Schedule Services

Lunch Bunch:

Students in grades 4th-8th can schedule a lunch bunch appointment with the counselor on a google form in Sycamore.  This is an opportunity for students having small problems or wanting some social time with friends an opportunity to do so in a more private area.  Generally students will meet in the reflection room or the sensory room for lunch and companionship.  

Individual Counseling

Students in grades 4th -8th can schedule a one-on-one visit with the counselor through a google form on sycamore and on their chrome books links page.  This allows students to work through concerns in a safe environment.  

Younger students can be referred to the counselor for support by parent or teacher recommendation. Parents can access a counselor referral form on sycamore or through this link:

Counselor referral form 

Group Counseling:

Group counseling is a great way for students to work together and build confidence.  Kids love small group work and can learn skills that may help them grow in confidence and school success. Students may be invited or referred to the school counselor for group counseling services such as social skills and friendship building, self-esteem and confidence, anger management, grief, or anxiety.  These referrals are discussed with parents before any student is allowed to participate in a group counseling session.  These groups are created and implemented as needed.  If you are interested in your student participating in a group as a student role model or for support in these areas, please fill out this information form.  

Group Interest Form 

Parent Meetings/Consultations

Parents are always welcome to reach out to me with questions or concerns about their child, classroom dynamics, mental health concerns, parent education opportunities, etc.  Please feel free to email me at or use the google form to request a visit in person, over the phone or via video chat.  Communication is key and we all work as a team to help our students be successful in school. I have a library of books for parents and students to use to work through many common concerns students face.  I always look forward to working collaboratively with parents.