St Mary’s Scouts has a mandate from the Boards of Management of the Senior & Junior Schools to offer scouting to boys in St Mary’s, to manage its programme of activities, and, under licence from the Irish Spiritan Province which owns the school premises, to use the building in Kenilworth Square. I attach the Memorandum of Understanding between the College and the Scouts that underpins this.
In the all-important area of Safeguarding, reporting of concern in the Scouts is through the procedures of Scouting Ireland. As an additional potential support for concerned adults or children, the two principals (Judith Keane in the Junior School & Denis Murphy in the Senior School) are the Designated Liaison Persons for child protection issues for the two schools respectively. They may be contacted by any person including scouts or scout leaders or parents regarding a child protection concern. They will deal with the issue in accordance with our mandated roles under child protection legislation and guidelines.
St Mary's College appreciate very much the work done by those in the 6/7/8th Dublin Group of Scouting Ireland, and wish them the best in offering all that Scouting can give.