Our school underwent a Whole School Evaluation in 2012. The Department of Education Inspectorate's report is available here

"Overall I am happy with the school"

Parents' Questionnaire

According to the Inspectors... 

Learning environment

'A positive atmosphere prevailed in classrooms, characterised by respectful and courteous interaction'

'measures are in place to monitor students’ development and achievement through tracking and target setting'


'The inspectors met the student leaders, who showed impressive levels of quiet confidence and maturity . . . They are elected by their peers who evidently take this responsibility seriously' 

'The principal and deputy principal form a very effective senior management team, providing efficient management and forward-looking leadership'


'The school’s investment in its teaching resource means it can offer a substantial number of subjects'

'The curriculum offered is broad and balanced' 

'The school’s guidance counselling service has a key role' 

'Learning support is well organised and coordinated and good resources have been provided' 

'The school has strong links with educational projects in Ghana with a focus on teaching and learning rather than on infrastructural development and an innovative exchange programme has begun.'

"I feel safe and cared for in the school"

Students' Questionnaire

"My son feels safe and well looked after in the school"

Parents' Questionnaire


'The parents’ association is highly supportive and proactive' 


'There was convincing evidence of actions taken in response to recommendations made in previous subject inspection reports' 

'The priorities identified include the enhancement of teaching and learning; the expansion and resourcing of the extracurricular programme; and a revitalising of the school’s Spiritan tradition'