Honor Band & Honor Orchestra

(Updated September 23rd, 2021)

The KPASS Honor Band is a festival held every year. Students from all over the Kanto area are selected to participate by submitting a recorded audition, which is then judged and ranked through a "blind" audition process. The highest ranking students for each instrument are selected to be a part of the Honor Band.

These top-ranking musicians join together as a group for the opportunity to rehearse and perform top-level music with an exceptional guest conductor. Although the final format will be determined at a later time, it has been determined it will not be done digitally the way it was last year. In addition to being a rare opportunity, it is a great addition to college applications as an indicator of both dedication and talent.

You can apply to take part in KPASS Honor Band if you are grades 9-12 and participate in a music club at Saint Maur. You can apply for the KPASS Honor Orchestra if you are a string player in grades 7-12 and participate in a music club or class at Saint Maur.

Auditions Due

Beginning of November

results received

End of November

Final format

To Be Determined

Honor Band/Orchestra Music 2021-22

Honor Band
Audition Music

Honor Orchestra
Audition music

Audition recordings are due at the beginning of november (exact date tbd)

Audition submission Information

Instructions for submitting your audition will be updated soon.