

Having a healthy relationship with your friends, family members and partners is important. In every relationship you have the right to be safe and respected. 

Recognising the signs of a healthy relationship is key. 

1800 Respect is a great resource to find out more

Unhealthy relationships can take many forms. This may of may not involve physical violence.  Find out more in the link below. 

Violence and abuse in relationships 

Sexual, domestic and family violence can happen to anyone, regardless of the country they are from, religion, sexuality, gender, age, social background or culture.

It can also happen in any relationship, including with:

There are different types of abuse, and they are not always physical. Abuse is a pattern of behaviour, to gain power and control.

No matter what your relationship to someone is, sexual, domestic and family violence are never OK


Consent is an agreement between people to engage in a sexual activity.

Helpful Resources

Below are some apps and campaigns that support your safety 

what3words App

This app provides information to emergency services exactly where you are. You can save and share locations with friends and family also. 


A campaign across bars and clubs that provides help via a coded question to venue staff

Safety Check ios 16

Safety Check helps people in domestic or intimate partner violence situations review and reset the access they’ve granted others. Safety Check resets system privacy permissions for apps and restricts Messages and FaceTime to the device on hand.

Sometimes it is helpful to understand how parents might approach this topic.