Mental Health
Mental Health
1 in 4 Australians aged 16-24 living with a mental health disorder. Top issues of concern school/study, stress and body image.
ReachOut - It’s normal at various times to feel sad, stressed, angry or anxious. But when these feelings last for longer than usual and start to affect your everyday life, it's important to find out what's going on and what you can do about it.
Kids Helpline - Access to a range of resources on many topics including mental & physical health, relationships, school and life issues.
Headspace - A wealth of resources and access to support services.
Head to Health - Supported by the Australian Government, this resource helps people find trusted information on mental health and wellbeing and support services in Australia.
Beyond Blue - Provides information and support with a particular focus on Depression, Suicide & Anxiety Disorders
Supporting a Friend with Mental Health
My Friend Struggles with Mental Health - It can be hard to see a friend struggle with mental illness, and even harder to know how to help. Don’t worry, neither of you are alone.
My friend is thinking about suicide - Support for you to support a friend.
I'm thinking about suicide - When people have overwhelming feelings of wanting to end their life it might feel like there’s no hope. Kids Helpline can help you find a way through it.
Looking After My Mental Health
Asking for Help...
How to ask for help - Sometimes we need help but we're not able to ask for it. We've got tips on how to ask for help when things get tough.
Coping with emotions - Whether you’re feeling angry, sad, frustrated, lonely, or anxious - it’s important to have some healthy ways to cope with these painful emotions.
Here you’ll find professionally-reviewed mobile apps and tools to help you look after your health and wellbeing.
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer - the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.QPR training will provide you with:
knowledge and skills to identify warning signs that someone may be suicidal
confidence to talk to them about suicidal thoughts
connect them with professional care.