Mrs. Zdrojewski- School Counselor

262-966-2900 ext. 4013

6th Grade SEL

We are in our Too Good for Drugs Unit.  For more information on this curriculum, please click on this link .  The students are learning about goal setting, decision making, and making healthy life choices.  We have been having some great conversations, and the 6th graders are doing a great job!

 Monthly Character Theme

At Stone Bank School we have monthly character themes, and we will be doing a school wide activity to learn how to show that character trait each month.  Teachers will be including this theme in their morning meetings, community circle times, and through classroom activities.  We encourage parents to talk about the monthly theme and how you can show that trait at home and with family members.

 Here is a list of our monthly themes.  Look for further information in the Reaching Out each month.

September-Caring- LINK for our activity is here

October-Unity- Unity Day was Oct. 21!



January-Generosity & Gratitude- Celebrate national thank you month

February-Friendship & Love




During February we are raising money for St. Jude Children's Research hospital.  Just send in a dollar in an envelope marked with your child's name and label it St. Judes.  They will get a heart to write their name on and hang it on our wall of love.

8th Grade SEL

We are currently in our AODA unit, discussing important topics like vaping, alcohol, and decision making.  

We just finished registering for high school classes!  That was exciting!!  

7th Grade has started SEL quarter 3!  We are starting off the quarter with career exploration!  We are going to be using XELLO along with other tools and resources to explore the world of careers, interests, skills, and learning styles!