 and 17 on two index cards or pieces of paper. Show your child groups of 16 and 17 objects. You can use Goldfish, blocks, rubber bands, etc. Whatever you have lying around the house is perfectly fine! Have him or her count the objects in each group, say the numbers, and match the number cards to each of the groups. You can also place out the index cards from previous lessons and have your child place items on top of each card to represent that group.


Watch the True Meaning of Easter video/ Make Easter Story Snack Mix and He Is Risen Craft


Celebrate Our Love for Jesus


Music & Spanish: See Easter Week Specials: http://www.sainttimothyschool.org/

Zoom links and passwords for specials were emailed

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional):

Attached to your email, is an Easter Addition/Subtraction Color by Number. Solove the equation first, then color based on the answer.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Language Arts– Reading Packet Day 2: Comprehension

Read the story three times. Remember to track your words (touch each as you read). Answer the questions below the story. Don’t forget your best handwriting and spaces in between your words.

Follow up: What is your favorite thing about going to a birthday party? Draw a picture of the last birthday celebration you remember and show what you loved the most about it.

Math: Left vs Right

First show them this song below that reviews their left and right hands.


We remember that our Right hand is the hand we use to make the Sign of the Cross 😊 But sometimes it is tricky to remember which side is which.

On any paper, students should trace and color their hands. Then cut out both their hands. (Parents, please allow them to do both tracing and cutting for fine motor practice -it is okay if these aren’t perfect)! Do this 3 times for each hand. You should have 6 hands total. (In the picture below, they used paint instead of cutting hands out. It is preferred for our students to cut and trace since we have had less practice with our home lessons than we would in the class).

On some scrap paper, write the letters “R” and “L” for Right and Left. You’ll need 3 of each to match the number of hands. Mix up the “R” and “L” scraps and have students match each “R” with a Right hand cut out, and each “L” with a Left hand cut out.

Want more? Trace your feet outside with sidewalk chalk (or you can trace and cut more if you’d like). As you jump on a Left foot, shout “LEFT”. When you jump on a Right foot, shout “RIGHT”. You can mix these up with you get really good at it!


Stations 13 and 14 Say this to your child: On the Third Day, He rose again! Jesus returns to life in Glory! Have your child repeat.


Fun Follow Up: Make Resurrection Rolls!


· One can of crescent roll dough

· 8 large marshmallows (or one for each roll you’ll be making)

· Melted butter

· Cinnamon sugar. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar with one teaspoon of Cinnamon


1. Preheat the oven according to the package directions.

2. Unroll the crescent rolls. Explain that this is like the cloth they wrapped Jesus in.

3. Give your child a marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus… all white and pure because He was without sin.

4. Roll the marshmallows in the melted butter. This symbolizes the embalming oils.

5. Roll the marshmallows in the cinnamon sugar. This is like the spices used to prepare his body for burial.

6. Wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll cloth, pinching the dough together securely. Don’t worry about the shape so much, they’ll taste the same no matter how you roll or bundle them. This represents how they would have wrapped Jesus’ body. You may choose to brush the crescents with more melted butter, but it’s not necessary.

7. Put the rolls in the oven (symbolizing the tomb) and bake for the amount of time specified on the package.

8. Open the oven and remove the rolls. When they’re cool enough to handle, break one open and discover what happened to the marshmallow. Jesus is risen! Jesus is coming again!

Computers: Find all Easter Week Specials at: http://www.sainttimothyschool.org/ (Passwords and links were sent via parent emails)

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

Do you own the game Twister? If so, it’s great for family fun and a review of left and right!!!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Language Arts/Math: -“Write the Room”/Positional Words.

Watch Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox?projector=1

This is a simple, but fun story. This story introduces positional words (over, under, above, through, around, etc.) Using a clipboard (or tape a paper to the front of your binder), write the words:

Over, Under, Above, Around, Through, In and Out. Now walk around your home. Next to each positional word, draw a picture of what you walked “over” or “under”, etc. like Rosie the chicken did.

For example: OVER: Did you step over your Legos? – draw a picture of Legos on the floor), THROUGH: Did you walk THROUGH a door? -draw the door).

Want more fun? Have someone write the same words but go over/under/through different places and things than you. Trade lists and try to follow each other’s’ lists like a map. This is GREAT fun with a sibling!

Math: Lesson 9.2- Count and Write 13, 14, and 15 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students will use counters to count, read and write the number for a group up to 15 objects.They will then practice writing the number that shows how many in all. Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes to check your work. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child write the numbers 13, 14, and 15 on three index cards or pieces of paper. Show your child groups of 13, 14, and 15 objects. You can use Goldfish, blocks, rubber bands, etc. Whatever you have lying around the house is perfectly fine! Have him or her count the objects in each group, say the numbers, and match the number cards to each of the groups.




Station 10: Jesus’ clothes are taken from him. The soldiers leave him a cloth as his clothes.

Station 11: Jesus is nailed to the cross.

I am sorry, Jesus. I love you.

Station 12: Jesus dies.

Make a Thank You card for Jesus and write a prayer inside the card telling Jesus you love Him very much.

FOLLOW UP: Think about Stations 10, 11, and 12. Make a windsock out of any materials you might have at home that shows your love for Jesus. Hang it outside. : )

P.E. From Ms. Z:

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches. Our P.E. activity for today is called Grab-and-Go! You will want to start the game from a place that is far from the kitchen. If your child has his or her bedroom on the second floor, this is a good starting point. You should have a timer available for this game. (Children loved to be timed and tend to work harder/faster if it feels like a race.) The object of the game is when you say “go” and start the timer for your child to run from his or her bedroom, (or other starting location,) to your food pantry, take one item out of the pantry, run it back and place it on his or her bed, (or other designated spot,) and repeat this until your child has ten different items. When your child has the ten items on the bed stop the timer. Tell your child the time and then challenge them to put the items away even faster than when they took them out!

**Please explain to your child before they begin pulling food that they should only get items that cannot break such as boxes of cake mix, canned tuna, unopened pasta, etc ☺

Please make sure your child is staying up to date on his or her exercise log.

Have a great day!

Miss Z

Link to Easter Specials Activities: http://www.sainttimothyschool.org/

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Virtual Easter Egg Hunt: Look for the egg. Once you click TWICE, an arrow will show up to point where the egg is. Then click again to move to the next slide.


*Update your reading log 😊

Friday, April 3, 2020

Family Activity:

Watch the following clip.

Jack Hartman: We are a Family


Then, enjoy a classic game of family charades. In this link it explains how to play and gives some easy, kid friendly ideas.


Feeling like American Sign Language is something you’d like to learn more of?

Check out Ms. Hennessy’s link on the main STS page if you haven’t already: http://sainttimothyschool.org/aslwithmshennessy/

While you’re at it…here are some additional Family Fun Games

1. Doggy, Doggy, Where’s Your Bone

In this game, the child who is the Doggy turns around while someone steals his “bone”. The bone can be any object. When the Doggy turns around, all the children attempt to look guilty while Doggy guesses who stole the bone. With little ones, let them guess until they pick the right person, then it’s the next child’s turn to be doggy. If you are playing with older kids, you can add a limit to guesses.

2. Mother May I

In Mother May I, the mom stands with her back turned and grants or denies requests to move forward. The kids walking toward mom can practice counting out loud as they try to reach her.


Need I say more? Bubbles are amazing! Have fun.


Since it is Friday, Mrs. Frey shares some wonderful ideas here that your family can do together for Art today : )


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Have you done your Daily Routine? How about doing your ABC Sound Chart BACKWARDS today and COUNT BY 2’s if you haven’t been. 😊

Language Arts:

Using the ABC’s in A Bag from last time, pull each letter out one at a time. Using the writing paper that has lines but no picture box, follow these steps:

Pull 1 letter

Say the letter

Say the Sound

Write it

Write the lower case next to it

Set aside that letter and go again.

Do the whole bag and then put them away nicely for next time.

For fun – put the letter you pull on your head, say it’s name and sound – as you lean over to write your letter, let it fall 😊

Math: Word Problems - (Written as day 5 in your packet)

Read the word problems to your child. Have them draw out each part either in the box or on a separate piece of paper if necessary. Go line by line with your child, having them draw the problem out as you read it. Once done, have them check their answer. They can use counters (cheerios, legos, blocks, etc.), their fingers or draw a number line!

Math Follow Up:

Color by Number (page attached in email). This is fun and should be an easy one for KA. Make sure you do 3 star coloring.




Station 7: Jesus falls for the second time. Have your child repeat this sentence.

It is really hard for Jesus to get up, but he does.

Many of you have fallen down and your parent has been there to help you and make you feel better. Jesus was a grown up and did not have his parents to comfort him, but he had God. With God, Jesus was able to get up and keep walking with the heavy cross on his back.

Station 8: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. Have your child repeat this sentence.

He sees the women of Jerusalem crying because they felt bad for Jesus. Jesus tries to make them feel better. He tells them not to be sad, that he will be okay.

What would you say to Jesus if you saw him?

Station 9: Jesus falls for the third time. Have your child repeat this sentence.

This time, Jesus’ face hits the hard street. His head hurts and he is dizzy. He gets up and keeps going.

Jesus never gave up. He keeps going. Remember to think of Jesus when you think you can’t do something and ask him to help you.

FOLLOW UP: Make up a special prayer for Jesus remembering his strength and love for God.



Dear Kindergarten Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches. For our P.E. activity today you and your child will be going on a bear hunt! As some of you may already know, many people are putting teddy bears or any type of stuffed animal bear in the windows of their houses. This is being done as something fun to bring smiles to people’s faces during this difficult time. I would like you and your child to go on a walk for at least 20 minutes and while you are walking look for different teddy bears!

Also, if you have not already put a bear in a window of your own house, I encourage you to do so ☺

Please make sure your child is staying up to date on his or her exercise log.

Have a great day!

Miss Z

Library: Week 3 Lesson


JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Learn American Sign Language with Ms. Hennessy. Try to learn to spell your name! http://sainttimothyschool.org/aslwithmshennessy/

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day. I can’t wait to see how many you’ve read!!! Once you’ve reached 10 books on your list, send me a picture of it!!! :O)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Language Arts/Math:

Today is the first day of a new month! Take a look at a calendar or days of the week. On the lined paper pictures, write and complete the following sentences.

Today is ___________________

Tomorrow will be _____________________

Yesterday was ___________________________.

Draw a picture of something you are doing today. Write a sentence/caption to your picture.

Math: Lesson 9.1- Count and Write 11 and 12 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students will use counters to count, read and write the number for a group of 11 or 12 objects. They will then practice writing the number that shows how many in all. Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes to check your work. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Draw groups of 11 and 12 circles, each on a separate index card, small piece of paper or whiteboard. Have your child write the correct number on the back of each card. Then use the cards to practice counting and writing the numbers 11 and 12. Click the link below to play Marble Math.





Station 4: Jesus meets his mother. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Ask the question, who is Jesus’ mother? Remind your child that Mary is our Mother too. : ) Jesus is very sad when he sees Mary’s face because Mary is so sad. Jesus says goodbye to her.

Station 5

Simon helps Jesus carry the cross. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Simon of Cyrene doesn’t want to carry the cross but the soldiers make him help Jesus. Jesus is very grateful but still struggles to walk up hill.

Station 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Jesus’ is bloody and sweaty. Veronica is very kind. She gently wipes Jesus’ face. After she wipes Jesus’ face, she opens the cloth and Jesus’ image of his face is on the cloth.

When you wipe your face, do you see an image of yourself on the cloth? Only Jesus could do this because he can do anything through God.

FOLLOW UP: Have your child think about Stations 4, 5, and 6.

Say 3 “Hail Mary’s” for Mary and Jesus. Draw a picture for Mary.


Spanish: Lesson 3 in white Spanish Packet

MUSIC:From Mrs. Salinas:

My Dear STS Musician friends,

I miss you all! I would love to receive pictures or videos of all the things you are doing musically. Maybe you have more time to practice your instrument; piano, violin, flute, etc. Maybe you have being singing karaoke or doing singalongs / playalongs on youtube. Whatever it may be, I would love to hear =)

Let’s begin music the way we always do:

Prayer Before Music Class

Glorious God, Thank you for the gift of our voice.

May your spirit guide us

So that we might be the instruments of your peace

And proclaim your glory with glad voices

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Old Church Choir, Zach Williams

The God Who Stays, Matthew West

New this Week: Confidence, Sanctus Real

Speak Life


Practice singing “so - mi” with hand signals

So - Mi Challenge

If you succeed, add La!

So - Mi - La Challenge

Rhythm Practice:

Don’t have a drum or rhythm sticks? Try using spoons, salad tongs, pots, get creative!

Rhythm Challenge 2


Do - Re - Mi: Hand Symbol Review - Practice with the video

Wacky Do Re Mi - try doing your hand symbols =)

Kindergarten Graduation Songs:

Review: Three Piggy Overture

Practice: Three Piggy Finale

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*It’s the first day of the month! Did you know that a Diamond is the birthstone of this month! Can you make a diamond by cutting or folding paper? Can you draw one? How about 1 inside another, inside another, inside another?

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day. I can’t wait to see how many you’ve read!!! Once you’ve reached 10 books on your list, send me a picture of it!!! :O)

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Language Arts:

Cut and Sort #23 (Letter Recognition: Nn, Pp, Ii)

Start on the page that has the 3 letters with writing lines, please write each letter 2 additional times in your best hand writing. Above, in the small rectangle space, draw a picture of something that starts with that letter. You will do this for each of these letters, once for upper case and once for lower case.

Then, cut the squares on the other page. Do your best to cut on the lines. Sort the letters and glue them under the correct letter on the back of the 1st page. Watch your glue – one dot is enough.

Math: Graphing - (Written as day 4 in your packet; You should see snails, sunflowers and flower pots)

Students will demonstrate how to classify objects. Have them cross out one object at a time as they color. Please don’t have them count the entire group and color at once. Remember to write your first and last name!

Math Follow Up:

Click on the link below to go to ABCYa. Students will play the game called “Fuzz Bugs Graphing.” It will have them sort by color, then ask the total group, how many of each color, etc.



For the next 5 days, your child will be reviewing and/or learning about The Stations of the Cross. I will include a link for you to view and have a discussion about each Station. There will be 3 Stations a day, so that this will be completed before Holy Thursday. Please note, I do not read or use all of the words on the Online presentation slides of the Stations. I keep the wording of each Station more kindergarten friendly.

Stations 1, 2 and 3 will be introduced today. https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/liturgical-year/lent/stations-of-the-cross/multimedia-stations-of-the-cross-for-children

Say this to your child:

Station 1: Jesus is punished for our sins. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Ask the question, Why you think Jesus was punished? Listen to their answers….Then say to them, some people did not like that Jesus was talking about God. How would you feel if you couldn’t talk about God and His goodness? It was because Jesus talked about God, that he was punished.

Many people were sad.

Station 2: Jesus receives the cross. It is made of wood and is very heavy for him to carry. Have your child repeat these 2 sentences.

Think of carrying something very heavy and doing it all by yourself. That would be so hard, but this is exactly what Jesus did. He knew that even though this was very difficult, he had the strength of God with him.

Station 3: Jesus falls for the first time. Have your child repeat this sentence.

Jesus falls to the ground and people “mock” him. KC kids know what mock means! If they forgot, mock means to make fun of someone or something. Some people laughed when Jesus fell.

Ask your child was that nice for people to laugh at Jesus? Why not? What would you say or do if you saw Jesus fall?

FOLLOW UP: Have your child think about these first 3 Stations.

Say an “Our Father” for Jesus.


Computer Lab:

Since we assume the students are probably getting a little restless, we are still going to give them a chance to practice their skills but also want to have some fun.

Objective: Keep it simple with some fun exercises that reinforce their course work and continue to work on their typing as well.


§ The lessons this week will all be on abcya.com. Try to let the students find it on their own as they do this in class and it would be a great test.

§ https://www.abcya.com/games/keyboarding_practice_2

§ https://www.abcya.com/games/adventure_man_dash_letters


§ This lesson should be straight forward for the students but the focus is staying active with their skills

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Rhyme Time! Find things that rhyme around your house! Do you have a MOUSE and a doll HOUSE? Are you a BOY with a TOY? Maybe parents can give you one word, and you run around and find the Rhyme! Moms and Dads: Keep me busy for a while and give me a list of easy words like: Cat, Dog, Ball and Fun. Read them to me in advance and send me on my way for a while 😉

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Language Arts:

Using the paper provided to you in your packet called “ABC’s IN A BAG”, please cut out each letter square. Keep them safe in a small Ziploc bag after you use them today. WE WILL USE THESE OFTEN and AGAIN, so please do not glue them at this time.

Scramble up the letters and then sort them back into ABC order. Once you have A to Z, touch each letter as you say (or sing) the alphabet. Now, go backwards! Say the alphabet from Z to A. Touch each letter as you go!

For fun, lay your letters on the carpet. As you say them, in between each letter, clap your hands once. A, clap, B, clap, C, clap. Then go backwards, Z, jump, Y, jump, X, jump!

Save these letters in a bag. We will use them again and often! Please take good care of them 😊

Math: Lesson 8.10- Continue to Find the Missing Part of 10 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students will demonstrate how to find a missing part of 10, using drawings, counters, fingers, etc. to help them solve a ten-frame with the appropriate, matching equation.

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up: Give your child seven small objects like coins, cheerios or beans. Ask your child to add objects until they have ten total. Then ask your child to say the equation (7 + 3 = 10). Repeat this activity by starting with a group of 4, 8, 9, 2, etc. to get to ten objects total.


Thank God for the Blessings He has given us! Make up a special prayer for Him. : )

God’s Love Is So Wonderful video link Watch and try to sing along… it’s fun!


With parental permission, If you have sidewalk chalk, go outside and draw wonderful things that God has given us! Rainbows, trees, flowers, etc! If you don’t have sidewalk chalk, act out something God has given us! Sprout like a flower, twirl like the leaves in the wind, anything you can think of!

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it : Thank you God for our wonderful world and everything in it. Amen.


Dear Kindergarten Families,

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches.

For P.E. class today I would like your child to do the attached workout video. This video does a variety of exercises and will keep your child moving. I enjoyed doing it and encourage family members to participate along with your child. Also, during the rest time in between exercises please encourage your child to either walk or jog in place.


Please make sure your child is staying up to date on his or her exercise log ☺

Have a great day!

Miss Z

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

* Is your play area/room/toy box a bit messy? No one wants to clean up, I know! How about instead, you COUNT AND SORT!?!? Take your toys out bit by bit. Put each into a bin or spot with ones like it. (Legos in one box, dolls in another). Which toy do you have the most of?

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Today's lesson is a bit different than our usual ones. As you heard in Mr. Pryor's message, our lessons will be a bit different on Fridays. This is especially wonderful as we are used to the routine of Mass and Adoration on Fridays. We have added some OPTIONAL lessons your child can do if you choose.

Go on a walk with your family. You can even plan a picnic or bring bird food along. While you’re out together, be sure to take a moment to notice God’s beautiful creation. Find a quiet spot and sit down together. Say a prayer or sit quietly like we do we in Adoration.

Our monthly Virtue for April is Justice. After Mass once a month, the students all enjoy gathering as a school community for this assembly some of the songs Mrs. Salinas shared on Wednesday and a video presentation introducing the Virtue. Take a moment to watch with them and remind them we are still a community, even though we aren't together every day!


This assembly video is also part of Mr. Pryor's Enrichment link:



· Daily Routine with Binder

· Math: Before your family walk, check the time before you leave and when you get back. How long were you gone?

· Social Studies: Practice your home address and phone number. Notice the street names and numbers of your neighbors.

· Religion/Language Arts: Upon returning from your family walk, have your child write a list on the lined paper with the picture box. What did you see? What did God show you? Illustrate your sentence and make sure to add lots of details.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Language Arts:

Log onto World Book online/Follow this link:


This story is called A Perfect Pet. The students in the class want to pick a good pet for their class. Read along and see what they choose.

On your writing paper with the picture box, copy and complete the following sentence:

My perfect class pet would be a ______________________ because _____________________.

Illustrate the pet you picked and draw it in the setting of our classroom. Don’t forget to add some of yourself and your classmates in your picture

Math: Subtraction (Written as Day 3 in their WHITE math packet.)

This Math lesson will act as a review of subtracting or “taking away” part of a group and to correctly form numbers. Remind them to start at the top line when creating a number!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child play “Balloon Pop” on abcya.com. The link is below:


Religion: Many churches have images of Jesus on their stained glass windows. Images of Jesus might also be in our homes. ( A cross, statue or painting of Jesus, books about Jesus, jewelry with a cross etc)

These images help to remind us to live as Jesus wants us to live.

Activity: Using lined paper with the picture box, draw a picture of a church with stained glass windows. Add yourself and Jesus. Use washable markers, crayons, or colored pencils! Don’t forget to start in pencil and add details to your picture. 😊 Finish this sentence: My stained glass windows remind me that Jesus.

Religion and Math activity: Go through your house and look for images of Jesus. Make tally marks of the images of Jesus that you find. Write the number too : ) Any paper will do.

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat: Thank you Lord for all You do for me. I am safe with You. Amen.

Library: See Mrs. Lutter’s page for some read aloud fun: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/3-5-virtual-curriculum/specials/library-lutter?authuser=0

P.E.: From Miss Z

Good morning! Please start today’s lesson with the usual running warm-up followed by stretches. Our P.E. activity is continuing with our Dance Unit theme.

Here are four fun dance videos for your child to do. Bonus points if you do the dance videos with him or her ☺





After your child has finished his or her dance workout encourage your child to take some time and make-up their own dance routine. Let your child pick out a song you feel is appropriate, give them time to practice, and then let them perform it for you! (To add to the fun allow your child to pick a performing outfit to wear!)

Please make sure your child is staying up to date on his or her exercise log ☺

Have a great day!

Miss Z

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Sort things around the house! Sort by color your canned food, socks by color or your whole family’s shoes by size. Help with the laundry 😊

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Language Arts:

Cut and Sort #22 (Letter Recognition: Tt, Gg and Ee)

Start on the page that has the 3 letters with writing lines, please write each letter 2 additional times in your best hand writing. Above, in the small rectangle space, draw a picture of something that starts with that letter. You will do this for each of these letters, once for upper case and once for lower case.

Then, cut the squares on the other page. Do your best to cut on the lines. Sort the letters and glue them under the correct letter on the back of the 1st page. Watch your glue – one dot is enough.

Math: Lesson 8.9- Find the Missing Part of 10 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students demonstrate ways to make 10 by coloring groups of ten cubes, with two different colors. Make sure that the students keep their groups together! For example: If you are using red and blue --- 5 red and 5 blue cubes would look like:

5 + 5 = 10

**Keep the groups together. You do NOT want to create a pattern!**

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Play a guessing game! Take ten objects and have your child count them, placing one object into your hand at a time. Example: One (puts lego in hand), two (another lego), three (another lego), four… and so on. Then, pick a group of objects and put them behind your back. Have your child count the objects remaining in one hand and “guess” how many are behind your back. Remind them that it will equal ten!


We thank God for His love. Ask your child to think of ways we show someone that we care and love them. Some examples you might want to discuss: taking care of someone who is very young or old, STS Food Pantry helping other families we don’t even know by giving food to people in need, praying for others

Using a BLANK sheet of paper (copy paper, construction paper, anything you have on hand) and DRAW a large Cross. Cut the Cross out. Stay on the lines you drew…You will be adding pictures inside of the Cross, so make sure it is wide too. Draw pictures showing your love to God and others. Don’t forget to start in pencil. Use crayons, markers or colored pencils! You may also choose to glue items onto the Cross (flowers, stickers etc) Have fun and make your Cross BEAUTIFUL!

Share your Cross with your family. Tell them about the pictures you drew and/or items you glued. Find a special place in your home to look at your Cross throughout the day. (possibly your refrigerator : )

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat: Thank you God for loving and caring for me. I love you too! Help me to care for others. Amen.


My Dear STS Musician friends,

I miss you all! I would love to receive pictures or videos of all the things you are doing musically. Maybe you have more time to practice your instrument; piano, violin, flute, etc. Maybe you have being singing karaoke or doing singalongs / playalongs on youtube. Whatever it may be, I would love to hear =)

Let’s begin music the way we always do:

Prayer Before Music Class

Glorious God, Thank you for the gift of our voice.

May your spirit guide us

so that we might be the instruments of your peace

And proclaim your glory with glad voices

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Old Church Choir, Zach Williams

The God Who Stays, Matthew West

Practice singing “so - mi” with hand signals

So - Mi Challenge

If you succeed, add La!

So - Mi - La Challenge

Rhythm Practice:

Don’t have a drum or rhythm sticks? Try using spoons, salad tongs, pots, get creative!

Rhythm Challenge 2


Do - Re - Mi: Hand Symbol Review - Practice with the video

Wacky Do Re Mi - try doing your hand symbols =)

Kindergarten Graduation Songs:

Review: Three Piggy Overture

Practice: Three Piggy Finale

SPANISH: Week 2 of Spanish Packet (March 25, 2020)

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Jump the Alphabet: in an open/safe place, sit down on your bottom. Before saying “A”, stand up and JUMP. You should say the letter while in the air. Then, sit all the way down, and repeat for every letter. (This is a modified burpee-feel free to do the real thing if you prefer).

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

KA Lesson for Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Language Arts:

Watch the Read Aloud of Do Not Open This Book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbI5-L3shis Depending on your browser, there may be ads. Just a heads up!

See how the storyteller used the puppet to help her read this book? Make a puppet to help you read your favorite book. Use an old sock, paper bag or whatever you have around the house. You can even use your favorite stuffed animal to help you read! Happy storytelling!


Addition (Day 2 of your White Math packet-- You should see flowers)

For this page, students are asked to model, or draw, counters to solve the addition problem. I suggest drawing circles, squares or other simple objects. This way, it is easier to erase mistakes and to have enough wiggle room for all counters to fit in the section. Students can use their fingers, draw a number line or count in their head to check over their work.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child collect a handful of small, random items from your house or from outside. Have your child sort them into two groups. It could be by color, size, shape, etc. Then have them record that number sentence. Ask them the parts (groups) and the whole (sum) Repeat as needed.


Let’s Celebrate Jesus is Our Friend

Remind your child that Jesus is ALWAYS with them. Give a few minutes of quiet time for your child to pray silently or out loud.

Look at the pictures of different scenes on pg 231 in the Religion book pages. Talk about those pictures. Notice the words Jesus in the Morning. These are words to a song. Listen to the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvoyvsmdn_U

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it

Dear Lord Jesus Thank you for my friends who share, and care about me. Help me to be a good friend too. Amen.


Objective: Reinforce the block programming lessons and continue to work on typing skills.


§ Even though we have covered similar lessons I like to reinforce it. Normally I would walk them through it but this video will work. Please play this video before they start:

§ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THOEQ5soVpY

§ Students should focus on typing skills and work on other academic skills using the computer during this virtual period. Please allow the students to enter the website and attempt to locate the internet. Feel free to help them with this part.

§ Once online, the students should be able to search for code.org

§ Next, they will look for Hour of Code.

§ Scroll down and look for the Angry Birds or Classic Maze game. (see link below)

§ https://studio.code.org/hoc/1


§ This could be a little challenging since with the break we have not focused too much on coding. We are going to focus more on it as it grows mouse skills, following directions, and logic.

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

* Today is our Mrs. Lutter's birthday. If you get an extra minute, let's flood the World's Greatest Librarian's inbox with some AWESOME love!


Have your child create a card and take a picture of it, send a picture of your child reading a book, or send her a video message! I know she will absolutely love anything sent from her KA students! Please CC Ms. Monaghan (and me just for fun!)

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day. I can’t wait to see how many you’ve read!!! Once you’ve reached 10 books on your list, send me a picture of it!!! :O)

KA Lesson for Monday, March 23, 2020

Language Arts:

Get out your library book from your last visit to Mrs. Lutter's Library (or another book if you don't have a library book). Make sure the book is not a sight word/small book, but one that may be a bit more challenging to read.

Look through the book. Track each word (touch each word as you try to read it). Count how many sight words you can find. Make a list of the following words and make tally marks for how many times you count them: THE, AND, FOR, YOU, IT.

Remember with tally marks - one, two, three, four and cross diagonally for five. Then space a bit and start another group.


Math: Lesson 8.4-Fluently Add and Subtract to 5 (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

Students can solve addition equations in their own way (model, finger, counters [cheerios, legos, blocks,etc.], etc.). Ask them “What are some ways you can solve addition and subtraction problems?” Possible answers: Draw a picture, use objects, count on, or count back.

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Show your child the equation 2 + 3 = ? Have them solve the problem any way they choose. Then have your child explain how to solve the problem. Continue to provide your child with a variety of # + # = ? and have them explain their reasoning.


Religion Pages: Ch 26: Introduce the booklet on pg 229 called, Always with Us

Tell them that this booklet will help them remember Jesus.

Read each page in the booklet and have your child repeat each page back to you.

Invite your child to talk about each picture, mentioning what is happening and how they feel about it. Tell your child that no matter what happens, Jesus is with us always.

Follow Up: Using the paper called, Jesus is our forever friend (black and white copy of Religion book-separate from the colorful pages), Draw a picture of yourself with your family and/or friends. Be sure to draw Jesus too. : ) Use pencil first, then color neatly. Make sure you have details (Are you outside? Remember things you see outside….apple trees, sun, etc). If you can’t find this page, no worries – use a piece of paper and label it “Jesus is our forever friend”.

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it: Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for the gift of family and friends. Amen.

P.E. (From Ms. Z)

Dear Kindergarten Families,

I hope you all are making the most of your time together under these difficult circumstances. For your child’s next P.E. lesson I would like you to begin to the best of your ability to have your child do the warm-up. I know if it is raining running inside is hard, but do the best you can given your space. Running in place is not as fun, but still an option and music can be a big help and motivator! Everyone should still be able to continue with the stretches following the warm-up run.

After a quick water break get some energetic music ready for a dance game! We play a game called Animal Freeze Dance at school and I have adapted it so you can play it at your house ☺ Have your child stay in a designated location and pick another area that is not too terribly far away as your child’s go to destination. For example, starting position in front of your couch, go to position at the start of your kitchen. Play fun music for your child. They are to dance when the music is playing. When you stop the music your child should freeze and you call out an animal. Your child should act like that animal to the designated spot and back. When your child returns start the music back up and dance. Repeat

If your child has a sibling encourage the sibling to play as well or if both parents are home have one parent play with your child. Games are always more fun when you are not playing by yourself and remember to compliment your child on their awesome dance moves ☺

Have a great day!

Miss Z

SCIENCE: From Mrs. Young –

Work on measuring using rulers and cooking measurers, balances or scales if you have them.

Assignment: Have fun measuring all kinds of things; preferably in metric units, but whatever tools you have, use those units. Write or draw pictures of the different things you measured and the tools you used. Share pictures with your teachers.

Mrs. Young SUGGESTS baking or cooking to practice measuring. Make some cookies or cakes. Help make meals by measuring ingredients and mixing things together.

Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe, no eggs or dairy. My grandmother and mother both made this.


  • 1 1/2 Cups flour (all-purpose)

  • 3 Tbsp. cocoa (unsweetened)

  • 1 Cup white sugar

  • 1 tsp. baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp. salt

  • 1 tsp. white vinegar

  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

  • 5 Tbsp. vegetable oil

  • 1 Cup water


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix first 5 dry ingredients in a greased 8" square baking pan. Make 3 depressions in dry ingredients –

two small, one larger. Pour vinegar in one depression, vanilla in the other and the vegetable oil in third

larger depression. Pour water over all. Mix well until smooth.

Bake on middle rack of oven for 35 minutes. Check with toothpick to make sure it comes out clean.

Cool. Top with your favorite frosting. Enjoy!

Note: Oven cooking times may vary, be sure to check your cake to make sure you do not over bake.


  • You can double this recipe, just use a 9x13 baking pan.

  • Mix batter in a bowl for neater, easier mixing. Be sure to follow the directions the same way –
    mixing the dry ingredients then making the depressions for the wet ingredients.
    Don't forget to grease your pan. You can also make cupcakes – just mix in a bowl and
    be sure to adjust baking time. (15 to 20 minutes) Makes 12 cupcakes.

  • This recipe is great served warm or cold with just sprinkling
    powdered sugar on top.

  • This cake is also a great activity to do with kids.

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Practice writing your numbers (1-20) in your bath water. If you take a shower, write the letters on the shower walls.

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

KA Lesson for Friday, March 20, 2020

Link to Stations of the Cross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzmhyTP2juE&t=8s

Language Arts:

Watch the Read Aloud of The Bravest Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9qCa0wntIY

Using the lined paper page 1, answer the following questions:

*What is the Title of this story?

*Who is the Main Character? (Who is the story mostly about?)

*Is this Fiction or Non Fiction? (Make believe or True?)

*What is the Setting? (Majority of the story took place where?)

Math: Lesson 8.3-Reasoning (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

This Math lesson teaches students how to use manipulatives (objects) and tell a story to show an equation communicate mathematical ideas. Be sure to ask whether the equation is addition or subtraction. Ask them how they know!

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Tell your child one simple addition and one subtraction story. Have them solve the problem by drawing models (balls, people, ice cream cones, squares, etc.) For example: There are four friends playing at the beach. Three more friends join them. How many friends are there altogether? The equation would be 4 + 3 = 7. Another example: Sally is having a birthday party. There are ten pieces of cake. They eat six pieces. How many are left over? The equation would be 10 - 6 = 4.

Religion: (Mass/Stations of the Cross link)

*Religion Pages: Chapter 26-Jesus Shares his friendship with us

*Read pg 227, The Scripture Verse: Matthew 28:20 to your child.

Using crayons, color the Message in the Sand, “I am with you always” on pg 227

Read the question on pg 228, How can you thank Jesus for being your friend?

Help your child read aloud what it says on each seashell and discuss ways you can do each of those things on the shells. Color the shells.

Parents please say this prayer and have your child repeat it. Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for being my friend. Help me to be kind, to share, and to help others. Amen.

ART: jfrey@sttimothyparish.org


· Complete one or more (if you like) of the activities listed below on your normal art day.

· Use materials you already have at home; pencil and paper will do just fine. If you have markers, colored pencils, crayons, pastels, feel free to use them!

· Remember to draw LIGHTLY! If using only pencil make sure to add shading where needed.

· Show details; put effort into your work, it will be graded.

· Put your drawings in a folder (if you do not have a folder, staple or paperclip your artwork together). You will turn it in to me when we meet for Art Class.

Draw a self portrait.

If you have a pet; draw your pet.

Sit outside in your backyard and draw what you see.

Gather fruit in a bowl and draw it.

Draw your favorite toy.

Create a cartoon character with a background.

Find 8 different textures to take a crayon rubbing.

Draw cats and dogs in space.

Draw your dream bedroom.

Draw what you miss about school.

Design a new cover for your favorite book.

Practice drawing cylinders using cans/jars.

Draw an underwater city.

Draw your favorite pair of shoes.

Build a tower with LEGO bricks or blocks and draw it.

Use a ruler to create overlapping squares/rectangles. Then fill with different patterns.

Draw your favorite saint.

Find a sports ball and draw it with texture and details.

Draw your family.

Place a stuffed animal/action figure near the window. Draw what it looks like in the morning, lunch time, and late afternoon.

Mrs. Frey has sent a special message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUYldnGM5_s&feature=youtu.be

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Name the letter sounds that your breakfast or lunch begins with. For example, if you ate Eggs (E)

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

If you haven't seen this already, check out a few STS teachers reading to our community:


KA Lesson for THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2020

Language Arts/Social Studies:

Log onto World Book Online:


Username: stsathome

Password: tigerathome

(If you’ve already logged on to World Book Online, use this link or follow the step by step instructions below: https://www.worldbookonline.com/wbel/#/story/bk000024/en-US)

If you haven’t already logged on:

Click on the “Early Learning” tab

Click on “Stories”

Click the Picture icon of “Trek” (he looks like a scarecrow)

Find the story titled: “Keeping In Touch”

Click Read and Listen to the story

When finished, use writing paper with a picture box (pg 3). Think about what you have been doing these last few days. Write a letter to someone you don’t live with (maybe a classmate, friend, relative). Tell them about what you’ve been doing. Draw a picture to go with what you have written. Make sure you have hair, hands and clothing! Don’t forget the setting and details!

Try starting with the following:

Dear ______________,

Today I….

Math: Counting (This is not the green Math, this written as Day 1 in a white, stapled math packet. You should see some baseball bats, chicks, buttons, etc. on it)

This Math lesson will act as a review of counting and correctly forming the numbers. Remind them to start at the top line when creating a number! Be sure to write your first and last name!

Math Follow Up:

Have your child count the number of food items on their plate during snack, lunch, dinner, etc. They can tally the numbers up. If they are wanting a challenge, hand your child some paper and a clipboard or piece of paper on top of a book/binder. Any hard, portable surface will do! Think of items around your house (or outside) that your child can “hunt” for. Draw a basic picture and have your child tally the number of items up.

This video can help them with tally marks:



Religion: Chapter 26-Jesus Is Our Friend

Read pg 225 to your child. Ask your child: How do you spend time with your friends?

Read pg 226 Jesus had many friends and the Read Along, The Scripture Verse: John 21:4-13

Watch Jesus Loves Me, https://www.google.com/search?q=jesus+loves+me+youtube&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS752US752&oq=jesus+loves+me+youtube&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.9518j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Follow Up: Draw a picture of how you can be a friend. Be sure to add “details” Tell someone about your picture!

Please say this prayer and have your child repeat it. Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for showing us that you are a good friend. Help me to be a good friend to others.

LIBRARY: From Mrs. Lutter:

Picture Books are for everyone!

It may seem strange that I am assigning the same picture books for 5-12 year olds! The thing about picture books is that we learn different things from them based on our life experiences. So, if you read a book to a 5 year old, their life experiences are more limited than a 12 year old or an adult. I challenge and encourage all families to share their life experiences while and after listening to each book.

After this lesson, you may want to visit: The Spanish Experiment: Spanish Stories

P.E.: From Miss Z

It is very important to keep your child physically active over the next couple of weeks. Your child is used to exercising for 30 minutes on Tuesdays & Thursdays as well as daily recess and after school activities. I would like to give you an overview of what we do in class to help you to keep your child on track physically. We start each class off with a prayer followed by five to six minutes of running inside or two laps around the field outside. (Two laps is just over 1/4th a mile). When running outside, some children choose to run extra if they are finished before others. Immediately following running they are encouraged to get water and we then do our stretches. Attached are pictures displaying the stretches we do in the order that we do them. We do each stretch for 20 seconds counting to ten and back. After we finish stretching we immediately go into our activity for the day. There is little to no down time throughout the class. We are currently working on dance and movements. They have learned multiple jumps, stretches, balance and flexibility stretches, as well as movements. Your children might know these movements as the "yellow and orange cards!" We also have had time for free dance.

For today's P.E. class I would like your child to do the warm-up run followed by stretches and then show you ten moves they have done in class doing them a minimum of three times each if the move is a jump, or for ten seconds each if it is a movement.

Below you will find a link that shows you examples of exercise logs. Your child should fill out an exercise log every day, not just on PE days. If you would like to use your own log, that is fine. The log should include the dates, how much time your child spent exercising each day as well as what type of exercises your child did. This will help them be more accountable for their daily exercise and physical health. I will be collecting these logs when we return to school J

Here is an article explaining the importance of children participating in physical activity.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at czorn@sttimothyparish.org

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Count to 100 while brushing your teeth!

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

KA Lesson for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2020

Daily: (Please practice the following routines as we do them in class)

*Stand and say your prayers & the Pledge of Allegiance

(Sign on the Cross, Hail Mary & Our Father)

*Pray for any special intentions

*Review your Alphabet Sound Chart (In Binder)

*Recite your Number Chart 1 - 100 (In Binder)

*Pray Bless Us Oh Lord before each meal

*Recite Days of the Week and Months of the Year

*Read at least 20 minutes every day (Sight Word books, Raz Kids, hard copy books or other ideas).

Science/Language Arts: Weather/Rain

Log on to World Book Online https://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/products?ed=all&gr=Welcome+St+Timothy+School%21

Username: stsathome

Password: tigerathome

(If you’ve already logged on to World Book Online, use this link or follow the step by step instructions below: https://www.worldbookonline.com/wbel/#/story/bk000024/en-US)

If you haven’t already logged on:

*Click on the “Early Learning” tab

*Click the right, yellow arrow to “Weather” and click on that Weather Rain Cloud icon

*Scroll down to weather stories (blue)

*Find the story titled: “Race the Raindrops”

*Click Read and Listen to the story

When finished, use writing paper with a picture box (pg 1/2). Plan a picnic. Write 2 sentences about your picnic and illustrate. Be sure to include weather and setting details in your story and picture. Remember your best handwriting and spaces between words!

Math: Topic 8 Intro and Vocab Review.

In this section, you’ll find a “Review of What You Know”. You are welcome to do this or save it for later. The purple pages are vocabulary. We review these words together in class. You may like to have your child cut out and use as flashcards, but that is also optional/extra. They do not need to know how to spell the number words, only to recognize the numeral (13, 18, etc.) and count it.

Lesson 8.2-Related Facts (Green Math-Solve & Share Packet)

This Math lesson teaches us how to solve related addition and subtraction equations.

Follow directions at the bottom of each page. You can use any item around your house (legos, socks, coins, etc.) instead of cubes. These help the students as they work through the problems.

We will only complete the Lessons and Independent Practice pages. You may choose to do the Homework & Practice pages if you feel your child will benefit from more practice.


*Write your First and Last name

*Make sure your numbers are in the correct formation

*Give it your best effort!

Math Follow Up:

Using objects around the house (pennies, toys, paperclips), ask your child to make groups of 4 or 5 objects. Next, break each group into 2 smaller groups and write and equation about the groups. For example: Take 5 stuffed animals. Make one group of 2 (giraffe and bear) and one group of three (dinosaur, turtle, lizard). The equation would be 2 + 3 = 5 OR 5 - 2 = 3.


Review with your child the power of prayer. God is always there to listen to us and help us when we need Him. Remember to praise God.

Using Writing Page 1 with picture box and copy and complete this sentence:

Today I will pray for…

Illustrate yourself praying and who/what you are praying for. Remember your details in your drawings and to use your best handwriting!


From Mrs. Salinas:

Dear STS Students,

Below, you will find music activities and interactive videos that you can practice while you are at home doing your virtual learning. I can’t wait to be back to the classroom to make music with you again soon. In the meantime, keep doing God’s work as instruments of peace in your own homes, proclaiming God’s glory with glad voices!

Practice singing “so - mi” with hand signals

So - Mi Challenge

If you succeed, add La!

So - Mi - La Challenge

Rhythm Practice:

Don’t have a drum or rhythm sticks? Try using spoons, salad tongs, pots, get creative!

Rhythm Challenge 1

Graduation Practice: Three Piggy Overture

SPANISH: Senora Dee included a packet for the next 4 weeks of Spanish class. Please refer to her directions on Week 1 (March 18, 2020).

JUST FOR FUN: (Optional)

*Go outside and look for signs of Spring. Remember the story we read about the picnic and rain clouds!

*Keep a list of all the books you read each day.

Here are a few fun things for anyone in grades k – 5 from Mrs. Salinas

For St. Patrick's Day - Irish Zoomba and SHAMROCK BEAT - An Irish Dance

Dear KA Families,

Welcome to this new adventure of distant learning! You will be picking up a 2nd packet of papers tomorrow morning (7:30 a.m.). This is in addition to the packet we sent home last week. Please keep these together as we move forward.

We have worked hard to prepare lessons and activities that won't overwhelm you as parents, although some guidance will be needed. Much of what we have sent home is work the students are familiar with. Ideally, you'll need to read instructions to your child and they can go from there. Some lessons, especially Math and Religion, will need a bit more guidance. Our goal here is to keep our students on track for assessments and learning and we truly appreciate your support!

Here's how this will work:

Starting Wednesday, March 18th

  • Every day you'll receive an email from me with that day's lessons by 8:00 a.m.. It will look lengthy, but that's only because I'm laying out instructions in great detail. I know for some families, it won't be the same person supporting my KA student at home. I want to make sure you have all you need.

  • This same lesson plan will also be posted on here - KA Virtual Curriculum. I will keep all old lessons posted there and the new one will be at the top each day in case you want to go back or miss a day.

  • The beginning of each day your child should review the Morning Routine listed at the top of the lesson plan. This is something they know and have done daily all year. This consistency is key!

  • Please do not work ahead. We sent home many of these papers with a lesson in mind so you wouldn't have to print much at home. Some we will not use right away. Just hold onto them until instructed.

  • The lessons from Specials teachers will also be included in the day's lesson based on our usual schedule. Please direct all Specials Curriculum questions to that teacher.

  • Save all completed work and return it to school in your child's Friday folder when school reopens.

If you child is struggling with any topics - let me know. We will work together and, like we do in class, find something that suits the needs of every child.

I can be reached via email and will be checking often throughout school hours. Please do not hesitate to contact me! Also, as I already miss my wonderful students, please share any excitement that comes about! Feel free to send me pictures, videos, etc. of your child's progress, work they are proud of, art work, missing teeth or any other fun stories that I may have heard during the day! I will continue praying for each of you and my students! Please keep me and my family in your prayers as well.

Here's to keeping KA AWESOME no matter where we are!!!

Helpful Links:

**Link to Kindergarten Lined Paper: https://kindermomma.com/wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads/2019/06/Kindergarten-Lined-Paper.pdf

**World Book Online - This will be used periodically throughout lessons.


Username: stsathome Password: tigerathome

**RAZ-KIDS: Raz-Kids.

You may logon to Raz-Kids via the link below. RAZ-KIDS is an online reading/comprehension program.

Each student's username is: ahanna11 & password is his/her 4 digit Lunch PIN #.

**A great web site for working on letter sounds and reading is: Starfall.com

**Letter School is a great handwriting and letter recognition site. This is available as an app on Ipads/tablets too.: https://www.letterschool.org/

**Direct link to my our SIGHT WORDS on my Teacher Page: https://sites.google.com/sttimothyparish.org/stselementaryschool/ka/sight-words?authuser=0