Physical Education
Hello Stone Bank Families! My name is Mr. Milz and I am the Physical Education teacher at Stone Bank for all grade levels. Outside of school I enjoy coaching my 4 boys in sports, playing basketball, running, lifting, and watching all the sports! I also started my own business where I teach sports to kids ages 3-8 in the Lake Country area called Rising Star Athletics. I have also coached a variety of sports at all levels from preschool to high school.If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email me at
What are we learning in Physical Education this week?
4k-5th Grade-Soccer
6th-8th Grade-Speedball
How will students be graded?
Skills and Knowledge-SHAPE Standards
PE SHAPE Standards
Classroom Expectations:
* Yourself (By working hard and safely every day to improve your fitness level)
* Others (Always encourage, never put down)
* Equipment (By using it for intended purposes)
Wear proper athletic shoes and clothes!