2nd Grade

Students in all grade levels will have age-appropriate lessons in the following areas:

Self- Awareness

Identifying Feelings

Identifying Traits

Social Awareness

Recognizing others feelings


Disagreeing with others

Respect for other people’s feelings and belongings

Self- Management

Monitoring Stress and coping skills

Growth Mindset - Developing Grit

Showing Self Control

Goal Setting

Responsible Decision Making


Appropriate behavior

Following rules



Students in 2nd grade have been focusing their counseling lessons on ways to help a friend and ways to help others.

One of my favorite books to read to students in 2nd grade is titled what if everybody did that? Students are able to laugh at the silly situations in the book showing what would happen if all people broke small rules. For instance, when you see a wrapper on the ground... ask yourself, what if everybody did that? If you see someone feeding an animal some cookies at the zoo, think about what would happen to those animals if every visitor did that. After reading the story, students love to illustrate and share their own idea for what if everybody did that. My favorites are always ones like: "what if everyone had a friend' "what if everyone listened to their teacher' ' what if every made sure others were not lonely at recess.' These kids have hearts of gold!


Did you know that October is Anti-bullying Month? During October we focus many of our lessons on inclusivity and acceptance for FIRE but also include tricks and tools to prevent and stop bullying behaviors in our school. Students learn ways that they can notice bullying behaviors, both overtly and through more subtle clues. Students also practice ways to notice clues that a friend is sad or lonely and help to check in on friends in a kind and thoughtful way.

Students watched the video McGruff takes a bite of bullying, a short 5 minute video on bullying behaviors and ways to get help from a trusted adult. Students learn to Stop, Talk, and Walk if a bully were to be unkind, rude or aggressive. Students are also taught that most bullies are hurting and use bullying behaviors to try to gain power. Telling on a bully is not a way to get them in trouble but instead a way to help them OUT of trouble!