Body Positivity & Eating Disorders 

Our relationship with our bodies is through high school is a really important one. It is not uncommon for young people to experience challenges in this area and research has shown that the Pandemic has increased the incidence of eating disorders and related mental health issues. We hope these resources help you. 

#TheWholeMe - Young People

The Teen Toolkit is about recognising that what you see posted by others is just

one part of their story—a single post or video rarely reflects all that is happening

behind the scenes. The realisation that what we see online isn’t always an accurate

reflection of reality, can help free us from the unrealistic expectations we place

on ourselves to be a certain way, or look a certain way.

Butterfly Foundation  - A national charity for all Australians impacted by eating .disorders and body image issues.  

Headspace - Resources to understand eating disorders and some related myths. 

Headspace  - What is an eating disorder?

Headspace  - Eating for a healthy headspace

Core Confidence  - A safe space that provides support journeys of self acceptance and positive body image. 

Kids Helpline  - Eating disorders can come in many forms. Here are the most common types and their warning signs.

This myth buster is written for young people and their families and friends. It may also be of interest to health and other professionals working with young people. The first section summarises key facts about eating disorders and diagnoses in young people. The second section describes the common myths about eating disorders and provides evidence that counters these myths.
