22nd June to 26th June

School Theme for the Week is ‘School Tours’


1. Reading

*If you have not already done so, please take the blue Star Reading Test on Accelerated Reader. Password is ‘admin’ all small letters*

2. End of Year Activity: Complete the end of year school activity on class webpage. There are two versions to choose from.

3. Free Writing: Write a short piece recalling your favourite school tour in St John of God.


1. Master Your Maths: Begin a new week doing one each day Mon to Thurs + next Friday test.

2. Activity Booklet: Pick and complete one or more of the activities in the summer themed booklet on class webpage. The answer booklet is also available but try not to peak at the answers until you have finished.


1. Revise comprehension question 8 to 14.

2. Read the story ‘An Turas Scoile’ on our class web page and answer the questions orally.

School Tour

Pick one of the following four tours and visit the website via the link provided. The whole school focus for the senior classes is to go on a historical tour and to create a piece of art, craft or project work based on the tour that you have chosen. Some ideas include drawing Anne Frank’s annex, creating a 3D titanic using junk materials, do a project on Áras an Uachtaráin etc.

1. Anne Frank’s House: Go on a virtual tour of Anne Frank’s house. https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/

2. Titanic: https://tour.aiwebservices.com/c/titanic/language

3. Viking and Medieval Dublin Tour: This website has some great videos that children can watch to get a sense of what life was like long ago. It has a cool feature to see how Dublin changed over the years, by scrolling along the time line. You can also compare it to present day, creating a nice visual. https://www.dublinia.ie/online-learning/primary/

4. Áras an Uachtaráin: Children can take a virtual tour of some rooms in the Áras. They can also click on each of the guides to learn more about the President, where he lives etc. https://president.ie/en/childrens-section

Other tour sites that may be of interest are:

1. Dublin Zoo: Dublin Zoo has virtual tours every Monday at 10am. The following link will also direct you to pre-loaded virtual yours. https://www.dublinzoo.ie/virtual-tours-2/

2. Robert Irwin's virtual Australia Zoo tour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YBRu5JFHmw


Try again to do 10 minutes Yoga each day. Yoga cards are on our class web page under Sports Week.


School song of the week is ‘Hello, Goodbye’ by ‘The Beatles. YouTube video is on our class web page.

Summer Themed Maths Booklet - Questions.pdf
Summer Themed Maths Booklet - Answers.pdf
Leigh Sa Bhaile (1).docx