Band/Choir with
Ms. Andrews

Hello and welcome to the Band/Choir page for Middle School Music! 6th-8th grade students may choose between 6th-8th grade band or grade level choirs. Band takes place from 7:15-7:45 on Mondays and Wednesdays before 1st period. These students will have a resource period during choir time! Choir and band students will be focusing on individual musicianship, music literacy, rhythmic competency, and music technology projects.

My name is Alexa Andrews and I'm the general music, choir, band, and theater teacher at Stone Bank. I cannot wait to get to know all of the kids and families, and start making music together. I graduated from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Illinois in May of 2020, but I was born and raised in Oconomowoc, WI. 

My teaching philosophy and practices are heavily rooted in music technology, music literacy, experiencing/understanding music in our lives, and creating a safe space for all students. We will be learning through singing, playing, and movement. Music is for EVERYONE.

Important Dates

5th-8th Solo & Ensemble: Saturday, March 16th

8th Grade Musical: Wednesday, April 17th at 7pm; Thursday, April 18th at 7pm

4K-4th Spring Concert: Thursday, May 9th at 1pm and 6pm

5th-8th Spring Concert: Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm

6th-8th Band 

6th, 7th, and 8th grade band students will have the opportunity to choose between band and choir. They will participate in group band class, as well as opportunities to work in small groups independently during their choir class period during the school day. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to participate in Solo and Ensemble through the Arrowhead Feeder Schools. This is an awesome coaching opportunity for our students. 

6th-8th Choir

Choir students will be focusing on individual musicianship, music literacy, rhythmic competency, and technology based projects. Some of the projects include: