Forgiving Christ
In this week's worship, we're looking ahead to the 5th Sunday of Lent where we sincerely reflect on the concept of human sin and how we can seek forgiveness. This is an incredibly important message during the Lenten season, as we come ever closer to our Easter celebrations and remember the sacrifice Jesus made to give us ultimate forgiveness.
We hear about Jesus at the Mount of Olives, where the teachers of the law and the Pharisees bring a woman who has committed adultery and command for her to be stoned. Jesus' response is, as always, measured, calm and rooted in compassion, following on from our theme last week. He simply but powerfully says, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” There is no doubt in his mind that no stone will be thrown. He concludes, "Neither do I condemn you."
Infant Art Club
So many masterpieces to celebrate from this term's infant art club with Miss Shail.
Children focused on different skills each week: expressing light and dark through shading and use of darker colours, mixing colours for painting and exploring different textures and patterns.
Netball News
Years 5 and 6 had their first netball tournament on Monday evening at George Abbot. As teams, the children worked extremely well and played brilliantly. Year 6 showed great team spirit and resilience throughout.
After a loss in Year 5's first match, they came back fighting and won the next two. They reached the final against Queen Eleanor's, and won!
Reception's claim to fame...
A few weeks ago, Reception looked at the story "Little Red" by Bethan Woolvin, who also illustrates her own books. The children loved her story and looked carefully at her drawings to help us create their own.
We then emailed Bethan, who LOVED our work and has posted it on her blog - why not take a look.
Cooking for Cafod
Year 5 raised an incredible £132 for Cafod this week, combining their food technology project (savoury muffins) with their Lenten alms giving. Customer reviews of the muffins have been universally positive! All that's left to say is a sincere apology to those children who were met with an empty stall at the end of the day - I know some customers were disappointed to be left empty-handed.
Cross Country Confidence
A proud day for Years 3 & 4 - our confident young runners took part in a cross country race at Boxgrove. They got stuck into the spirit of the event and ran with commitment and enthusiasm. Well done to you all!
Master Bakers in Year 4
In DT in Year 4 this week, we had an exciting opportunity to make bread. Our aim was to create a tasty, healthy snack for a consumer. It worked nicely alongside our Roman topic as the recipe was amended from a traditional recipe. Take a look at our budding master bakers!
The Way of the Cross
It has been a beautiful week for worship in school, once again celebrating our annual Way of the Cross journey in person. Wishing you all a blessed and holy Easter break.
Nursery's Last Supper
The children in Nursery also got to enjoy their own reenactment of the Last Supper this week, sharing bread and "wine" as they learnt about Jesus' final meal with his friends.