Monday 27th April to Friday 1st May


1. Reading

Continue to read and do AR quizzes. Hit for 20 minutes minimum each day.

2. Vocabulary Development

See PDF file attached for this week’s words.

i) Pick 5 words from the ‘Try Using’ column each day and put them into a short paragraph to tell a little story.

ii) Study all the words and try to use them in your day to day conversations/work.

3. Wordwise Unit 14

Complete pages 68, 69 & 70.

4. Handwriting

Continue doing one page from their handwriting book each day. You can use your cartridge pen if you want.


1. Master Your Maths

Begin a new week doing one each day Mon to Thurs + next Friday test. Answer available on CJFallon for self correction.

2. Planet Maths

Our whole school focus for the senior end again this week is ‘Capacity’.

Mon: P 184

Tues P 195

Weds: P186

Thurs P 187

Fri: P 188

E-book available on Folensonline.


1. Write out and learn comprehension questions 3 & 4. These can be found in the attached word document or on my class web page.

2. Sin É 5 Pgs 94 (Grammar – Complete page and learn), 110 & 111. E-book available on Edco.



1. Read through pages 67-71 in 'Small World' Geography and Science book and have a look at the Greece Powerpoint on our class webpage.

2. Complete a report on Greece. Attached is a sample report.

3. Try writing your name using the Greek alphabet.

4. Kahoot: Click on the link below, enter your name into the box and from there it is just like the Kahoot’s we do in school. Alternatively, you can go onto the Kahoot website/app and enter the game pin below. You have until 12pm Friday to complete the quiz. If you have any issues, let me know. Happy Kahooting!

Kahoot Link:


Whole School Focus: Our fitness challenge is now the whole school focus. Remember, once Monday, twice Tuesday etc.

10 seconds high knees, 10 seconds heel kicks, 10 jumping jacks, 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 second plank, 10 second sprinting on the spot.

Feel free to change the activities to create your own fitness challenge which you could share with you classmates and challenge them.


Linked with our SESE for the week, creatively write & design your name using the Greek alphabet.


This week’s song is ‘You’ve Got a Friend in me’. YouTube video and lyrics are on our class web page.