Repent this Lent
We’ve been looking ahead to the Third Sunday of Lent this week and a warning from Jesus, “Repent - before it is too late.”
We heard the parable of the barren fig tree; the landowner is tired of waiting for the tree to produce fruit (it’s had too many chances already). He wants to chop it down! However, the gardener pleads its cause and buys one more year to tend the tree, provide what it needs and trust that it will finally deliver the goods.
Like the tree, we are called to live fruitful lives. Lives that contribute to a just world. One of the ways we can recognise the need to repent and change our ways is through an Examination of Conscience. We explored with the children this week how to take a good, hard look at ourselves in readiness for Easter.
Time to fly!
Nursery children have been flying high this week, making the most of their exciting outdoors gym equipment. Children showed such anticipation and confidence: sensibly lining up to wait their turn, bravely ascending the steps before their jump and finally taking to the skies as they launched off the top step. Wonderful! They were having the time of their life!
Taekwondo Champ!
Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Emmanuel for his recent taekwondo success!
He was taking part in the UKTA English Open championship. There were 13 competitors in his group. He won all four of his fights! - The final was utterly nerve wracking; during the last 15 second and Emmanuel pulled off a special move (a jumping spin side kick) to secure the win. He landed it and he won by 8 points in the end!
He is now the English champion Yellow belt under 1.4m. Find out more about where Emmanuel trains here:
Our Father
With our deepest thanks to Prayunsha for preparing this beautiful rendition of the Our Father, in sign language. What a perfect way to explore more fully the prayer that Jesus taught us.
Reception Eggheads
We have loved learning about Humpty Dumpty this week, and the children enjoyed doing their own investigation. Could they protect Humpty Dumpty from the fall?
We first learned about which materials would soften his fall and then applied this knowledge to make an egg protection system.
The children were EGGcellent, take a look at some of their creations...
Repent and change
In Witness Worship this week, Miss Baranowicz introduced us to Anthony Joshua - 2 times world heavyweight boxing champion and only the second Brit in history to win both an Olympic gold medal and a professional world title!
Growing up, Anthony got into trouble with the police. He realised that he needed to not just say, "sorry" but to change his ways. He dedicated his time to sport and soon enjoyed success!
Today, Anthony supports many charities, particularly with a focus on supporting young people and getting them into boxing. He also runs charity events to raise money to help stop crime in London.
Celebrating our Patron
As part of their celebration of St Joseph's Day, children in Nursery had their first taste of woodwork skills, using the vice, hacksaw and sandpaper to cut and prepare dowel rods for their St Joseph's sculpture.
We celebrated a beautiful Feast Day Mass with Monsignor Tony and discovered that we are all very closely connected to Joseph, the universal Saint.
St Patrick's Fun
We had a super afternoon in 6P today, celebrating our Saint, Patrick. Traditional Irish sweet treats were shared, we did quizzes, learnt Gaelic and made fortune teller fact files.
One very kind parent even sent in wrist bands for the children to have a keepsake of the day!
In the Nursery, to celebrate St. Patrick's day, we had a visit from Mrs Ryan's friend Seamus, who came into the nursery to say hello to the children and teach them some Irish dancing.
The children then watched a special Irish parade including Irish dancing. The children then had a go, which they enjoyed!
We also made shamrocks and found out that the three leaves represent the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Aoife made some special biscuits to share with her friends to celebrate the day.
Gripping drama...
Looking for some bedtime reading? - Brace yourself for a dramatic end to the day with these awesome flashbacks from Year 6...
Witness Winners!
Congratulations to this week's Witness Award winners, Emilie and Francesco.
Both children have been praised by staff for their willingness to reflect on their actions and achievements and identify ways they can grow and change to build God's kingdom here at St Joseph's.
Thank you both for helping us truly understand what it means to examine one's conscience.