Kulilla Centre

A place that is calm, relaxing and inspiring. - Yr 8 Student 


Our College is privileged to be able to provide our students with counselling and support by qualified professionals five days a week in a private purpose built centre.

The College Counsellors and Psychologists provide professional support to students, while considering the wellbeing of every student on an individual basis. This includes encouragement, guidance and assistance in overcoming or living with difficulties they might have. The Counsellors have experience in dealing with a range of psychological, emotional, social, health, domestic and academic issues. In consultation with parents, students are referred to outside agencies when needed.

The Kulilla Centre team work collaboratively with the College Executive, House Coordinators and Diverse Learning Support team to support students. When necessary, The Kulilla Centre team may liaise with parents/carers and teachers in support of students. Student and family privacy is treated with the utmost respect. Our duty of care and limits of confidentiality are explained to students at their first appointment.

Students are encouraged to speak to your House Coordinator as a first point of communication for any concerns or support. You may also contact KC directly by visiting the centre or emailing them kulilla@stmarys.nsw.edu.au